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Is this fata$$ really worth losing Jonathan Vilma? You know how the Fins have rode Zach Thomas' Back for over a decade?

You know how the Bears feel about Urlacher and before that Dent?

Ray Lewis is the Ravens.

MLB'ers are so vital.

We have a GREAT one!

Do you want him or an 11-12 coach? It is that simple?

And it's also obvious that the Clemens guys will be faced with the same question.

Chad and Fatboy.

or Clemens,Vilma and a coach with experience, a NEW YORK coach, not a Jersey Coach.

Bill Cowher's not Ray handley's! This is NY, you want to "practice" being a head coach go to Hofstra!!!Fata$$ Punk!

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You are right. MLB is vital. We just have a soft, undersized one. Essentially we have a large safety playing ILB/MLB. JV has had one good season. ONE! After his rookie season, even in the 4-3, he was not a dominant impact player. He is too soft at the point of attack. Period. He has one good asset, closing speed. That is it. If a RB is running away from him, he can run him down. Yeah, that's the player you want in the middle! That's who you build your defense around! We have sucked against the run since Vilma has been here.

He is the Chad Pennington of the defense. One good season, and the rest is all rep, no substance.

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You are right. MLB is vital. We just have a soft, undersized one. Essentially we have a large safety playing ILB/MLB. JV has had one good season. ONE! After his rookie season, even in the 4-3, he was not a dominant impact player. He is too soft at the point of attack. Period. He has one good asset, closing speed. That is it. If a RB is running away from him, he can run him down. Yeah, that's the player you want in the middle! That's who you build your defense around! We have sucked against the run since Vilma has been here.

He is the Chad Pennington of the defense. One good season, and the rest is all rep, no substance.

The Madden Games make him so good while he sucks. They just put him good cause they say "well he had a good rookie season so we should make him good every year.

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Is this fata$$ really worth losing Jonathan Vilma? You know how the Fins have rode Zach Thomas' Back for over a decade?

You know how the Bears feel about Urlacher and before that Dent?

Ray Lewis is the Ravens.

MLB'ers are so vital.

We have a GREAT one!

Do you want him or an 11-12 coach? It is that simple?

And it's also obvious that the Clemens guys will be faced with the same question.

Chad and Fatboy.

or Clemens,Vilma and a coach with experience, a NEW YORK coach, not a Jersey Coach.

Bill Cowher's not Ray handley's! This is NY, you want to "practice" being a head coach go to Hofstra!!!Fata$$ Punk!

We should fire Mangini now and hire Cowher before anyone else has a chance to hire him. Time to start looking towards '08 now. Time to bench all the starters so we can see if the 2nd team has any decent players. Need to do it now, seasons over.Time to cut players who wont be here. Sign some arena players and look for a diamond in the rough. Heck, the season's over right?? might as well put the worst possible team out there so we get a high draft pick.

Time to scour the parking lots before games and look for some potential players. They should hold tryouts during halftime. They do it now with that stupid field goal kicking contest...

I say we bench Vilma so we can save him for next season...no need for that wear and tear on his body. Put him on IR. He's so great we need to save him for our next coach.

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We should fire Mangini now and hire Cowher before anyone else has a chance to hire him. Time to start looking towards '08 now. Time to bench all the starters so we can see if the 2nd team has any decent players. Need to do it now, seasons over.Time to cut players who wont be here. Sign some arena players and look for a diamond in the rough. Heck, the season's over right?? might as well put the worst possible team out there so we get a high draft pick.

Time to scour the parking lots before games and look for some potential players. They should hold tryouts during halftime. They do it now with that stupid field goal kicking contest...

I say we bench Vilma so we can save him for next season...no need for that wear and tear on his body. Put him on IR. He's so great we need to save him for our next coach.

He's still a good MLB when he gets a decent DL line playing in front of him.

Why dont you compare his play to the other LBs on the team, who have ALL svcked much worse than him this season. But I guess you just watch the ball when it is snapped, or you'd know better.

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He's still a good MLB when he gets a decent DL line playing in front of him.

