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Which QB has the upper hand in the QB competition right now?


Which QB has the upper hand in the QB competition right now?  

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  1. 1. Which QB has the upper hand in the QB competition right now?

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Also, everyone wants to point out Clemens record last year. But the defense was totally different in the second half of the season while the offense was pathetic. Clemens didn't win the Jets more games, the defense did.

True. But Clemens also led the offense to more PPG than Chad did.

And he did it without Coles.

I just dont get why you want to go with Chad if you actually believe Clemens will be a good QB. :-k

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I disagree, I was a big Chad supporter but there is just no way to excuse his play last year. Even if it was the same offense than he was unable to perform in it and I just can't stand to watch another floater for an INT in the 4th quarter when the game is close.

The defense was pathetic in the first half of the season. Chad didn't let RM go buck wild on them week 1.

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True. But Clemens also led the offense to more PPG than Chad did.

And he did it without Coles.

I just dont get why you want to go with Chad if you actually believe Clemens will be a good QB. :-k

Better defense will lead to more ppg on offense too.

I just like our chances better this season with Chad at QB. He has more experience and can manage a game well. This will be the best team he has ever played with IMO.

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Better defense will lead to more ppg on offense too.

I just like our chances better this season with Chad at QB. He has more experience and can manage a game well. This will be the best team he has ever played with IMO.

Better defense + no coles = wash

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Tangini wants Clemens to start. It's obvious they love this guy. They passed up Cutler, Leinart and Quinn b/c they believe in him.

I'd be shocked if Clemens isn't the starter next year. That being said. I wish the Jets would go with another option b/c I don't think he's that good.

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Tangini wants Clemens to start. It's obvious they love this guy. They passed up Cutler, Leinart and Quinn b/c they believe in him.

I'd be shocked if Clemens isn't the starter next year. That being said. I wish the Jets would go with another option b/c I don't think he's that good.

Actually I don't think they're too high on Clemens at all. If they would have loved him as much as you say he would have been put in long before he was in 07. If anything the fact that Mangini stuck with Chad so long tells me that he loves him.

I honestly can't see Clemens as the starter in week 1, I really can't.

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Actually I don't think they're too high on Clemens at all. If they would have loved him as much as you say he would have been put in long before he was in 07. If anything the fact that Mangini stuck with Chad so long tells me that he loves him.

I honestly can't see Clemens as the starter in week 1, I really can't.

I can't either. Especially if Tangini feel their jobs are on the line. Chad can get you to 10-6 with a good defense and a solid offense around him. Chad is the safer pick and that's the reason he will start. I also think he is much better than he is given credit for by Jets fans - but that is another subject.

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I can't either. Especially if Tangini feel their jobs are on the line. Chad can get you to 10-6 with a good defense and a solid offense around him. Chad is the safer pick and that's the reason he will start. I also think he is much better than he is given credit for by Jets fans - but that is another subject.

I agree totally, I'd love Kellen to beat him out but can't see it.

I think Chad will start the season and win us 10-13 games this season. Seriously.

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I agree totally, I'd love Kellen to beat him out but can't see it.

I think Chad will start the season and win us 10-13 games this season. Seriously.

Chad CANNOT get this team thru the AFC playoffs and into the Super Bowl. Not this year, not next. He has taken us as far as we can go.

Tangini needs to figure out if Kellen is the QB of the future. If he is not, they need to act fast. We've doled out all of this money and have a nice nucleus, but it comes down to the QB.

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i believe chad has the upper hand due to the fact that the team went out and signed all these free-agents. they tried hard (and succeeded) at filling in the major holes and making the team much better. it seems like they want to be much better and win now. i just can't see them looking at Chad and Kellen and picking KC. they know Chad can lead them to a winning season with the right pieces. they don't know about Kellen. i just don't see anyway they can justify spending all this money while not dumping Pennington and his salary, and then starting an unproven QB in a season where they are looking to win lots of games.

i personally have no problems with whoever starts. i just don't want to see all the money spent during the offseason making this team better go to waste if our young QB can't get it together. just my opinion.

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In the grand scheme of things what does 10-6 get you? Most probably a road game in the 1st round of the playoffs.

A loss in the road game in the first round of the playoffs when your offense only score 3 points all bloody game.

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Chad CANNOT get this team thru the AFC playoffs and into the Super Bowl. Not this year, not next. He has taken us as far as we can go.

Tangini needs to figure out if Kellen is the QB of the future. If he is not, they need to act fast. We've doled out all of this money and have a nice nucleus, but it comes down to the QB.

Maybe not but I know Mangini will take a playoff exit in year 3.

How could you fire a coach who's taken a 4-12 team to the playoffs twice in three years???


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Maybe not but I know Mangini will take a playoff exit in year 3.

How could you fire a coach who's taken a 4-12 team to the playoffs twice in three years???


What are you talking about? Mangini has taken the Jets to the playoffs once. He took over a 4-12 team, went 10-6 and then reverted back to 4-12.

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Chad CANNOT get this team thru the AFC playoffs and into the Super Bowl. Not this year, not next. He has taken us as far as we can go.

Tangini needs to figure out if Kellen is the QB of the future. If he is not, they need to act fast. We've doled out all of this money and have a nice nucleus, but it comes down to the QB.

I don't want to say that Chad WON'T be the starter, because it is obviously a possibility. I will say this, I think that with Chad starting, even with the FA signings, we are not a legitimate playoff team.

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I will say this, I think that with Chad starting, even with the FA signings, we are not a legitimate playoff team.

Chad has played behind respectable O lines. Chad has played behind atrocious O lines and the deal is the same. The Jets with Chad under center will not fair well against teams that win more games than they lose this year - next year - the year after - dont matter.

If we draw a schedule the puts us up against 7 or 8 teams that win more games than they lose that season - we arent going to be playing football much after Christmas.

Chad is fragile, Chad is not gaining arm strength, Chad is not making less mistakes. Chad throwing the football allows opposing defenses to cheat bigtime. Chad with the ball in his hands will never get us out from behind that 8 ball enough to play 19 games in a season. Fact.

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I gotta go with Brett Farve after looking over the posts on the front page. What 17 year vet who holds almost every major record for QB's wouldn't want to come to the Jets and attempt to beat out Chad as our starter. I think he could probably do it to.

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What are you talking about? Mangini has taken the Jets to the playoffs once. He took over a 4-12 team, went 10-6 and then reverted back to 4-12.

Homey, Clemens isn't much better. Clemens can't think on his feet. I don't think a game went by that Mangini didn't look disgusted 3 or 4 times during the course of the game because of how bad of mistakes Clemens made. Look at the Pats game. I know he got hit - but wtf are you letting that pass go for? I'm just saying I would be shocked if Chad wasn't the starter next year, then in 2009 Clemens will take the field.

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