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ryan howard


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He is Dave Kingman all over again, but with more power. You can almost write him down in ST that he will, barring injuries, hit .250-.260, with 45-55 HRs, 120+ RBIS, and 175+ Ks.

You also can guarantee that he will drag his team to salary arbitration every year also, and it is tough to argue against that kind of power, no matter the Ks.

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When did they start drug testing? Just saying.

why would that matter roids give u power not better contact.. he still hits homers and i can just tell he never did them. i watched a few phills games when he doesnt strike out he hits nice hits that jsut get out, like giambi in the beginning of year

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why would that matter roids give u power not better contact.. he still hits homers and i can just tell he never did them. i watched a few phills games when he doesnt strike out he hits nice hits that jsut get out, like giambi in the beginning of year

How? You have personal knowledge of his nads?

Can you tell me all the 26yo players that launched 50+ HRs in there first full season?

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How? You have personal knowledge of his nads?

Can you tell me all the 26yo players that launched 50+ HRs in there first full season?

ok so then hes still doing them hes got 28 hrs right now.. sure someone is dumb enuff to still be doin roids.. jsut bc someone is good that means they are cheating?

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How? You have personal knowledge of his nads?

Can you tell me all the 26yo players that launched 50+ HRs in there first full season?

its funny but ur a boston fan yet ortiz is the one that should be qusetioned he suckin in his first like 6 years but then in end of 2003 he started doing pretty good then 04,05,06,07 he did good. can u say roids?

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its funny but ur a boston fan yet ortiz is the one that should be qusetioned he suckin in his first like 6 years but then in end of 2003 he started doing pretty good then 04,05,06,07 he did good. can u say roids?

I knew the second I bashed Howard I would draw in some probable Yankee honk and the inevitable Ortiz remark.

Can you name the only other player in MLB history that almost hit 50 HRs in their first full season? McGwire. Howard's first full season he launches 58 bombs. Hmmmmm......

According to thebaseballcube.com, Howard has hit 42 more homeruns in the MLB then the minros despite playing in 7 less games and having 51 less ABs. That seems odd in a small to big Barry Bonds' head way.

Let's look at Ortiz. In his first six years, while playing in a stadium not known for being a hitters friendly park, he went from 9 to 10 to 18 to 20 HRs.

At the age of 27, he goes to Boston where he is surrounded by talent, not asked to hit opposite field and has a ridculously short left field. He then proceeds to hit 31, 41, 47, 54 homeruns before knee and wrist injuries reduce his power.

Unlike your previous declaration that Howard is roid free, I can not say with any certainty that either Ortiz or Howard are roid free. I am more skeptical then the average optimist I guess. All I am saying, Ortiz naturally progressed and got better with more experience. Howard, who might be a freak of nature, came out of nowhere and hit the ball like never before.

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I knew the second I bashed Howard I would draw in some probable Yankee honk and the inevitable Ortiz remark.

Can you name the only other player in MLB history that almost hit 50 HRs in their first full season? McGwire. Howard's first full season he launches 58 bombs. Hmmmmm......

According to thebaseballcube.com, Howard has hit 42 more homeruns in the MLB then the minros despite playing in 7 less games and having 51 less ABs. That seems odd in a small to big Barry Bonds' head way.

Let's look at Ortiz. In his first six years, while playing in a stadium not known for being a hitters friendly park, he went from 9 to 10 to 18 to 20 HRs.

At the age of 27, he goes to Boston where he is surrounded by talent, not asked to hit opposite field and has a ridculously short left field. He then proceeds to hit 31, 41, 47, 54 homeruns before knee and wrist injuries reduce his power.

Unlike your previous declaration that Howard is roid free, I can not say with any certainty that either Ortiz or Howard are roid free. I am more skeptical then the average optimist I guess. All I am saying, Ortiz naturally progressed and got better with more experience. Howard, who might be a freak of nature, came out of nowhere and hit the ball like never before.

but explain how howard is on pace to hit 58 homeruns again? Like i said before alot of howards outs are unlucky, there deep hit and hard hits that just get caught. honsetly i want to see him go to al and see what he does bc he will most likely play dh so he wouldn't have to care about playin defense. i think his avg will increase

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Back on this steroid crap again ? We will NEVER know who was/is on this crap. No matter how much testing they do, there will always be ways to beat the system. If you want to see a poster boy for Roids, look no further than Pudge Rodriguez. No one can convince me that turd didn't juice up his whole career. I doubt Big Pipi juiced. Howard ? I don't know and frankly don't care. A lot of times guys burst into the leageu with great numbers, then the league catches up to them and they fade.

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3 reasons I can think of.

There is already 3 third basemen on the NL squad.

Howard is hitting .230 and plays no defense. He was at about .215 just a couple of weeks ago.

Wright actually deserves a spot. He's put up All-Star Caliber numbers.

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but explain how howard is on pace to hit 58 homeruns again? Like i said before alot of howards outs are unlucky, there deep hit and hard hits that just get caught. honsetly i want to see him go to al and see what he does bc he will most likely play dh so he wouldn't have to care about playin defense. i think his avg will increase


McGwire hit 52, 58, 70 and 65 during the height of the roids ERA.

AGain, I am not saying he uses roids, but he is not above suspicion. Neither should any player be.

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