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Everyone knows gas is sky high. I have a pretty easy ride to work, in that its 55 mph not much traffic, 20 minute drive. I'm thinking of getting my motorcycle license to save on gas.

Anyone else thinking of doing the same? or at least downsizing their SUV's and what not?

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I have mine as you know, it was forced upon me to get it. While its fun to drive, and much different from a car, I would be very cautious to the other moronic drivers out there. You can be as safe and take every precaution but it still won't save you when someone else isn't paying attention. Motorcycles are small, and harder to notice in traffic obviously.

Your car gets great gas mileage as it is, dont risk your life to save a few bucks.

You also have to think about where to store it, additional insurance, etc etc.

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Everyone knows gas is sky high. I have a pretty easy ride to work, in that its 55 mph not much traffic, 20 minute drive. I'm thinking of getting my motorcycle license to save on gas.

Anyone else thinking of doing the same? or at least downsizing their SUV's and what not?

When you start driving between cars on the dotted white line in traffic to get ahead, just remember I'm the guy who suddenly opens my door.

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I thought about it a couple of years ago -- But I know a couple of folks who have died riding and my sister is a nurse and she tells me about the accidents that come in -- kinda changed my mind -- I have a wife and child to think about...but it would be fun -- maybe when I have my midlife crises

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When you start driving between cars on the dotted white line in traffic to get ahead, just remember I'm the guy who suddenly opens my door.

I'm a pretty cautious driver as it is. I doubt you'd ever get to nail me with your door, but i'll keep that in mind. :)

I thought about it a couple of years ago -- But I know a couple of folks who have died riding and my sister is a nurse and she tells me about the accidents that come in -- kinda changed my mind -- I have a wife and child to think about...but it would be fun -- maybe when I have my midlife crises

my mom's a nurse, lets just say she aints gots to know about it.

I do agree, there are some horrible accidents involved...i guess that is why i ponder.

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I don't really get the whole fear of motorcycles. Sure, people die on them. People die doing alot of run of the mill things. I had an old bike that my grandpa gave me until it shot craps. If I had the money to buy the bike that I want I would do it in a heartbeat.

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I've known too many people that have died or got seriously injured on motorcycle's, no thanks. The chicks love them though....

In that case I'm guessing the mod parking lot has a few more civics than motorcycles.

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Everyone knows gas is sky high. I have a pretty easy ride to work, in that its 55 mph not much traffic, 20 minute drive. I'm thinking of getting my motorcycle license to save on gas.

Anyone else thinking of doing the same? or at least downsizing their SUV's and what not?

What you save in gas, you will more than make up for in medical bills

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What you save in gas, you will more than make up for in medical bills

If he's an irresponsible dip$hit. drago may like human flesh but he seems to have his head screwed on right. I hate this stereotype that if you ride a motorcycle you're going to die. At least half the time it's the idiots behind the wheel of a car that are the problem. The other half, well that's called natural selection.

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If he's an irresponsible dip$hit. drago may like human flesh but he seems to have his head screwed on right. I hate this stereotype that if you ride a motorcycle you're going to die. At least half the time it's the idiots behind the wheel of a car that are the problem. The other half, well that's called natural selection.

But if you're in a car, you've got a bit more protection from those idiots.

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I'm a pretty cautious driver as it is. I doubt you'd ever get to nail me with your door, but i'll keep that in mind. :)

my mom's a nurse, lets just say she aints gots to know about it.

I do agree, there are some horrible accidents involved...i guess that is why i ponder.

Keep the car and get a bike. Only use the bike when the weather is nice and you feel like riding. I have been riding since I was 11. I only used the bike to commute for a couple of years to law school in Newark. Riding is a blast, but when it rains or you are tired and just don't feel like it the danger level goes way up. You need the car anyway, even with global warming I'm sure it snows in Wisconsin.

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If he's an irresponsible dip$hit. drago may like human flesh but he seems to have his head screwed on right. I hate this stereotype that if you ride a motorcycle you're going to die. At least half the time it's the idiots behind the wheel of a car that are the problem. The other half, well that's called natural selection.

I know of two responsible people that rode bikes all the time. One skidded and fell over on the 59th street bridge and a car screeched to a halt inches away from him as lay in the street. He viewed this as a second chance and got rid of the bike. The other guy got demolishewd by a car. He lived but was in the hoispital for a couple of months and broke just about everything. The guy has pins all over his body. He actually wanted to ride again, but his family put up a big fuss and he gave in. Bikes seem like a lot of fun, but what is a dent on a car could be death on a bike.

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I had my motorcycle license but I didn't renew it. I loved it and I had a cool bike.


The problem was the Duane kept asking me to ride b*tch. It just got embarassing after awhile.

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Keep the car and get a bike. Only use the bike when the weather is nice and you feel like riding. I have been riding since I was 11. I only used the bike to commute for a couple of years to law school in Newark. Riding is a blast, but when it rains or you are tired and just don't feel like it the danger level goes way up. You need the car anyway, even with global warming I'm sure it snows in Wisconsin.

taht's what i was thinking, for our two days of summer i thought i'd use it to ride the bike. No way would i want it in the rain, let alone the snow. Like DNA said, a bump in the car can be death on a bike...

Although, west suburbs of milwaukee are not quite the same as New York City. :)

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I know of two responsible people that rode bikes all the time. One skidded and fell over on the 59th street bridge and a car screeched to a halt inches away from him as lay in the street. He viewed this as a second chance and got rid of the bike. The other guy got demolishewd by a car. He lived but was in the hoispital for a couple of months and broke just about everything. The guy has pins all over his body. He actually wanted to ride again, but his family put up a big fuss and he gave in. Bikes seem like a lot of fun, but what is a dent on a car could be death on a bike.

The same thing could be said for everything. $hit, you could be run down on the street while you're out jogging. Does this mean every jogger should have their organ donor cards filled out too? The vast majority of my family ride bikes all the way back to my grandpa. Not a one of them has had a spill much less been drilled by a motorist.

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The same thing could be said for everything. $hit, you could be run down on the street while you're out jogging. Does this mean every jogger should have their organ donor cards filled out too? The vast majority of my family ride bikes all the way back to my grandpa. Not a one of them has had a spill much less been drilled by a motorist.

If we all lived in Kansas then that may have a chance of being true. More congestion = more idiots not paying attention while driving their cars = more risk for everyone around them

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If we all lived in Kansas then that may have a chance of being true. More congestion = more idiots not paying attention while driving their cars = more risk for everyone around them

Well then it's your own damn fault for living in a congested city. They have country in NY too no? And by the way, that risk is for walkers and joggers as well too right? Fill out those organ donor cards joggers. :lol:

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Well then it's your own damn fault for living in a congested city. They have country in NY too no? And by the way, that risk is for walkers and joggers as well too right? Fill out those organ donor cards joggers. :lol:

Is that this new thing where apparently you just run? I think it may be a silent "J". I believe it is called, Yogging.

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