Why dont you compare his play to the other LBs on the team, who have ALL svcked much worse than him this season. But I guess you just watch the ball when it is snapped, or you'd know better.

According to Lance Vilma is awesome. So if he's so awesome, shouldnt we save him for next year??

Guess you failed reading comprehension in school.

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We should fire Mangini now and hire Cowher before anyone else has a chance to hire him. Time to start looking towards '08 now. Time to bench all the starters so we can see if the 2nd team has any decent players. Need to do it now, seasons over.Time to cut players who wont be here. Sign some arena players and look for a diamond in the rough. Heck, the season's over right?? might as well put the worst possible team out there so we get a high draft pick.

Time to scour the parking lots before games and look for some potential players. They should hold tryouts during halftime. They do it now with that stupid field goal kicking contest...

I say we bench Vilma so we can save him for next season...no need for that wear and tear on his body. Put him on IR. He's so great we need to save him for our next coach.

I mean I understand you hold a strong position on something, but to say things like




Things like that makes people like me believe you live in a fanasty world. And those things would never happen. I mean really come on man.. What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I mean I understand you hold a strong position on something, but to say things like




Things like that makes people like me believe you live in a fanasty world. And those things would never happen. I mean really come on man.. What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going along with Lance's idea of firing Mangini. If the season is over like everyone else says it is, why not make drastic moves now. And I would love to see tryouts during halftime. that would make going to a game awesome.

Its tough getting sarcasm across on the internet. I dont like dumbing it down with;););););) so people get it.

I thought the tryout thing would have convinced you I was joking.

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Whoever taught you the game of football failed. So if Vilma was awesome lets save him for next year? Again with these comments.

I grew up watching the Coslet/Kotite teams. What do you expect???

I just look forward to the team leaving it all out on the field and playing hard for 60 minutes. Thats what Kotite taught me as long as they played hard and lined up in numerical order for the national anthem it was a good day

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I was going along with Lance's idea of firing Mangini. If the season is over like everyone else says it is, why not make drastic moves now. And I would love to see tryouts during halftime. that would make going to a game awesome.

Its tough getting sarcasm across on the internet. I dont like dumbing it down with;););););) so people get it.

I thought the tryout thing would have convinced you I was joking.


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You guessed wrong. Again.

then how the hell did you misread my post if you passed reading comprehension/??

here ya go:

I say we bench Vilma so we can save him for next season...no need for that wear and tear on his body. Put him on IR. He's so great we need to save him for our next coach.

So where in that statement did I bash Vilma and say he sucks???

he is responsible for our teams sucking this year like every other player and coach.

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He's small, slow and weak in a position than requires you to be big, strong and fast. Think Adalius Thomas, and think of him filling a doorway while VIlma looks like a junior high kid. Whether you line him up in the 4-3(which the did a lot of last week, if you had occasion to break off this Mangini bashfest and perchance watch the game) or the 3-4, he is not a good player, may be less than average.Either way, no OC is staying awake during jets week becauxe he has to worry about Jon VIlma busting up plays. He gets pushed around by guards, and cannot slide off their blocks.

He's the king of the tackle 8 yards upfield, with the back dragging him another yard or 2. As to his tackle numbers, Greg Biekert of the Raiders led the NFL every year in tackles for a while, but I never heard anyone say Greg Biekert was a great LB.

This is getting old. it's gonna be a long season, and a longer offseason if knaves like Lance Mehl(in real life a complete and total LB who had a great career cut short by injury-tyypical Jets!) want to continually pretend the players on hand are better than they really


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The Madden Games make him so good while he sucks. They just put him good cause they say "well he had a good rookie season so we should make him good every year.

Or it could be that he still lead the team in tackles last year, and made the probowl his second year...

Just sayin.

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Or it could be that he still lead the team in tackles last year, and made the probowl his second year...

Just sayin.

He is supposed to lead the team in tackles. the scheme is supposed to push everything into the middle. Unfortunately, making the most tackles 8 yards downfield is not something to brag about.

And the probowl is a popularity contest. He went to the probowl, as an alternate, because of his rookie season. Or do you think he deserved it in 2005 on the 28th ranked defense?

