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******March 21st Edition of "Thor99 on Trade Block!" POTW******


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Beans is taking a bit of a "leave of absence" and Max was having trouble trying to find a replacement, so I got the nod. Not because i was of high value, but because GG was the first choice of the three jet's sites and since JI always sucks, they got first choice.

Now Max did have the option of giving up one mod and one of his highest posters (rumors out of California are these people were; Thor99, and alk). Max talked them down to just one mod, and one banned poster (again, rumors fingered Thor99 and then of course DWC tends to come up a lot during this time of year). Max has made it fairly clear that neither Thor99 nor alk are in the sites future, and are still seaking a trade that will land them another poster to do the POTW from Patriot'sPlanet, but they keep trying to throw in godwearsagrayhoodie.

Needless to say, Max did not pull the trigger on any trade, and I am what he gets. (picture Alex Smith)

On to the Noms.


Originally Posted by JCB92387

Why don't you grow up? Instead of calling people names on the internet, like your a tough guy. Real classy, *******.

JonEJet: Get used to it from this crew of dipsh1ts

Lots of tough guys on this site

Thai Jet: This has to be POTW. The beauty is in it's irony.

Classy? Here? Isn’t this the site with the “neg rep war” thread? Started by a mod no less. J


Originally Posted by GreenBeans

By the close of spring training, Joba will be the setup guys once again. I don't give a care about what the Yankees FO is saying, that's where he is going to end up - much like Pimple-ass in Boston. He was a starter for a winter, too if you remember. In this day and age shortening a game to 7 innings 3 or 4 times in 5 games is much more important than running a guy out there every 5 days. Plus, the guy (minus the bug game) has proven he has the right makeup to be a closer - why not run with it?

Mark it down - Joba is the Rivera in the Wetteland-Rivera combination from 96.


Originally Posted by Max

Nah. Sorry man. You are off on this one. The kid has 4 pitches. They really think he can be a # 1 starter. They are going to maximize what he can do and put him in the rotation.

Unless Mo isn't back, then that changes things.

SouthernJet: POTW for Beans for being spot on,,,in NOVEMBER!!!!!! No one, and I mean no one, knows the Yanks, or understands the Yanks more than Beans....He proves it over and over....

IDK beans, not sure if anyone can replace Wetteland-Rivera.

Originally Posted by Green DNA

I tried them and I added bulk pretty quickly. whaddya think?


Mentos: Proportionally speaking, your dick is very small.

Proportionally? I’ll show you lack of proportion.


Originally Posted by SouthernJet

In my development they pay 50 bucks for lawn cutting,,more if u want them to rake it up

johnny green balls: you used to pay me $5. i hate you.

Pay what the economy will bare. Lesson one. Lesson two deals with the quickest steps to relief in the shower…with your parents.


Originally Posted by chadharmamoon

hey max! whats black and blue and hates sex.

Thor99: The 9 year old boy in my trunk.

As long as it isn’t a dead baby joke. What’s the difference between an apple and a live baby? J (PM for answers)


Lil Bit Special:

Hermie must have been saving up his quotes for this media session

Herm Edwards...


There’s certain guys we’re going to go after and certain guys we’re not even going to deal with.

Wow... thanks Capt. Obvious.

We brought [Alfonso] Boone in knowing he hadn’t been a starter and there wasn’t a lot of tread on him.

Wait... dont you want a lot of tread?? I thought when the tread wore out you replaced the tire... would figure it would be the same thing. Now we know, Hermie likes everything bald.

What hurt him last year was he played too much.

When he came here and became a starter, he didn’t understand, now all of a sudden you’re playing 35 plays a game instead of 25.

So those extra 10 plays were a drain on him??? If he said he used to play 10 plays and now he has to play 35... but 25 to 35?? sounds like lousy coaching...


We might have champagne taste, but we’ve got beer money.

I would have preferred a malt liquor reference instead... much cheaper than beer.

Those guys always are the guys that you pay too much money for. You always do, because you’re buying the guy’s name. It looks good in the paper, it looks good when you make the announcement, but at the end of the day, does the guy still play up to the name? If they’re at a certain time in their career, I say they don’t.

So no more big names like Ty Law I guess... Hermie switching strategies again...


I know this. He’s going to be happy because he’s a football player. He’s going to play football.

Great insight.

That’s what’s great about my job. I don’t deal with contracts. I don’t have to deal with that.

This way he cant be blamed if a guy he signed doesnt work out and he can blame someone else...

