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Just running this by my fellow Jet fans... Would you entertain the idea of signing Leftwich for some added depth? Do you think he still got something?

I think he was very talented a few years back and really liked him.

However injuries have absolutely ruined him and his incredibly slow release requires great pass protection.

I'll pass on him.

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Just running this by my fellow Jet fans... Would you entertain the idea of signing Leftwich for some added depth? Do you think he still got something?

Only if we were to dump Chad and sign him to a far cheaper deal. He never really had a shot with the Falcons last year

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???? there both inury prone?? thats not correct... Chads Inury was a freak one vs the giants. in preseaon.. he fell on his hand... u cant blame him for that one..

Take the goggles off, man. Chad, while he should be commended on his ability to return from "freak accidents," certainly warrants the "injury prone" label. What injuries are not freakish? The NFL is comprised of amazingly gifted, athletic individuals. If being overly-susceptible to injury was an actual trait possessed by a player, they would not be in the league at this stage of the game. Thus, "injury prone" in the NFL is reserved for certain players, ala Chadwick, that for whatever reason cannot seem to play full seasons due to "freak accidents." There is no way you can tell me that a broken wrist and two shoulder incidents, which led to a noticeable decline in arm strength, would not constitute damaged goods. I would venture to say Chad is more injury prone than Leftwich. That is not a knock on either guy, but the reality is, three season ending injuries in a row, now matter the method of molestation, deems you prone to injury.

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???? there both inury prone?? thats not correct... Chads Inury was a freak one vs the giants. in preseaon.. he fell on his hand... u cant blame him for that one..

Chads injury????

Why the hell are you not using the plural???

He's had 2 surgerys on his shoulder, a broken wrist and he had an injured ankle this year.

Did you occasionally watch the Jets from 2004-2008????

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Just running this by my fellow Jet fans... Would you entertain the idea of signing Leftwich for some added depth? Do you think he still got something?

His name always bothered me, it's too close to Manwich! keep expecting someone like Albert Haynesworth gonna eat him?!

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He has the slowest release I have ever seen.

I'd rather sign Quinn Gray if we want a crappy former Jacksonville QB.

I always thought he'd be good if he could have great protection in front. He showed some real potential during his early years in Jacksonville.

Shame his ankle is made of glass.

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