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Chad Johnson-- what a joke


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I'd absolutely love to have him. If he's traded, we don't have to put the signing bonus on our cap (but I hear what you are saying Sperm).

he's the gamebreaker type player we need. Sure, his attitude can be tough, but so can TOs, and he's been pretty good with Dallas.

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I'd absolutely love to have him. If he's traded, we don't have to put the signing bonus on our cap (but I hear what you are saying Sperm).

he's the gamebreaker type player we need. Sure, his attitude can be tough, but so can TOs, and he's been pretty good with Dallas.

I like Johnson as well. He is sick and tired of the mess known as the Cincinnati Bengals. I don't blame him one bit for wanting out.

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I'd absolutely love to have him. If he's traded, we don't have to put the signing bonus on our cap (but I hear what you are saying Sperm).

he's the gamebreaker type player we need. Sure, his attitude can be tough, but so can TOs, and he's been pretty good with Dallas.

I think that's the only way it happens, in which case he'd be expecting a new SB with $20-30M guaranteed (if that's enough for him) from his new team.

And if we keep Coles? lol - that's all we need - Coles & Chad Johnson both grumbling to each other & to the other players & the press. You think Coles is a headache now? This is nothing.

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I can see why he would want out of cinci, but why would he want to come here? If I had to choose between the Jets and Bengals I'd probably choose .....well the Jets but my opinion is biased. Wouldn't he rather go to a winning team close to a superbowl? like the colts or something.

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I can see why he would want out of cinci, but why would he want to come here? If I had to choose between the Jets and Bengals I'd probably choose .....well the Jets but my opinion is biased. Wouldn't he rather go to a winning team close to a superbowl? like the colts or something.

I'm sure he would rather go to the Colts, Cowboys, Patriots, Giants or Chargers but that ain't happening.

The Jets would be a good fit for him.

The Bengals are down there with the Raiders, 49ers & Falcons as the worst run franchises in the NFL.

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I'm sure he would rather go to the Colts, Cowboys, Patriots, Giants or Chargers but that ain't happening.

The Jets would be a good fit for him.

The Bengals are down there with the Raiders, 49ers & Falcons as the worst run franchises in the NFL.

and you as a pats fan admit the jets aren't down there with them?

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and you as a pats fan admit the jets aren't down there with them?

The Jets are nowhere near those crappy franchises. The Jets may not advance very far in the playoffs but at least they appear in them just about every other year.

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Just to sum up for some of the kiddys that dont know football. The Bengels never finished above 20th in total defense in the last 8 years. They had the worst rushing defense for the last 5 years of that spam.

Do you seriously want to play offense for a team that can not tackle, That can not stop bum RB's and good ones rush over 200 yards a game? Can you blam Chad for wanting out so bad?

Bengels are a disgrace to the league and all of NFL. They will finish dead last in the NFL in Total Defense BANK IT

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How can you possibly say that ?

He's a proven TOP 5 receiver.

He needs to know how to run routes and catch.

Let's see, in his last 5 yrs, HIS LOW for catches is 87.






That's a stud.

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it comes down to rings Gainzo....the Jets history is downright pathetic..

I understand that, but I would never put the Jets in the same category as the franchises I mentioned.

The 49ers haven't mattered for a while. The Raiders made the Super Bowl in 2002, got destroyed, and have been pathetic ever since. The Bengals have made the playoffs once in about 20 years and the Falcons stink.

The Jets are in much better shape.

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Let's see, in his last 5 yrs, HIS LOW for catches is 87.






That's a stud.

I agree with you, Chad is a stud and I would love to see him catching 90 something passes for 1200+ yards and 9-10 tds for the jets for the next 4-5 years.

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That's a sick duo right their.

I don't care what anybody says Cotch is the man. Give him the ball with even an inch of space and he'll make people miss and get the extra few yards. Did you see him make Ed Reed look silly. Not many people go around doing that to Ed Reed.

