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Broncos | Team expected to trade with Lions


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It's amazing that some Jet fans can be so unwilling to see reality about this owner and this FO. You know whats ridiculous? How this joke of a FO did nothing as the team fell apart last offseason, but you'd rather kill the messenger as usual. Clueless.

Mike what were you going to do ? Bench everyone ? Cut people and take huge hits on the cap ?

Mangini did what he could last year in the way of player moves when he benched Chad for Kellen. He shuffled around the OL looking for some combination that would at least give the QB 2 seconds to set up before running for his life.

In hindsight: The Jets FO made a huge mistake trading Kendall. Maybe it works out in the long run but this past season ? Huge error in judgement.

I think the Jets will be active in FA. They'd be fools not to be considering their state right now. Let's not though freak out everytime a rumor goes around about this guy could be going to Denver or this or that.

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Or the Broncos want Vilma & this is the Bait they intend to use for trade:

  • Williams & Denver's #1 (2nd overall)


  • Vilma & New York's #1 (6th overall) & New York's #3 (67th Overall)

Now that would make a little more sense!

That's the thing Baumer. Some people pretend to know exactly what the Jets did/are doing in negotiations. Maybe the Jets called and were told it would take Vilma, Coles, and pick #6. I don't know. Nobody on this board knows. Don't let that stop them from pretending they do though.

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Mike what were you going to do ? Bench everyone ? Cut people and take huge hits on the cap ?

Mangini did what he could last year in the way of player moves when he benched Chad for Kellen. He shuffled around the OL looking for some combination that would at least give the QB 2 seconds to set up before running for his life.

In hindsight: The Jets FO made a huge mistake trading Kendall. Maybe it works out in the long run but this past season ? Huge error in judgement.

I think the Jets will be active in FA. They'd be fools not to be considering their state right now. Let's not though freak out everytime a rumor goes around about this guy could be going to Denver or this or that.


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Unilke you I'll refrain from name calling (what else is new). I'd rather see fiscal responsibility and bringing in multiple quality players as opposed to blowing the whole pile of cash on two guys. That's just me though. I give this FO a pass on last off-season as it was the first they had with any money to play with. If they don't make some moves this off-season I'll be pissed. Unlike some lunatics though, I'll actually wait and see what happens before I judge the results. It's amazing to me that some Jet fans are clueless and don't look at the money Woody has spent since getting here. He hasn't spent it wisely (thanks Herm and Terry) but he has spent a TON of cash on this team. Yet some fools call him cheap because he doesn't spend tens of millions every single off-season. Nice logic.

When was the last time we signed a worth while player? I mean a real difference maker all out type...Someone that was high profile and that lived up to his billing? And I am not talking about an over the hill type....I for one, will pounce on Woody and his so called management team. I think that we deserve to have a real team on the field. Patience is out the window....I'm way too old for that and I have seen this too many times. If we put the same garbage team on the field as we did last year, how can you continue to support an owner whose sole intention is to rob you of hard earned dollars and give you a bad college team in return? It is not being pessimistic, it is called learning from the past...and from what I seen of Woody since he took over the Jets, our future does not look very bright.

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When was the last time we signed a worth while player? I mean a real difference maker all out type...Someone that was high profile and that lived up to his billing? And I am not talking about an over the hill type....I for one, will pounce on Woody and his so called management team. I think that we deserve to have a real team on the field. Patience is out the window....I'm way too old for that and I have seen this too many times. If we put the same garbage team on the field as we did last year, how can you continue to support an owner whose sole intention is to rob you of hard earned dollars and give you a bad college team in return? It is not being pessimistic, it is called learning from the past...and from what I seen of Woody since he took over the Jets, our future does not look very bright.

You make an EXCELLENT point. My feeling on this issue is this. The current FO has been in charge for two off-seasons. They have had money to spend in ONE off-season. They didn't. If they fail to get some good players AGAIN then I, like many Jet fans will be pissed. However, I will wait and see if they fail to sign any players before I get diarrhea of the mouth over moves they haven't made before they've had a chance to make them.