This is a business. That’s what’s great about football - there’s the football and there’s a business part. They’re in the business part of it. I don’t have to deal with that.

Whats great about football is its a business??? And I thought it was great because of the play on the field...

He went to the Pro Bowl, but he’s a part of the team. That’s what you have to realize, it’s about the team. It’s not about one guy. It’s about all of us, and we’re all in this together. That’s what these guys are going to learn.

Unless its about Herm Edwards... then its about one guy.


You can always get those guys in the middle of training camp. Those older veteran guys? They don’t want to go to training camp anyway. You don’t need to be in a panic to get them now. I say, get all the young guys, bring them in here, let them compete.

Look at all the great veterans the jets got last year during training camp...


What the Giants did, they started off just like us, 0-2. Just like last year.

What about the fact you were 4-3 and then lost 9 straight games??

For some people, it was a terrible game, because it was 17-14. I don’t understand that. That became a great game. When you play those on Sunday, sometimes people say that’s awful, you guys didn’t score any touchdowns. Well, 17-14, that’s a pretty good football game. What’s wrong with that?

For Pats fans it was a terrible game... but I dont remember anyone saying the game was terrible because it was 17-14. But it fits into Herm's philosophy of scoring less than 20 pts.


I don’t know him, but I’ve kind of watched the way his teams have played.

He doesnt know him, but he kind of watched the way his teams played? Are you kidding me?

He’s very thorough, very detailed and very organized. But simplicity is good. It’s complicated when people look at it, but when you do it for the players, the players are going to like it. It’ll be physical, I know that, on offense.

So its simple but looks complicated? Or does it just look complicated to Hermie?


It’s fun for me, but then we put the tape on and watch them and I say, “OK, tell me what you’re doing. Why did you throw the ball over there? What was your read on this coverage?”

He does this so he can learn how football is played. Hermie doesnt know.

It’s kind of fun to listen to the guy talk. You find out about the guy. Does he know what he’s doing?

Funny. we listened to Hermie talk and found out he didnt know what he was doing by his actions on the sidelines.

Another great Hermie interview.

If herm were the coach of the Jets this season, do you think he’d even start Faneca and Jenkins? I’m thinking he’d bench them and say that his new guys were not producing in practice, thus giving him two more years as the HC. Brilliant!


Originally Posted by PantyHose&Furs

Last year we took a wait and see approach to FA and wound up with crap...while the Cheats jumped in with two feet and landed impact player after impact player...

Obviously they started with more but their approach seemed to be the right one.

This year we're seemingly jumping in with two feet (Jenkins, potentially Faneca, etc.) and the Cheats are taking a wait and see approach.

Thoughts on what the right approach is?

C-Mart28: Based on the results at the end of the season...I'd have to say that cheating would seem to be the best approach.

(the nom)

Originally Posted by TaborJet


C-Mart28: WHOO! First career POTW Nom

Good post, watch the pats come crumbling down in 08 (you heard it here 10th…or so). Good luck with more POTW NOM’s amigo.


Originally Posted by flgreen

Herm was the coach then.

You know how much Herm loves cameras. He jsut waved and smiled

Lil Bit Special:


Im just surprised he didnt run over for an interview.

Come on guys, Herm is a great coach, and great with public relations, and barbeques.


If Chad wins the super bowl for the Jets I will get his full name tattooed on my penis. Since I have a tiny penis it will have to go like this







POTW NOM it's pink for chad

Funniest thing I've read here in a week. The other was when I was looking in the thread archives & found one that said Max was going to run a 10-mile race.


AHAHAHA Now that's another POTW NOM


Thread: Dropping the Ball

Originally Posted by Kidhuman

I thought this thread was about how Green Beans hasnt posted a POTW thread in awhile. Damn my psychic abilities are slipping.

I can’t imagine what else a man with two kids and wife would be busy doing? Crazy bum, doesn’t he have any damn priorities at all?

Originally Posted by JonEJet

Get that piece of sh1t Jon Vilma off our web site.

Can't stand looking at that picture of him anymore


Thor99: I was thinking the same thing, albeit with a different Jon.


LOL! he is a piece of sh!t????? its not as if he left disgruntled.

you are harsh... remind me not to cross you clip_image003.gif

what about LC? he didnt show up for the first day of voluntary training.. i think we should get 128 to sneak around the bushes and try to a splinter under LC's fingernails as punishment...


i agree he shouldnt be on the banner... but a piece of sh!t??? man all you carolina boys and your turd obsessions clip_image004.gif

I don’t think anyone is happy to see Vilma go, he was solid in the 43, but the 34 is just not his defense. I’m glad to see him go to a team where he should have great success. (shut up sperm, no bashing of anymore jet “greats” :lol:

Originally Posted by snow_monkey

I did a little search on youtube and found this one. clip_image005.gif


(no, I didn't make it. I just thought it was funny.)

