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Happy Father's Day


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I know it is a day early but i figured a lot of people wouldnt be on tomorrow...so.. to all the dads out there..

Happy Happy!!! Thank you for being there and loving your children! Today is your day and you deserve it!!!

::wub ::wub

Relax and enjoy!!! =D>=D>:mrgreen:

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I know it is a day early but i figured a lot of people wouldnt be on tomorrow...so.. to all the dads out there..

Happy Happy!!! Thank you for being there and loving your children! Today is your day and you deserve it!!!

::wub ::wub

Relax and enjoy!!! =D>=D>:mrgreen:


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Got my father's day presents early. The new Foo Fighters CD, a Sears gift card and a pregnancy test with a funny little cross on it. Not sure what's up with that.

WOO HOO!!!! Grant is going to have a sibling!!! Congrats Alk!! ;)

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Foo Fighters,Green Day and NIN-keeping rock and roll alive thank God someone still is.and for the congrats-thank you from this dad/granddad-I'm hoping for either a mandolin,a new guitar stand,a music stand or 3 harmonicas a G,G#,and an A-if anyone's interested...

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Thanks for the father's day wish. I wish it was a happier occasion. On wednesday I learned my mom has ovarian cancer, stage 4. They will treat it with chemo but the doc told me...she has 4-5 years tops. I have never been as devastated as I am now. You know, in this world, you can a lots of many things but you will only have one mother..


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Thanks for the father's day wish. I wish it was a happier occasion. On wednesday I learned my mom has ovarian cancer, stage 4. They will treat it with chemo but the doc told me...she has 4-5 years tops. I have never been as devastated as I am now. You know, in this world, you can a lots of many things but you will only have one mother..


so sorry to hear that. Hang in..My mom ended her chemo a few months back..It totally sucked. but KEEP the FAITH

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Dam, I just sent you a PM about my best wishes to your family, then I just read your post. I'm truely sorry about that.

If there is anything I can do to help you get through this just let me know. I dont know how I could help, but I will do it.

I dont know what must be going through your head right now, I can tell you I dont know how I would react to news like this.

I hope for you and your family that there is something that can be done and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy every moment of every day with your wife and the rest of your family. I wish you the best and I will pray that things turn out for the better.

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Thanks for the father's day wish. I wish it was a happier occasion. On wednesday I learned my mom has ovarian cancer, stage 4. They will treat it with chemo but the doc told me...she has 4-5 years tops. I have never been as devastated as I am now. You know, in this world, you can a lots of many things but you will only have one mother..


Happy fathers day to all out there that are fathers and to your fathers.

LL I Hope for the best for your mother.

To my own father RIP dad.

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I know it is a day early but i figured a lot of people wouldnt be on tomorrow...so.. to all the dads out there..

Happy Happy!!! Thank you for being there and loving your children! Today is your day and you deserve it!!!

::wub ::wub

Relax and enjoy!!! =D>=D>:mrgreen:

Very nicely said GG!!!!

Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful dad's!!!! Have a great day tomorrow!!!

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Yes, Happy Fathers Day to all out there. Hopefully I won't be joining you old timers any time soon. :lol:

Yeah, it would be really awkward if your kid was having to drive you to the grocery store and whatnot.

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Happy Fathers day and thank god for this day.

Thank god for my son ,I have 2 but my son dylan changed my life. I was a misserible SOB who hated everyone and everything. I wasn't a good member of the comminuty to say the least. My boy changed me and my life. I own the world to him,,,without him there wouldn't be no me. Id be dead or in jail and wouldn't have any clue what an amazing life we have made for ourselves.

When my son Dylan was born i cried for 3 hours. It was like the sun was shinning on me for the first time in my life and it's that feeling keeps me going.

This fathers day....Im happy as sh*t that i have 2 great boys and a family of my own. Never had one of my own growing up and it's all i ever wanted.

Heather,Dylan and Jaden have made this life worth living for me and i can't ask for anything more.

I love anybody who takes cares of their kids and their family! It's the little things that mean so much...Im wasted...i should shut up niow..

but ill just finish by saying...Happy Fathers day to all my Fathers out there...take a second tomorrow to sit back and enjoy the moment.

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Happy Fathers day and thank god for this day.

Thank god for my son ,I have 2 but my son dylan changed my life. I was a misserible SOB who hated everyone and everything. I wasn't a good member of the comminuty to say the least. My boy changed me and my life. I own the world to him,,,without him there wouldn't be no me. Id be dead or in jail and wouldn't have any clue what an amazing life we have made for ourselves.

When my son Dylan was born i cried for 3 hours. It was like the sun was shinning on me for the first time in my life and it's that feeling keeps me going.

This fathers day....Im happy as Sh#t that i have 2 great boys and a family of my own. Never had one of my own growing up and it's all i ever wanted.

