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Smizzy's Lunch


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he's probably looking at his monitor and then back to the camera.

That dude needs to put down the chips and go for a friggin' walk. Jeez.

He has a bunch of videos...the chips, a package of ice cream sandwiches, 9 bostom creme donuts, a can of soup, a pack of cookies..damn.

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He has a bunch of videos...the chips, a package of ice cream sandwiches, 9 bostom creme donuts, a can of soup, a pack of cookies..damn.

I'll admit I've pigged-out on many occassions, who the hell hasn't??? ... ice cream, bag-o-chips, but never put it on public display!!! ha ha.

PS: I could probably eat a whole package of Oreos. This is why I refuse to buy snacks of any kind, no ice cream, no cookies, no crackers. etc. I'm boring. Otherwise I'd be the size of a house. I sneak every now and then... who the hell doesn't?!!!


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Jesus Christ, that guy has t!ts in front and back :eek:

He looks like he has never lifted a finger to do anything but eat. he should be ashamed of himself, he's a young guy that has absolutely no build. it's not that he's fat, but my sister has more muscle than that guy. :eek:

With that said..Smizzy, I can help you! :lol:

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