The hell??? That was an awesome video!

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And the winner is, none other than the only man i know that can play 10 beatle's songs off the top of his head and drink a martini at the same time.

Congrats Jimmy, great post, I'll keep them in mind come the summer. :puke:



I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline.... but here in California we are also paying higher, up to $3.50 per gallon. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every gallon.

Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose, CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.

Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.

A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3)stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some other liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL or HALF EMPTY. The reason for this is, the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.

Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up--most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom. Hope this will help you get the most value for your money .

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Congrats Sofla and nice job drago. I remember getting nommed though, maybe that was after you compiled this? I think it's in the Big Brother thread.

P.S. I don't really care all that much about it, seeing as I was cursing a bit at a mod with full administrator capabilities. :ahhh:

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When you get a chance please have "the talk" with Drago.



Hey Drago -- thanks for doing this! Beans is on the I.R. so we appreciate you filling in. Beans we hope that "optional" surgery turns out well. Hormone levels fluctuate so much naturally I don't even think anyone will notice. Good luck though.

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Congrats Sofla and nice job drago. I remember getting nommed though, maybe that was after you compiled this? I think it's in the Big Brother thread.

P.S. I don't really care all that much about it, seeing as I was cursing a bit at a mod with full administrator capabilities. :ahhh:

I swear my search function doesn't work all the time. If i search for replies to my personal posts, i'll only come up with about two thirds of them. Trust me when i say i didn't skip you on purpose.

Great job jimmy, thanks for the compliments everyone, i'm trying to get the standard back to BEANS!!!!

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I swear my search function doesn't work all the time. If i search for replies to my personal posts, i'll only come up with about two thirds of them. Trust me when i say i didn't skip you on purpose.

Great job jimmy, thanks for the compliments everyone, i'm trying to get the standard back to BEANS!!!!

Hey the new POTW guy half a$$ed it and admits it publicly! Yipee. :rl:

Check your desk. I am pretty sure that Beans left a POTW Manual in there somewhere. Don't open the 2nd drawer on the right. That is where Faba keeps his Holiday Salami. Some drawers truly are better left unopened.

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Hey the new POTW guy half a$$ed it and admits it publicly! Yipee. :rl:

Check your desk. I am pretty sure that Beans left a POTW Manual in there somewhere. Don't open the 2nd drawer on the right. That is where Faba keeps his Holiday Salami. Some drawers truly are better left unopened.

you could ask me drago as i have done potw many a times.. though like most of the women who try to get a little power on this board.. we are just thrown away :rolleyes:

i know that thor understands where i am coming from.. he has been thru it als


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I swear my search function doesn't work all the time. If i search for replies to my personal posts, i'll only come up with about two thirds of them. Trust me when i say i didn't skip you on purpose.

Great job jimmy, thanks for the compliments everyone, i'm trying to get the standard back to BEANS!!!!

Don't worry about it, it's probably a good thing. I should probably lay low for a while.

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Not because i was of high value, but because GG was the first choice of the three jet's sites and since JI always sucks, they got first choice.

Now Max did have the option of giving up one mod and one of his highest posters (rumors out of California are these people were; Thor99, and alk). Max talked them down to just one mod, and one banned poster (again, rumors fingered Thor99 and then of course DWC tends to come up a lot during this time of year). Max has made it fairly clear that neither Thor99 nor alk are in the sites future, and are still seaking a trade that will land them another poster to do the POTW from Patriot'sPlanet, but they keep trying to throw in godwearsagrayhoodie.

What are you talking about here? Totally lost me.

But good POTW Drago! Congrats Jimmy, I actually filled up my gas on slow the other morning.

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Tictac> Drago.

I guess its true any idiot can compile POTW nom's and post funny comments.

We've overestimated what beans actually brings to the table.

Real Talk.

Only at having a vagina. How do I know your not saying drago> tictac elsewhere huh! Hussy.

And any idiot cant do this, that idiot has to know how to work a computer mouse.



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I finally get a POTW nom, and it's a post that has nothing to do with football. :lol: Well, it has a little to do with McFadden, but still...

it's a cruel world here SM...only 465 posts-you still gotta go through that hazing period in the moderators lounge before you can win and it's rough trade in there

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