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NBA Ref invovled in game fixing with mafia


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Stern has spent so much time selling the NBA "brand" he forgot to watch his own games.



July 20, 2007 -- THE FBI is investigating an NBA referee who allegedly was betting on basketball games - including ones he was officiating during the past two seasons - as part of an organized-crime probe in the Big Apple, The Post has learned.

The investigation, which began more than a year ago, is zeroing in on blockbuster allegations that the referee was making calls that affected the point spread to guarantee that he - and the hoods who had their hooks in him - cashed in on large bets.

Federal agents are set to arrest the referee and a cadre of mobsters and their associates who lined their pockets, sources said.

"These are dangerous people [the referee] was involved with," a source said.

One source close to the probe counted the number of games on which the ref and his wiseguy buddies scored windfalls in the "double digits."

NBA Commissioner David Stern is aware of the investigation and has a report about the referee on his desk, another source said.

The official, whose name was withheld, allegedly wagered on games during the 2005-06 and 2006-07 NBA seasons.

James Margolin, an FBI spokesman, declined comment on the latest black eye for professional sports.

The sources indicated the referee apparently had a gambling problem, slipped into debt and fell prey to mob thugs.

"That's how he got himself into this predicament" by wagering with mob-connected bookies, one source said.

Professional basketball has remained largely unscathed by allegations of game-fixing, although college basketball has been rocked by several scandals involving point-shaving by players, but not officials.

One of the most recent was a Boston College point-shaving scam arranged in the 1980s by mobster Henry Hill, who bribed several players. Hill later became a government informant, and his life was depicted in the movie "GoodFellas."

Having a referee in their pockets provides a two-fold bonanza to game fixers.

Gamblers would be able to directly cash in by betting on games where they knew the point spread was compromised.

But having a ref in their pocket could prove even more lucrative to crooks in a bookmaking syndicate.

Bookmakers hope to encourage an equal amount of betting on each team and make their money on the "vigorish," which is typically 10 percent of a losing bet.

But armed with the inside information, the bookmaking syndicate could set an artificial point spread that would encourage large "layoff" bets from other bookies carrying too much action on one team, that were likely now to lose.

An FBI organized-crime squad in the bureau's flagship New York office is handling the case, but the referee traveled the country officiating various games on which he allegedly bet.

It was not determined which games were allegedly affected by the referee's actions, or how much money may have been won by him and his cohorts.

The FBI got wind of the scheme while conducting a separate mob investigation.

The most prominent American sport- gambling scandal in recent history involved Cincinnati Reds manager Pete Rose, who was banned from baseball in 1989 for betting on his own team.

Based largely on testimony of two Rose associates, Ron Peters and Paul Janszen, Major League Baseball determined that from 1985 through 1987, Rose bet on baseball, including 52 Reds games in 1987, at a minimum of $10,000 a game.

All of Rose's bets on Cincinnati were to win.


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The ref under investigation is Tim Donaghy-40, Villanova grad, 13 years as an NBA ref, 7 years prior to that in the CBA. Apparently he was the ref Rasheed Wallace went after, resulting in a 7-game suspension.

I wonder-does this middle class guy, working in a league filled all these knuckleheads in the NBA making sick money and decide why shouldn't he, the league's very integrity, get a little for himslef? Not an excuse or a justification.Just a though how someone goes from having integrity to "I want my piece".

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The ref under investigation is Tim Donaghy-40, Villanova grad, 13 years as an NBA ref, 7 years prior to that in the CBA. Apparently he was the ref Rasheed Wallace went after, resulting in a 7-game suspension.

I wonder-does this middle class guy, working in a league filled all these knuckleheads in the NBA making sick money and decide why shouldn't he, the league's very integrity, get a little for himslef? Not an excuse or a justification.Just a though how someone goes from having integrity to "I want my piece".

Middle class guy??? NBA salaries are between 90,000 and 200,000. Works 3-4 games a week. Gets per diem, hotels, and flights paid for...

Compared to the players, he would be in poverty.

He gambled his way into debt. Fixed games to get his way out.

He is a scumbag.

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Middle class guy??? NBA salaries are between 90,000 and 200,000. Works 3-4 games a week. Gets per diem, hotels, and flights paid for...

Compared to the players, he would be in poverty.

He gambled his way into debt. Fixed games to get his way out.

He is a scumbag.

Agreed. I'm not excusing, merely explaining. May be he sees all these kids come in making millions and many of them not really caring much about winning and losing. At some point, every official must be tempted, but so far only this guy succumbed.

But you want to know what-how many NBA games have you seen with nonsense calls, that seem to favor one team over another, be it the home team or a superstar? Or, if you're aware of the pointspread, shennigans in the final moments that might not matter in the outcome, but ultimately decide the spread? I wonder if this is the only guy they caught or it's much bigger than that.

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Agreed. I'm not excusing, merely explaining. May be he sees all these kids come in making millions and many of them not really caring much about winning and losing. At some point, every official must be tempted, but so far only this guy succumbed.

But you want to know what-how many NBA games have you seen with nonsense calls, that seem to favor one team over another, be it the home team or a superstar? Or, if you're aware of the pointspread, shennigans in the final moments that might not matter in the outcome, but ultimately decide the spread? I wonder if this is the only guy they caught or it's much bigger than that.

I know you were explaining... just didnt want people to get the impression they live paycheck to paycheck... its a great gig.

I dont watch the NBA... way too boring, way too many stupid calls by the officials, way too many timeouts, way too many commercials.

I wouldnt doubt there are others doing something similar... maybe not with the mob, but little things where they do gamble or help others who do gamble...

heck, a few got caught cashing in their 1st class plane ticket for coach and not claiming the money back in the 90's... tax evasion!!! the refs are scumbags too. the whole league is full of scumbags and is why the league is headed for certain disaster in the next 10 years.

