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Does anyone else think the Nets can be serious title contenders if sean williams is what he is supposed to be and if jason kidd can keep playing the way he has been for the last couple years???

No way...







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ecurb, you're overrating the Bulls, all they are is a young team with a few stars who is fortunate to be in the east. I can't see them getting to the finals until they get a capable starting post up big man. Bulls are overachievers and won't be contenders.

The Pistons aren't fading away, and will rise to prominence again.

The Nets will be one and done this year.

The Cavs will be contenders with Gibson and James

The Heat suck.

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ecurb, you're overrating the Bulls, all they are is a young team with a few stars who is fortunate to be in the east. I can't see them getting to the finals until they get a capable starting post up big man. Bulls are overachievers and won't be contenders.

The Pistons aren't fading away, and will rise to prominence again.

The Nets will be one and done this year.

The Cavs will be contenders with Gibson and James

The Heat suck.

The Bulls are the 2nd best team in the East right now...

They are upgraded from last year, and Thomas/Deng are even more experienced...

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You got to think about this, if Richardson/Carter/Kidd are all healthy along with that center they have, they could be a threat.

But they wont be... they have a history of it and that has to be factored in...

Bulls have...

Hinrich / Duhon / JamesOn Curry

Gordon / Sefolosha / Griffen

Deng / Krhyapa / Nocioni / Griffen

Joe Smith / Nocioni / Tyrus Thomas / Noah

Wallace / Noah / Aaron Gray /Thomas

Thats a lot of talent and a lot of depth...

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But they wont be... they have a history of it and that has to be factored in...

Bulls have...

Hinrich / Duhon / JamesOn Curry

Gordon / Sefolosha / Griffen

Deng / Krhyapa / Nocioni / Griffen

Joe Smith / Nocioni / Tyrus Thomas / Noah

Wallace / Noah / Aaron Gray /Thomas

Thats a lot of talent and a lot of depth...

You are a serious homer, it's not even funny.

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  • 3 weeks later...
As a long time Nets fans since 1988-1990 I would say the Nets look good with Magloire not completely sold on him but I think with Krstic healthy & Jefferson, Hite & Malik Allen who is a rebounder and tough inside post player if he can knock down shots like Mikki Moore I like our chances.

I like this guy already

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The Bulls are the 2nd best team in the East right now...

They are upgraded from last year, and Thomas/Deng are even more experienced...

Chicago Bulls are a good team do not get me wrong but one thing that was a mistake was letting to of PJ Brown he provided mental, inside interior toughness with the addition of Ben Wallace they had a good chance to be a shot blocking duo. Deng will get better but wont achieve a new height to where he'll be a #1 option. Gordon is playing for a contract this year so I expect him to come out running and gunning.

The thing about the Nets is they have the best PG in the Eastern Conference with Jason Kidd yes hes 34 yrs old & you question how long can he keep this up well if you looked at the FIBA games he quite showed leadership still remaining undefeated despite his lack of scoring. Vince Carter with a new deal should feel comfortable knowing this is now his chance to take it up to another level and bring back his Vinsanity I hope so or Ima start calling him Vince Slaughter again.

Richard Jefferson if he can remain healthy could provide his former 2004 self and he was avg 22.2 ppg we need a healthy RJ he takes alot of pressure off Kidd, Boki, Vince cause he demands isolation and is a slasher also a good passer.

With Maglioire we should see Collins mins shrink sufficently but dont count Collins out he is still our best inside defender what he did on Bosh, Jermaine Oneal, Shaq, Jamision over the course of his career is remarkable. Marcus Williams has shown promise in the off season despite people still may doubt his toughness.

I really like the Nets chances with Allen I really do hes a rebounder, extra body, bangs boards, can knock down the jump shot Kidd did wonders for Mikki Moore imagine what he can do with this guy.

The Nets to me have to be the most improved team of all the years since Kenyon left this is the time for the Nets to make a run now expect a block buster trade to go down with Allen maybe JO is still in the mind of Thorn.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone else think the Nets can be serious title contenders if sean williams is what he is supposed to be and if jason kidd can keep playing the way he has been for the last couple years???

They can be serious contenders in the East but not for an NBA Title. If healthy they are as good as anyone in the east and should be the bst team in the Atlantic, yes better than the overrated Celtics even though their sudden re-emergence of a fanbase wouldn't agree.

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  • 2 weeks later...
They can be serious contenders in the East but not for an NBA Title. If healthy they are as good as anyone in the east and should be the bst team in the Atlantic, yes better than the overrated Celtics even though their sudden re-emergence of a fanbase wouldn't agree.

good point now not only do we have to put up with sox fans and pats fans now we got the celtic fans again

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They can be serious contenders in the East but not for an NBA Title. If healthy they are as good as anyone in the east and should be the bst team in the Atlantic, yes better than the overrated Celtics even though their sudden re-emergence of a fanbase wouldn't agree.

The sudden reemergence of a fanbase? Are you ****ting me? The Celtics have done very well over the last few years drawing fans to the Garden.

Do the Nets even have fans?

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  • 5 months later...
The Bulls are the 2nd best team in the East right now...

They are upgraded from last year, and Thomas/Deng are even more experienced...

Hows that working out for ya?

I've noticed you haven't posted a thing about the Bulls in a long time.

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