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So I've Lost 7 Pounds....


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At your age Joey, do it the normal way and it shouldn't be that hard.

Change your diet (no junk....cut out beers if possible) and do 30-45 minutes of cardio excercise 4 times a week if possible. You could do that at your home if no time for gym etc.

Mix in a little wieght training to ensure you tone as you lose weight.

It's all better explained online, you just have to search around. Once you get passed the first couple of weeks it is somewhat mentally addicting.

....OR.......he can buy a $35 bottle of FucoThin and do none of that stuff and STILL lose weight

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....OR.......he can buy a $35 bottle of FucoThin and do none of that stuff and STILL lose weight

That's part of the problem with these miracle diet products. I have been losing weight by running 2 miles a day and still eating fast food 3-4 days a week. That doesn't mean I'm getting that much healthier. The idea is to start eating better, not doing one thing so you can continue doing all of the other bad things without any repercussions other than my heart exploding at 40. :lol:

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LOL... I hear ya but he's a kid and should give it the old fashioned shot first...dontcha think?

what is happeneing with me and the wife is the losing weight is making us not so sluggish and inspires you to go out for a walk and it becomes a cumulative (my spell check disappeared) effect-one thing leads to another ya know? So I'd say start with the Fucothin and see how you feel

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Serious post here.

I am seriously seeking any advice I can get from people who actually have lost a good amount of weight. I need to do it for my health wise. My metabolism is one of slowest in the universe, but I do need to lose around 50lbs if not more.

Serious answer:

There's nothing like the martial arts to drop weight, get your cardio, and increase your metabolism. They also instruct you how to eat right.

I've been studying Isshinryu for over 10 years, and it's done me well. Any martial art will do. But to be honest, kick boxing, IMO, will kick your ass and get you in shape tout de suite.

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Serious answer:

There's nothing like the martial arts to drop weight, get your cardio, and increase your metabolism. They also instruct you how to eat right.

I've been studying Isshinryu for over 10 years, and it's done me well. Any martial art will do. But to be honest, kick boxing, IMO, will kick your ass and get you in shape tout de suite.

I agree with that! I lost a ton of weight doing kick-boxing/tae kwon doe-type cardio workouts. I was SO IN SHAPE, strong legs, waste was tiny and arms cut.

Damn, I gotta get to that.


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....OR.......he can buy a $35 bottle of FucoThin and do none of that stuff and STILL lose weight


I have a heart condition so unless this bottle doesn't also add an increase to heart beat, I can't use it.

My life sucks. No diet pills for me.:-?

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Update: Stepped on the scale this morning. 203.8 lbs. :headbang: Nothing but old fashioned running. Only problem is my ankle has been throbbing for about two weeks now. Just gotta keep pressing on until I break down I guess. :lol:

Wait wasn't there a thread a while ago where you were looking for cheap running shoes? Maybe instead of running in your kmart kicks until you destroy your ankle you should go and invest 150.00 in your future as a non-cripple? Just sayin' lol

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I have a heart condition so unless this bottle doesn't also add an increase to heart beat, I can't use it.

My life sucks. No diet pills for me.:-?

Yeah, that changes everything bro, especially with diet pills and exercise. You should consult with a doctor about what you can do as far as exercise. As for diet, with a heart condition of some type you should really be serious about what you eat. A few years ago i lost about 70 lbs in 6 months just watching fat% of what i ate. The key is to eat 30% or less of your total calories for the day from fat. The way to figure that out is to look at the label on the food, and for every gram of fat( total fat, not just saturated or wahtever) and multiply it by 9, since a gram of fat contains 9 calories as opposed to a gram of protein or a gram of carbohydrate which contains 4 calories. So if something you want to eat has 100 calories, 3 grams of fat, you multiply 3x9 which would be 27 which would fall under the 30% number. I didn't really worry about protein or carbs, as long as you keep the fat to 30% or less the other two will work themselves out fine.

In combo with this, you might want to ask a doctor if you can take alli, an over the counter weight loss product that is the little brother of a perscription drug. It doesn't raise your heart rate or anything, what it does is block fat absorption. A lot of fat is absorbed by the body in the intestines, alli pretty much keeps you from absorbing some of that fat by blocking it. Which means some of the fat you would normally absorb is expelled in your waste. In combo with the low fat diet i described this could lead to some impressive weight loss, especially for a young guy like you. The biggest downside to alli is if you decide to still eat high fat foods, because the more fat you eat, the more is blocked from absorption in the intestines, and the more that is blocked, the more forceful that waste gets expelled, or put simply, if you eat high fat foods you will sh!t your pants. While this is a negative side effect, it also kinda forces you to stick to the low fat diet which is what some people need as an incentive. Also, the stuff is not cheap, but if you divert 60% of your beer budget to this instead it will pay off in the long run.