Heather,Dylan and Jaden have made this life worth living for me and i can't ask for anything more.

I love anybody who takes cares of their kids and their family! It's the little things that mean so much...Im wasted...i should shut up niow..

but ill just finish by saying...Happy Fathers day to all my Fathers out there...take a second tomorrow to sit back and enjoy the moment.

Great ******* post, Smizzy. You actually brought tears to my eyes, no sh*t.

I hear ya. I was anti-kid til the day my wife told me she was pregnant. I literally considered never having one. Now, 8 1/2 months later, I'd shoot anyone who got in the way of my daughter and I. I love her to death.

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Happy Fathers day and thank god for this day.

pretty cool Smiz-I have no respect for guys that abandon their kids or men who hit women(pussy ****s)we are defintely blessed that we were chosen to BE fathers-I know for me all the sh*t I've done and I truly believe if I didn't have a family there would be no use for me on this planet.My children's god spared this boy.MANY times many many many times-I'm grateful

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Happy Fathers day and thank god for this day.

Thank god for my son ,I have 2 but my son dylan changed my life. I was a misserible SOB who hated everyone and everything. I wasn't a good member of the comminuty to say the least. My boy changed me and my life. I own the world to him,,,without him there wouldn't be no me. Id be dead or in jail and wouldn't have any clue what an amazing life we have made for ourselves.

When my son Dylan was born i cried for 3 hours. It was like the sun was shinning on me for the first time in my life and it's that feeling keeps me going.

This fathers day....Im happy as Sh#t that i have 2 great boys and a family of my own. Never had one of my own growing up and it's all i ever wanted.

Heather,Dylan and Jaden have made this life worth living for me and i can't ask for anything more.

I love anybody who takes cares of their kids and their family! It's the little things that mean so much...Im wasted...i should shut up niow..

but ill just finish by saying...Happy Fathers day to all my Fathers out there...take a second tomorrow to sit back and enjoy the moment.


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I have 3 kids. When my first son was born he seemed fine. Did well on his Apgar (that prep class really paid off). After so many weeks of worrying about my babies health I remember exhaling and thanking God, thinking wow everything is alright. I heard him cry. I heard my boy cry. Life is good.

Then (to make a long story short) he had a hard time breathing. Had to run with the nurse. Ran right past my entire family who was hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

I remember being in the nursery and the nurses pulling down the shades so nobody could look in. I remember them banging on his back and telling him to breathe. Really pounding on him hard. I remember the nurses saying how his first apgar was so good and how they seemed so nervous. I remember them talking about his pulse ox and how it wasn't good. I remember them screaming at the neo-natal intensive care people. Send a doctor down here now. No not a nurse, a DOCTOR.

I remember sitting there and talking to God. I asked him to please let my son be healthy. I asked him to please let him live. Because at that moment it felt a whole lot like he wasn't going to.

I remember going to the neo-natal intenisve care and hearing about spinal taps and every cardiac test imaginable. I remember trying no to cry and praying some more.

I remember going back to see my wife. The girl who I have loved since I was a teenager. I remember looking her in the eyes and telling her what was going on. I remember telling her that everything was going to be fine. I remember not believing a word that I said.

My son is ten years old now. I got to coach him today. I got to tell him hey son you are the starting pitcher. I got to see his smile each inning as he jogged off the field. I got to tell him on the way home, hey you know you were the winning picher right?

Sometimes I think it all started for me when I sat down in the nursery. When I asked God to make it alright. I have not had one single bad day since that moment.

Today is Father's Day. People will buy me stuff. Which makes me laugh. Because when I think of my three kids and how much God has blessed me I realize that there is nothing else I need.

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Some outstanding posts and thanks ladies for the Fathers Day wishes. My "baby" called yesterday to tell me she was coming home to be with me for Fathers Day after she gets off work. 21 years - and it seems like yesterday. I also wept like a river as I sat and watched this little 5 lb peanut contort her face and spend her first hours in this world in the hospital nursery. I remember questioning myself as to how I was going to pull off the job of Fatherhood and prayed that I do the right thing as often as I could. When her Mom passed away 3 years later, there was no question in my mind of what to do or how to do it. The love and bond that God created in me for this little girl is the strongest and most natural feeling that exists. I've made mistakes in parenting her and I'm sure to make some more, but by and large I've been guided by a set of love based principles that far exceed any virtue I have in me to raise her. I also got some very good guidance from a guy I'll be calling today who devoted his life to giving me what I have. A guy who worked nights and weekends so that I could grow up in the suburbs and be safe and in a good school district. A guy who ran out of a landing craft with other Marines on the beaches of Iwo Jima and Okinawa against horific obstacles and odds so that I can live free in the greatest country in the world. He lives 300 miles away and I can't be with him today, but I'll be calling him to tell him I love him and to thank him for everything. Everything.

LL - very sorry to hear about your Mom. Dont give up hope.

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