Woody, as I said has spent A LOT of money on contracts for players who didn't deserve the money they commanded. Maybe he's a bit gun shy now. Maybe he told Mangini that there would be no more Mo Lewis', no more Cartis Martins, no more Wayne Chrebets. Let's get good young talent. Maybe Woody Johnson said "you know what?, I've spent enough, no more big contracts". If that is the case there will be no activity this off-season and I will be justifiably pissed off at this organization. We shall see.

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You make an EXCELLENT point. My feeling on this issue is this. The current FO has been in charge for two off-seasons. They have had money to spend in ONE off-season. They didn't. If they fail to get some good players AGAIN then I, like many Jet fans will be pissed. However, I will wait and see if they fail to sign any players before I get diarrhea of the mouth over moves they haven't made before they've had a chance to make them.

Woody, as I said has spent A LOT of money on contracts for players who didn't deserve the money they commanded. Maybe he's a bit gun shy now. Maybe he told Mangini that there would be no more Mo Lewis', no more Cartis Martins, no more Wayne Chrebets. Let's get good young talent. Maybe Woody Johnson said "you know what?, I've spent enough, no more big contracts". If that is the case there will be no activity this off-season and I will be justifiably pissed off at this organization. We shall see.

I agree, and btw if I am wrong about Woody and co, I have no problem eating crow. But the same garbage as last year is simply not acceptable.

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I agree, and btw if I am wrong about Woody and co, I have no problem eating crow. But the same garbage as last year is simply not acceptable.

Agreed 100%. I'm just not in need of any medication that prevents me from taking a "wait and see" approach. One off-season of few transactions following a 10-6 playoff season isn't going to make me jump ship. As I said though, another off-season like last and this FO has got to go. Even bringing in one "big name" with some B level FAs will make me happy as long as they draft well and don't take a RB who can't break a tackle and get a guy for the trenches. Any RB can produce behind a good line. No RB can produce consistently behind a bad one.

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You'd think the few apologists for this incompetent FO around here would learn from last off season when they were made to look like fools. I guess not.

So you're saying that one off season defines a FO? Nice sample size.

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Agreed 100%. I'm just not in need of any medication that prevents me from taking a "wait and see" approach. One off-season of few transactions following a 10-6 playoff season isn't going to make me jump ship. As I said though, another off-season like last and this FO has got to go. Even bringing in one "big name" with some B level FAs will make me happy as long as they draft well and don't take a RB who can't break a tackle and get a guy for the trenches. Any RB can produce behind a good line. No RB can produce consistently behind a bad one.

Are you so clueless that you mention the fact that you were fine with last offseason AND the fact that no RB could produce behind a bad oline in the same sentence and not realize how moronic that is? The line was GARBAGE last year with OR without Kendall and they did NOTHING to fix it.

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Or the Broncos want Vilma & this is the Bait they intend to use for trade:
  • Rogers & Denver's #1 (2nd overall)


  • Vilma & New York's #1 (6th overall) & New York's #3 (67th Overall)

Now that would make a little more sense!

I'll guess you mean 12th overall, which is where Denver picks; not 2nd.

Value-wise that would be:

Broncos #12 = 1200

Jets #6 = 1600

Jets #68 = 260

Rogers + 1200


Vilma + 1600 + 250

So we're losing 660 "points" in the draft (value of a late 1st-round pick, #28).

So trade-value-wise, you're advocating the value of Vilma AND a late first-rounder for Rogers? When the top bid for Rogers, as of 2 days ago, was a 4th round pick even-up? Are you serious?

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I'll guess you mean 12th overall, which is where Denver picks; not 2nd.

Value-wise that would be:

Broncos #12 = 1200

Jets #6 = 1600

Jets #68 = 260

Rogers + 1200


Vilma + 1600 + 250

So we're losing 660 "points" in the draft (value of a late 1st-round pick, #28).

So trade-value-wise, you're advocating the value of Vilma AND a late first-rounder for Rogers? When the top bid for Rogers, as of 2 days ago, was a 4th round pick even-up? Are you serious?

I'm sorry you had to spend time responding to that post.
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Are you so clueless that you mention the fact that you were fine with last offseason AND the fact that no RB could produce behind a bad oline in the same sentence and not realize how moronic that is?

Are you still not capable of holding an adult conversation? Always go to the 11 year old mentality?