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I don't care what anybody says Cotch is the man. Give him the ball with even an inch of space and he'll make people miss and get the extra few yards. Did you see him make Ed Reed look silly. Not many people go around doing that to Ed Reed.

That game was unreal! He also showed speed after that hit, Cotch will beast it up again this year.

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That game was unreal! He also showed speed after that hit, Cotch will beast it up again this year.

I hope Clemens plays like he did in that 4th quarter all year this year. He was hitting receivers in stride with zip on the ball. Too bad Mcdropins couldn't catch anything. That one ball was so accurately throw that it literally hit the man's hands when he was running in stride. I just wish he would have made an attempt to catch the ball.

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I can see why he would want out of cinci, but why would he want to come here? If I had to choose between the Jets and Bengals I'd probably choose .....well the Jets but my opinion is biased. Wouldn't he rather go to a winning team close to a superbowl? like the colts or something.

Colts don't need him. Pats don't need him either.

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Now claims he will sit out and play in the Arena League rather than play for the Bungles... Get over yourself Chad, just wait until you do not have Carson Palmer throwing you the ball...

Not for nothing but if anyone made the other, Chad made Carson. Once Johnson goes elsewhere you'll see that. You'll also see that Whosyourmama is only a decent not even good WR.

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Now claims he will sit out and play in the Arena League rather than play for the Bungles... Get over yourself Chad, just wait until you do not have Carson Palmer throwing you the ball...

Actually, Chad was doing the same thing he's been doing even when Jon Kitna was throwing him the ball. Lets not get it confused, he may be going over the top here with the feud between him and Chincy, but overated he's not.

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Now claims he will sit out and play in the Arena League rather than play for the Bungles... Get over yourself Chad, just wait until you do not have Carson Palmer throwing you the ball...

On WFAN they were talking about this. They said the only way for this sort of thing to stop is to just play true hard ball. You want to sit out? You are going to come back in week 9? So you can get credit for time server -- that's okay.

You will be inactive. It will never happen. But it would be nice to see him pay for his actions.

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On WFAN they were talking about this. They said the only way for this sort of thing to stop is to just play true hard ball. You want to sit out? You are going to come back in week 9? So you can get credit for time server -- that's okay.

You will be inactive. It will never happen. But it would be nice to see him pay for his actions.

After the Eagles put TO in "timeout" his last yr with them, they passed rules which say they can not use "Inactive" as a penalty to players. When he comes back, they can suspend him the max of 4 games, and then they need to activate or cut.

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Chad's got enough $ that he can sit out until the Bengals decide to trade him. I like how he is taking a stand now just hopefully he'll go through with it. Don't chicken out on what you said, sit out until they trade you. I'm behind him 110%. He wants out, make it happen. Why does an organization insist on keeping a player that doesn't want to be there? Doesn't make sense to me.

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Chad's got enough $ that he can sit out until the Bengals decide to trade him. I like how he is taking a stand now just hopefully he'll go through with it. Don't chicken out on what you said, sit out until they trade you. I'm behind him 110%. He wants out, make it happen. Why does an organization insist on keeping a player that doesn't want to be there? Doesn't make sense to me.

Because they paid him over $20M in bonus money. What "stand" is he taking? That he can take someone's money, not live up to his end of the contract, demand out of the contract, and keep those dollars anyway?

I'm sure Cincy would be willing to trade him if he gave the amortized portion of the SB back. Until he does, the organization would be doubly stupid to cave in to him. He's 2 years into a 6-yea contract and is acting like a spoiled baby.

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Chad's got enough $ that he can sit out until the Bengals decide to trade him. I like how he is taking a stand now just hopefully he'll go through with it. Don't chicken out on what you said, sit out until they trade you. I'm behind him 110%. He wants out, make it happen. Why does an organization insist on keeping a player that doesn't want to be there? Doesn't make sense to me.

i would never back a player that is getting paid near the tops in the league at his position, but wants to be the best paid at his position.

He runs and catches for a living, try getting a real job and bitching for more money. Chad will be one of the guys we read about joining some wrestling league trying to make cash to 'feed his family'.

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