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Bye Bye Jolley


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Lets see.. you can't block, you cannot consistently catch passes which are thrown from average armed quarterbacks and now you cannot figure out where the hell you should line up. What value do you have? Please do not tell me the Jets are keeping you to cover themselves from the mindless trade they made. ADIOS!

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I don't understand the Jolley thing at all...I knew this guy couldn't block when we got him, but I thought he was all about catching the damn ball...what's up with that?:confused:

the guy seems to play with his head up his rump-every week he's screwing up-I want players that KNOW what they're supposed to do,that KNOW what the snap count is and that especially know the blitz pick ups.Leon Washington too....we saw what undisciplined blocking does to a team last year and I don't ever want to have to go through that again-get it right or be gone

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It sucks though because they could use him. I don't know why with a QB that can't throw it deep they can't exploit some matchups in the middle of the field with Jolley being covered by a TE.

I guess this was another Bradway classic.

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It sucks though because they could use him. I don't know why with a QB that can't throw it deep they can't exploit some matchups in the middle of the field with Jolley being covered by a TE.

I guess this was another Bradway classic.

ranks right down there with noodle's contract.

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It sucks though because they could use him. I don't know why with a QB that can't throw it deep they can't exploit some matchups in the middle of the field with Jolley being covered by a TE.

I guess this was another Bradway classic.

So Max you were there what was your impression last night-how about a game analysis thread from your vantage point?

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Funny how it works. Appears to me that once a certain aura starts following a guy, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy they often can't manage to shake. For lack of a better example, (and I ain't no Giants fan, let's get that straight) Tiki Barber's attack of the fumbles a few years back. He became so centered on it, became so afraid that he'd fumble, that he'd fumble like it was going out of style. He psyched himself out of it eventually as we all know. Or likewise Jeter's horrible slump of the recent past. Maybe under Mangini Jolley can find a way to overcome, but the raw talent has to be there. Still, a big part of it is head game, for sure. But his blocking does bite. Hoy, whatever.

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Maybe if he had a f##cking QB who could hit him 20 yards down the middle of the field we could accurately judge this guy alittle better.

Pennington is the problem. He is horrible and limits the playbook by 75% with that sh#tcrackhead arm of his.

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Lets see.. you can't block, you cannot consistently catch passes which are thrown from average armed quarterbacks and now you cannot figure out where the hell you should line up. What value do you have? Please do not tell me the Jets are keeping you to cover themselves from the mindless trade they made. ADIOS!

Awful player, awful trade and the Jets are compounding this by not only choosing to keep him but also they passed over a bunch of good tight ends in last year's draft because Mangini and tanenbaum still had faith in this guy.

Fasano, Marcedes Lewis, Dominique Byrd etc. Any of them would have been better than this piece of garbage.

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So Max you were there what was your impression last night-how about a game analysis thread from your vantage point?

I put some of my thoughts in here:


Like I said I was impressed with how quick they get plays in. Was impressed that this coaching staff had their act together.

Didn't like the play of the offensive line. Especially Brick. I thought Mangini sent a real strong message pulling Brick and putting him back in with the backups. He still got his playing time.

I liked the play of the secondary and Robertson had a good game. But they need a pash rush. Maybe they are holding back on the blitz packages which is possible. Thomas didn't have a great game but I really like what I have seen of him. He is all over the place -- really husting and seems to be alright so far in coverage. All good signs.

Like I said in that other thread though. Man there are things that need to be improved. The test will be how long it takes to fix them.

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as for Jolley I've been thinking about this guy-we've all seen guys who come to NYC and were great (or real good before) but for some reason can't get it together in the big city-guys like Ed Whitson,Kenny Rodgers,Jay Buhner maybe Doug Jolley falls into that catergory,because I don't think the guy is that bad.It seems like they're not using him right-trying to make a blocking TE out of a pass catcher

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I find it unblievable how we cannot find ourselves a TE worth a damn...Mickey Shuler was such a long time ago.

I know you guys realize how much a pass catching TE means in opening up the passing as well as the running game is...all these coaches we've been through since the Shuler days and we still can't field that position.

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I find it unblievable how we cannot find ourselves a TE worth a damn...Mickey Shuler was such a long time ago.

I know you guys realize how much a pass catching TE means in opening up the passing as well as the running game is...all these coaches we've been through since the Shuler days and we still can't field that position.

again JFF they're always playing it cute with Jolley if they actually SENT him on some pass routes we might see if that guy we haven't had is right here

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