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The Hockey Fight YouTube Thread


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G.O.B and I have been posting back and forth in the NHL Forum about how bad NHL hockey has become.

There are hardly any fights anymore, let alone bench clearing brawls.

I'll begin with the infamous Bruins/Rangers game in '79:


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G.O.B and I have been posting back and forth in the NHL Forum about how bad NHL hockey has become.

There are hardly any fights anymore, let alone bench clearing brawls.

I'll begin with the infamous Bruins/Rangers game in '79:


shouldn't this be in the hockey forum? Just asking. It seems it would since it's about hockey and there IS a hockey forum by your own admission. :pats:

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shouldn't this be in the hockey forum? Just asking. It seems it would since it's about hockey and there IS a hockey forum by your own admission. :pats:

The thing is, how many non-hockey fans love watching the fights? They'll miss out if they're kept in that forum.

If you don't approve, I highly recommend posting monkey pictures in the hockey forum. GOB doesn't like that sort of thing.

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1. If Ecurb can post 10 threads a day about himself or the first person reaching 11 posts 'wins', then a hockey fight thread can stay in the lounge. If BoomBoom can continue to waste our time with threads about his belly button lint or the weird residue on his taint, then a hockey fight thread can stay in the lounge.

2. PDM hit the nail on the head. Some people enjoy hockey fights, even if ccording to J-Max_81 we're all pricks.

3. The same thing goes. If you can't relay your opinion without insults then don't.

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1. If Ecurb can post 10 threads a day about himself or the first person reaching 11 posts 'wins', then a hockey fight thread can stay in the lounge. If BoomBoom can continue to waste our time with threads about his belly button lint or the weird residue on his taint, then a hockey fight thread can stay in the lounge.

2. PDM hit the nail on the head. Some people enjoy hockey fights, even if ccording to J-Max_81 we're all pricks.

3. The same thing goes. If you can't relay your opinion without insults then don't.

I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy hockey fights. I'm just saying you shouldn't say the game sucks because there aren't enough fights. If you're not a hockey fan just say you're not a hockey fan, don't comment on how good or bad the game is.

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This shows how gutless the Rangers were back in the day..they let Dale rolfe(who was not a fighter) get his ass kicked..his career was never the same after this.


I wasnt around to see them but many fellow Ranger fans told me about how depressing the smurfs were to watch.

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I wasnt around to see them but many fellow Ranger fans told me about how depressing the smurfs were to watch.

Actually,that video was from 1974 or 75..it was pre smurfs....the smerfs were led my little Mark Pavelich in the early 80's.

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Great thread Gainzo...surprised my brother had never posted this fight. One of my all-time favorite games.


Great tune to go along with it. The rivalry isn't what it used to be, but in the heyday there wasn't a better matchup in hockey. Roy got his ass kicked by Vernon, and then the very next year got his ass kicked by Ozzie.

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Hey guys if you like hockeyfights go to hockeyfights.com and you'll get everything from there. I don't own that site or am even affilliated with it, it's not a shameless plug.

The Rangers game today had a line brawl, good stuff. Here's a vid. I ****en hate Downie, fighting Tyutin first off and then leaving the visor on while proceeding to beat him up, pathetic. Orr did good, two fights in two games.


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