Please show me where in my post I said was "was fine" with last off-season. You won't find it because I didn't say it. I said I wouldn't jump ship (like you) after an off-season of few transactions followign a playoff season. As usual, you read what's on the screen but you see what you want.

And again, I didn't say no RB could produce behind a bad O-line. I said no RB can produce behind a bad O-line CONSISTENTLY. Look at Barry Sanders. The guy would get stuffed for no gain on six or seven drives...then bust an 85 yard run. You know what that equals? Seven or eight drives...one trip to the end zone. READ WHAT'S ON THE SCREEN if you want to talk with the grown ups.

There is not one part of what you said that accurately reflects my post. Yet you have the nerve to call me an idiot? I'm stupid? I'm clueless? It's called reading comprehension. Look in to it. And you're in college? Is that some kind of sick joke? You speak like a child and read like a blind man tyring to decipher brail with gloves on.

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Are you still not capable of holding an adult conversation? Always go to the 11 year old mentality?

Please show me where in my post I said was "was fine" with last off-season. You won't find it because I didn't say it. I said I wouldn't jump ship (like you) after an off-season of few transactions followign a playoff season. As usual, you read what's on the screen but you see what you want.

And again, I didn't say no RB could produce behind a bad O-line. I said no RB can produce behind a bad O-line CONSISTENTLY. Look at Barry Sanders. The guy would get stuffed for no gain on six or seven drives...then bust an 85 yard run. You know what that equals? Seven or eight drives...one trip to the end zone. READ WHAT'S ON THE SCREEN if you want to talk with the grown ups.

There is not one part of what you said that accurately reflects my post. Yet you have the nerve to call me an idiot? I'm stupid? I'm clueless? It's called reading comprehension. Look in to it. And you're in college? Is that some kind of sick joke? You speak like a child and read like a blind man tyring to decipher brail with gloves on.

As usual. You get destroyed in an argument and resort to your staple of personal attacks because you can't take being made to look stupid. Carry on. lol.

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Are you so clueless that you mention the fact that you were fine with last offseason AND the fact that no RB could produce behind a bad oline in the same sentence and not realize how moronic that is? The line was GARBAGE last year with OR without Kendall and they did NOTHING to fix it.

I don't exactly remember alot of people b!tching about what the Jets were doing last off season ?

I do remember ALOT of people sitting here on this very board saying "How we were heading in the right direction" and how happy we were that Herm was gone and Mangini and Tannenbaum were running the show now.

Who is that one guy out there right now in FA that who is going to turn this team around ?

Yes. The Jets need to go out and improve alot of areas. From the OL to DL to a burner at WR. Could they sign Faneca ? Yes they should. Rogers ? I'm not crazy about him. He seems like a fatter version of Ellis. Is there a "Wesley Walker" type WR" Not that I can tell.

If the Jets go out and get Faneca then to me they have done their job with FA. Let's see what they do with Vilma, Coles, and maybe even Pennington and the draft before we can bonkers.

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I don't exactly remember alot of people b!tching about what the Jets were doing last off season ?

I do remember ALOT of people sitting here on this very board saying "How we were heading in the right direction" and how happy we were that Herm was gone and Mangini and Tannenbaum were running the show now.

Who is that one guy out there right now in FA that who is going to turn this team around ?

Yes. The Jets need to go out and improve alot of areas. From the OL to DL to a burner at WR. Could they sign Faneca ? Yes they should. Rogers ? I'm not crazy about him. He seems like a fatter version of Ellis. Is there a "Wesley Walker" type WR" Not that I can tell.

If the Jets go out and get Faneca then to me they have done their job with FA. Let's see what they do with Vilma, Coles, and maybe even Pennington and the draft before we can bonkers.

You need to look at some of my posts from last year around this time.
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As usual. You get destroyed in an argument and resort to your staple of personal attacks because you can't take being made to look stupid. Carry on. lol.

Nice backpedal. As usual. I picked your post apart point by point showing that you don't read what you reply to but I got "destroyed". Ahhh...kids today. Gotta love em.

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What argument? I posted opinions, you posted them innaccurately and commented on what was essentially madmike edited posts. Quality work as usual.