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There is terrorists to be caught! Let everyone dog fight and gamble illegally!

The pointsspread is sacred.That, ice, heavy metal, beer and opposable thumbs seperate us from the canines and other outdoors-dwelling creatures.

Heck, everyone knows the NBA is a total WWE-type fix job anyway.

Stern made Tim Donaghy sound like the mastewrmind on the grassy noll rather than some Napoleon complex douchebag he hired, tolerated, promoted and ignored when he committed some serious indiscretions. This guys' getting arrested for going postal on mailmen in a gated commuity about his garbage pails getting touched by a postal truck, and Stern does nothing. That they claim they thoroughly verified Donaghy not gambling with any AC casino, they really must think we're all idiots. You cannot walk into a casino or get a room without verifying your name. They knew who he was, may be they weren't inclined to release it. But either the Borgata knew Donaghy's job was at stake or the NBA security is the biggest collection of lazy retired cops in history,and the only ones who don't have retired cop friends in casino security offices. The simple fact is Stern has no idea if Donaghy is one guy,or he has a whole crew who are playing fast and loose. Are we also to believe that the crews Donagy worked with had no idea he was gambling, and never said anything about his bizarre calls.

Thought is was pretty funny Stern, a man who's allowed the stars to ignore the rulebook for decades, now acts all put upon like he and the NBA never put their finger on the scales of justice. One of the many reasons for the USA sucking in international play is superstars driving the lane with 4 steps expecting international refs to give them the foul or not call walking or charging. Go back to freezing ping pong balls, you ambulance chaser.

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The pointsspread is sacred.That, ice, heavy metal, beer and opposable thumbs seperate us from the canines and other outdoors-dwelling creatures.

Heck, everyone knows the NBA is a total WWE-type fix job anyway.

Stern made Tim Donaghy sound like the mastewrmind on the grassy noll rather than some Napoleon complex douchebag he hired, tolerated, promoted and ignored when he committed some serious indiscretions. This guys' getting arrested for going postal on mailmen in a gated commuity about his garbage pails getting touched by a postal truck, and Stern does nothing. That they claim they thoroughly verified Donaghy not gambling with any AC casino, they really must think we're all idiots. You cannot walk into a casino or get a room without verifying your name. They knew who he was, may be they weren't inclined to release it. But either the Borgata knew Donaghy's job was at stake or the NBA security is the biggest collection of lazy retired cops in history,and the only ones who don't have retired cop friends in casino security offices. The simple fact is Stern has no idea if Donaghy is one guy,or he has a whole crew who are playing fast and loose. Are we also to believe that the crews Donagy worked with had no idea he was gambling, and never said anything about his bizarre calls.

Thought is was pretty funny Stern, a man who's allowed the stars to ignore the rulebook for decades, now acts all put upon like he and the NBA never put their finger on the scales of justice. One of the many reasons for the USA sucking in international play is superstars driving the lane with 4 steps expecting international refs to give them the foul or not call walking or charging. Go back to freezing ping pong balls, you ambulance chaser.

Ha ha!

David Stern is a ponce!

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Thinking about it, nickel slots players looking for a free lunch give their name for comps. Given the little we know about what a nasty loudmouth Donaghy was, we are to believe he gambled big bucks in the Borgata, yet never asked to be rated for comped rooms and meals, nor gave his credit card for markers. Sounds like the first chink in the NBA's carefully-crafted rogue ref story. It's not remotely plausible. Casinos are publicly-trade companies, not mafia fronts. Stern absolutely lied, or someone in NBA security lied and he simply accepted it because he wants to believe it. Tim DOnaghy without a doubt gambled in casinos and it was known. Either soemone wasn't doing his job, or it wasn't aprt of their job description to begin with.

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I know you were explaining... just didnt want people to get the impression they live paycheck to paycheck... its a great gig.

I dont watch the NBA... way too boring, way too many stupid calls by the officials, way too many timeouts, way too many commercials.

I wouldnt doubt there are others doing something similar... maybe not with the mob, but little things where they do gamble or help others who do gamble...

heck, a few got caught cashing in their 1st class plane ticket for coach and not claiming the money back in the 90's... tax evasion!!! the refs are scumbags too. the whole league is full of scumbags and is why the league is headed for certain disaster in the next 10 years.

way to much bill walton


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One nugget, so far barely remarked on, in Donaghy's plea agreement-certain officials were and are known to favor or go against certain players. Donaghy, after accesing the NBA's ref assignments, bet on and steered his friends to refs who were working games in which their favor for or bias against players allowed for them to beat the spread.

In essence, the NBA is a total fix job, and it's an open secret in the NBA's offices.

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One nugget, so far barely remarked on, in Donaghy's plea agreement-certain officials were and are known to favor or go against certain players. Donaghy, after accesing the NBA's ref assignments, bet on and steered his friends to refs who were working games in which their favor for or bias against players allowed for them to beat the spread.

In essence, the NBA is a total fix job, and it's an open secret in the NBA's offices.

Hey, NBA players didnt make up the term "The Jordan Rules" for no reason when he was playing.

All you have to do is pop in Game 7 Lakers/Trail Blazers 2001 and watch the refs work like hell to ensure for David Stern the country wouldnt be bored to death with a Pacers/Trail Blazers NBA Finals. Blazers were kicking the Lakers' arses from pillar to post all game, then the 4th quarter rolls around and the Lakers did anything they wanted on the court while the refs swallowed their whistles. Kobe's 5 step travelling violations went uncalled, Shaquielle Oneal swinging arms and hacking every blazer who approached the paint with no fouls be called. It was a total charade. The game was fixed with a friggin wrench.

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