JV is supposed to be an elite impact player, right? Since 2005 he has 0.5 sacks and 3 ints in 3 seasons. A really big play, impact player, huh?

Just sayin.

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He is supposed to lead the team in tackles. the scheme is supposed to push everything into the middle. Unfortunately, making the most tackles 8 yards downfield is not something to brag about.

And the probowl is a popularity contest. He went to the probowl, as an alternate, because of his rookie season. Or do you think he deserved it in 2005 on the 28th ranked defense?

JV is supposed to be an elite impact player, right? Since 2005 he has 0.5 sacks and 3 ints in 3 seasons. A really big play, impact player, huh?

Just sayin.

Sacks, Ints?

Remember we're talking about a LB here, more specifically a MLB/ILB. For your information, MLBs/ILBs rarely blitz and rarely get sacks. Also, since they are not DB's, they'll probably only average 1-2 ints per year.

If tackles isnt a good judge of how good an ILB is, then Ints and sacks are a terrible judge.

The best judge would probably be tackles for loss, or tackles on run vs. pass plays...

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Sacks, Ints?

Remember we're talking about a LB here, more specifically a MLB/ILB. For your information, MLBs/ILBs rarely blitz and rarely get sacks. Also, since they are not DB's, they'll probably only average 1-2 ints per year.

If tackles isnt a good judge of how good an ILB is, then Ints and sacks are a terrible judge.

The best judge would probably be tackles for loss, or tackles on run vs. pass plays...

Don't bother..when people have an agenda against a certain player here there is no shedding light on the situation.

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Don't bother..when people have an agenda against a certain player here there is no shedding light on the situation.

Listen, I don't have an agenda against any player who does his job. JV is supposed to be our defensive star, our impact player. He is soft against the run, which is an ILB's primary job description. He does not take on blockers, is soft at the POA and doesn't ever blow up plays. He is good at running around the pile though, and helping his teammates off the ground.

I know people wish he could be a dominant player like he was at UM, but he is too small to be an impact player inthe NFL. He has heart, works hard, but will never be elite in any scheme, 4-3 or 3-4. He is an oversized safety, not an ILB.

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Once again... reading is tough... I asked you where in that statement did I say he sucked?

and you respond with a different thread and edit my comment??

I guess Max didnt mean you in his POTW winner. Go to JI, they need you.

Your post was not quoted out of context, was it? You did write what i posted, didnt you?

Try watching the game away from the ball, and analyzing how the players arent being properly utilized before you join the lynch mob crowd.

JI sucks, but its not too far behind this place in the hatin' on players.

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We should fire Mangini now and hire Cowher before anyone else has a chance to hire him. Time to start looking towards '08 now. Time to bench all the starters so we can see if the 2nd team has any decent players. Need to do it now, seasons over.Time to cut players who wont be here. Sign some arena players and look for a diamond in the rough. Heck, the season's over right?? might as well put the worst possible team out there so we get a high draft pick.

Time to scour the parking lots before games and look for some potential players. They should hold tryouts during halftime. They do it now with that stupid field goal kicking contest...

I say we bench Vilma so we can save him for next season...no need for that wear and tear on his body. Put him on IR. He's so great we need to save him for our next coach.

I don't know if that wasreal or sarcasm but Great F---ing Post!!!!

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This is getting old. it's gonna be a long season, and a longer offseason if knaves like Lance Mehl(in real life a complete and total LB who had a great career cut short by injury-tyypical Jets!) want to continually pretend the players on hand are better than they really


Lance Mehl was a great LB'er and whether I'm a "knave" or not, and I admit I don't know

what thatis, you're inelligent has me stymied again,

You aren't gonna convince me that Jonathan Vilma is NOT a good Linebacker. Was he Lance? Well, that's a different story.

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Your post was not quoted out of context, was it? You did write what i posted, didnt you?

Try watching the game away from the ball, and analyzing how the players arent being properly utilized before you join the lynch mob crowd.

JI sucks, but its not too far behind this place in the hatin' on players.

come by sec 131 next week and show me how you watch the game. There will be plenty of seats available.

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