Your "opinions" showed how clueless you were last season how you continue to make excuses for this horrible FO. It's really not that complicated. You're just a homer that refuses to be realistic about the way a team you root for is run.

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Nice backpedal. As usual. I picked your post apart point by point showing that you don't read what you reply to but I got "destroyed". Ahhh...kids today. Gotta love em.

Backpedal? What the hell are you talking about? I've said the same thing in every thread about this awful FO. You're the one making excuses for them and "waiting and see'ing."

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Your "opinions" showed how clueless you were last season how you continue to make excuses for this horrible FO. It's really not that complicated. You're just a homer that refuses to be realistic about the way a team you root for is run.

Again, I dont know what your strategy is. I don't know if you read every other word, every other post, or if you hook your computer up to an enigma machine to see what other people are saying but I've already made it clear that I too will be pissed off if this FO doesn't make some noise this off-season. I'm just smart enough to wait and see if they do before I run my mouth about them not doing anything.

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Backpedal? What the hell are you talking about? I've said the same thing in every thread about this awful FO. You're the one making excuses for them and "waiting and see'ing."

So I ask you AGAIN. This team has had ONE off season with money to spend. Is ONE off-season enough to label a FO with any type of reputation?

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So I ask you AGAIN. This team has had ONE off season with money to spend. Is ONE off-season enough to label a FO with any type of reputation?
I guess they get a pass from people like you for the pile of garbage they brought in their first offseason too huh? Are you related to the accountant?
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Guys cut it out. By now insults have flown in both directions.

Mike - stop calling everyone you disagree with idiots, clueless, etc.

AirForce - show him how an adult acts & ignore it.

If you look at my posts sperm you'll see that I was talking about his points untill he started insulting me. And i'm very much an adult.

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The Rocky Mountain News have backed off their report that Shaun Rogers should be a Denver Bronco by Friday.

Neither the Denver Post or NFL Network, usually leaders on Broncos news, put the report up. Now papers in both cities say that other teams continue to make trade pitches. The Lions are seeking a second or third-round pick as compensation. The Broncos could also pursue Dewayne Robertson. Feb. 26 - 9:29 am et

Source: Detroit News


Now, you guys were saying?...

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The Rocky Mountain News have backed off their report that Shaun Rogers should be a Denver Bronco by Friday.

Neither the Denver Post or NFL Network, usually leaders on Broncos news, put the report up. Now papers in both cities say that other teams continue to make trade pitches. The Lions are seeking a second or third-round pick as compensation. The Broncos could also pursue Dewayne Robertson. Feb. 26 - 9:29 am et

Source: Detroit News


Now, you guys were saying?...

Meh, still hate the coaching staff.;-)

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The Rocky Mountain News have backed off their report that Shaun Rogers should be a Denver Bronco by Friday.

Neither the Denver Post or NFL Network, usually leaders on Broncos news, put the report up. Now papers in both cities say that other teams continue to make trade pitches. The Lions are seeking a second or third-round pick as compensation. The Broncos could also pursue Dewayne Robertson. Feb. 26 - 9:29 am et

Source: Detroit News


Now, you guys were saying?...

Stop it. Just stop it. You're going to piss off all of us who don't want good news.

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Guys cut it out. By now insults have flown in both directions.

Mike - stop calling everyone you disagree with idiots, clueless, etc.

AirForce - show him how an adult acts & ignore it.

Gotcha Sperm. In fairness I've ignored the kid for roughly six months. I figured I'd take part in a debate today and it took him all of one post to start with the personal attacks. I do apologize though. I know better and should have left all the personal attacks to him. Although in my defense I was responding to him inaccurately summarizing what I was saying and even though I realize I'm dealing with a kid, I let it bother me more than I should have. My bad.

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Gotcha Sperm. In fairness I've ignored the kid for roughly six months. I figured I'd take part in a debate today and it took him all of one post to start with the personal attacks. I do apologize though. I know better and should have left all the personal attacks to him. Although in my defense I was responding to him inaccurately summarizing what I was saying and even though I realize I'm dealing with a kid, I let it bother me more than I should have. My bad.
This post doesn't pass the BS test to anyone actually reading the posts but why would you be honest about anything? Nice job making a post about personal attacks that in itself is a personal attack. You are pathetic.
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