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Serious question for REAL fans!


Would you still be a fan?  

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  1. 1. Would you still be a fan?

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Would you still be a fan of this team if they were called: LA JETS ?

and/or choose from the following:

a) YES




e) other team

Very tough for me to decide, I am a NY TEAM fan (Yankees, Knicks, Rangers), I dont have any other city favorite team... wow!

Now that the Jets have officially ceded all of NYS to the Bills do you think this game has lost a little of it's luster?:rolleyes:

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Very tough question. I have been a fan since I was 9 and I'm 34 now. But I was new yorker first. I moved to florida when I was 14 and I didn't jump to support the dolphins. Excellent question. I'm stumped. I think I would support them but not sure if they would still my favorite team. I would probably become a bigger Bears fan since I like them. I went to college in Illinois and have rooted for them since. As long as they don't play the jets.

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I'd stick with the Jets if they moved to L.A. (but it will never happen anyways) and like a poster above I'd like the Jets name to stay here ala the Browns when the old Browns (Ravens) peaced out in the 90's. I'd stay the fan of the old Jets who would be the L.A. (Fill in the blank) unless a new team was created here in 5-10 years as the second coming of the Jets and I'd go to them.

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I'd probably stay a Jets fan, at least for a while. Maybe I'd switch teams eventually, but not to the Giants or Bills.

If they would ever go I would want the the team name to stay! As they did in Clevland

No way. I don't want to play pretend like they do in Cleveland. The Browns moved to Baltimore. They are still in Baltimore. End of story.

If the Jets moved to LA, I don't want some fake, pretender Jets to be concocted in NY and parade Namath around like a franchise hero. If the Jets moved, I would hope they'd keep the name, and any new team would pick a new name and identity. I hate when teams who filled a void from a long-gone team try to steal the identity of a franchise that they aren't connected to (see The Mets -- "Jackie Robinson Stadium" talk).

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