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Wait wasn't there a thread a while ago where you were looking for cheap running shoes? Maybe instead of running in your kmart kicks until you destroy your ankle you should go and invest 150.00 in your future as a non-cripple? Just sayin' lol

I wasn't looking for cheap cheap running shoes. I just didn't want to buy a $100 pair of shoes and then find out that I hated running. I wound up buying a pair of Nike running shoes. My left ankle feels great, my right one not so much.

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Wait wasn't there a thread a while ago where you were looking for cheap running shoes? Maybe instead of running in your kmart kicks until you destroy your ankle you should go and invest 150.00 in your future as a non-cripple? Just sayin' lol

Wasn't there some survey that came out not long ago and basically said that sneakers/running shoes etc from Kmart is no better or no worse than 99% of the expensive stuff?

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Wasn't there some survey that came out not long ago and basically said that sneakers/running shoes etc from Kmart is no better or no worse than 99% of the expensive stuff?

i don't know of that survey off the top of my head, but i do know about r&d costs, manufacturing costs in asia, and materials cost because of my other job in the field of product design/development working with asia, and let me say, to a degree you do get what you pay for. Of course that hefty price tag for the latest greatest nikes includes the endorsement fees paid out and slick commercials, but at the end of the day nobody can make a quality product for 10% the cost of a high quality item. You can get close asthetically but you do get what you pay for overall.

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Serious post here.

I am seriously seeking any advice I can get from people who actually have lost a good amount of weight. I need to do it for my health wise. My metabolism is one of slowest in the universe, but I do need to lose around 50lbs if not more.

switch to LITE BEER...lol:love0038:

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Hadn't had a chance to chime in, congrats on the weight loss, hope it's still going well. Just watch out for the 1 meal a day thing, that actually slows your metabolism down quite a bit.


Dude, you have time to workout if you make the time. All you really need is 30 minutes a day. Now bear in mind, I am overweight myself and could stand to lose about 30-40 pounds and use the same excuses you do. 30 minutes is nothing dude. Wake up earlier. You don't need that 30 minutes of hitting the snooze. Get up and go run for that time. Do some pushups and situps. You'll actually feel better and more awake throughout the day. You have to find the motivation and just do it. At your age, simple exercise will help you lose a ton of weight. You don't even need to change your diet all that much at all. You SHOULD, but your body can handle the excess calories so long as you are active.

I am going to be getting a home workout machine within the next couple weeks, and I have a very good treadmill as well. I am going to start getting my fat ass in shape. I have already stopped smoking, and quite frankly I need to just release the anxious energy I have from nicotine withdrawal. I am one of those weird people who actually loses weight when I quit smoking. Last time (and only other time I ever really tried to quit) I lost 40 pounds in 6 months. This time the smoking is gone for good-I have my dad to thank for that. I just can't wait to dust off the treadmill and get this ridiculous layer of fat off of me.

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Dude, you have time to workout if you make the time. All you really need is 30 minutes a day. Now bear in mind, I am overweight myself and could stand to lose about 30-40 pounds and use the same excuses you do. 30 minutes is nothing dude. Wake up earlier. You don't need that 30 minutes of hitting the snooze. Get up and go run for that time. Do some pushups and situps. You'll actually feel better and more awake throughout the day. You have to find the motivation and just do it. At your age, simple exercise will help you lose a ton of weight. You don't even need to change your diet all that much at all. You SHOULD, but your body can handle the excess calories so long as you are active.

I totally agree with you. Earlier this year I was getting up at 5am, to the gym and back by 6:30am. After a few weeks it became routine and I had tremendous amounts of energy throughout the day. Then I got derailed somehow.

But, I'm trying to get back into it! It's not easy, but gotta do it.


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my gut has been reduced drastically-I don't have a scale at the house but next time I go to Winn Dixie will give a weight loss update-I'd say I'm down at least 10 pounds by now-I know these 34" waist pants I'm wearing today are a lot easier to get on and move around in now

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I would love to lose 30-40 pounds.

you looked really good at the pats game. :D

yeah... my attempt to embrace my "zoftig-ness" isnt going really well :lol: although i did not have one piece of halloween candy last night.. so that is good...

and the candy corn threat is almost over .... i just have to stay away from the sale bags for the next week :P

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BAN THE SPAM!! BAN THE SPAM!! :lol: Just kidding. I have actually been working on losing some weight too by running 5 nights a week. That is only half of it though. If I don't want my heart to explode by the time I turn 40 I need to start eating better. Unfortunately if I took this stuff and started dropping even more weight it would be that much harder for me to change my eating habits.


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I actually think you are better served running sprints for 15 minutes (sprint for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, repeat, or some other combination you want to try out). Less time but more intense workout, which I think can benefit everybody.

Actually i think to get any cardiovascular benefit you need to get your target heart rate up for at least 20 minutes but 30 would be better. Under that amount of time and you don't see much benefit.

But yeah, everyone has to start somewhere.

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