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Johnny Damon the ONLY non ass on the yankees team


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Went to baltimore was in the Yankees hotel. Damon signs for EVERYONE. I litterly mean everyone. He even told me and a couple fans he does it cause he knows how it is to be a fan. As for the rest of the yankees they have no class for the fans. I have gotten most of the team to sign but most only sign when theres 1 or 2 kids around. Arod signs for small groups in big groups hes an ass. jeter usaully signs for most people. everyone else can be big asses when theres more than 7 ppl around.

The worst is Joba. He is one arrogant SOB. he was my idol but now hes nothing to me. When they get on the bus and everyone chants players names he walks so arrogantly and never acknowledges the crowd while everyone else does. at 2.30 in the morning he wouldnt sign for me and this girl keep in mind were only 14, and the only ppl up looking for autographs. When Damon signed for everyone at the buses joba just walked by everyone. Joba is already acting like the **** and hes only gonna get worse.

I did end up getting autographs from Abreu, and Molina. In Boston I got most of the team including the big names.

keep in mind I am a yankee fan. Rant over.

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Listen kid, I hate to burst your bubble but most athletes are like this. It annoys them to be hounded for autographs. Most people asking for them do it to make money. I have seen many situations like this. Get over it and move on. I'm sure you could find someone that will say that Damon is an ass.

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Listen kid, I hate to burst your bubble but most athletes are like this. It annoys them to be hounded for autographs. Most people asking for them do it to make money. I have seen many situations like this. Get over it and move on. I'm sure you could find someone that will say that Damon is an ass.

I know it annoys them and I know most people do it to make money, BUT when theres 3 or 4 kids I dont think theres an excuse not to sign. I highly doubt 14 year old fans waiting until 230 in the morning are gonna go sell the autograph. and the kids I was with defineatly wouldnt go sell them and I know i wouldnt. If I wanted to sell the autographs I have I would be loaded.

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I know it annoys them and I know most people do it to make money, BUT when theres 3 or 4 kids I dont think theres an excuse not to sign. I highly doubt 14 year old fans waiting until 230 in the morning are gonna go sell the autograph. and the kids I was with defineatly wouldnt go sell them and I know i wouldnt. If I wanted to sell the autographs I have I would be loaded.

I never really understood the value of having someone's name on a piece of paper or a baseball, etc. A lot of kids like to have autographs just to have, but memorabilia sales has gotten so crazy today that, its not unfathomable for adults to ask kids to get autographs for them for the purpose of making a quick buck. I am sure a lot of athletes are jaded by that, and yes there are some athletes who are just complete *******s. Its life, there's nothing you can do about it. Baseball players and athletes are just that, they're entertainers, it really doesn't make them great people. As Charles Barkley once said, "Athletes aren't paid to raise your kids"

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This is a boring and pointless subject. I think a lot of people want their teams players to see them and high five them along with a hug. It's not going to happen. You have to remember that is also a matter of saftey for these guys to be careful as to what crowds they approach. There are psycho's everywhere. I have had Jeter, sign for me twice along with Bernie, El Duque, O'Neill , and a few others. It's nice to meet them and get an autograph but don't EXPECT it from them. If you were in their place, you too would be tired of people bothering you constantly . I know they get paid a lot of money , but they are also human. The last thing I would want is some pimple faced teenager bothering me for an autograph.

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JetKid: Don't worry about the dickheads* giving you crap in this thread. You have a legit beef and I have no problem with that.

*I like all of you pricks. Why make fun of the 14 year old trying to get autographs?

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JetKid: Don't worry about the dickheads* giving you crap in this thread. You have a legit beef and I have no problem with that.

*I like all of you pricks. Why make fun of the 14 year old trying to get autographs?

thank you for actually understanding.

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Went to baltimore was in the Yankees hotel. Damon signs for EVERYONE. I litterly mean everyone. He even told me and a couple fans he does it cause he knows how it is to be a fan. As for the rest of the yankees they have no class for the fans. I have gotten most of the team to sign but most only sign when theres 1 or 2 kids around. Arod signs for small groups in big groups hes an ass. jeter usaully signs for most people. everyone else can be big asses when theres more than 7 ppl around.

The worst is Joba. He is one arrogant SOB. he was my idol but now hes nothing to me. When they get on the bus and everyone chants players names he walks so arrogantly and never acknowledges the crowd while everyone else does. at 2.30 in the morning he wouldnt sign for me and this girl keep in mind were only 14, and the only ppl up looking for autographs. When Damon signed for everyone at the buses joba just walked by everyone. Joba is already acting like the **** and hes only gonna get worse.

I did end up getting autographs from Abreu, and Molina. In Boston I got most of the team including the big names.

keep in mind I am a yankee fan. Rant over.

I don't understand these people that judge anyone as to whether they do or do not sign a million autographs. WGAF? Autographs are pretty much worthless. So by your logic every player should stand there until they sign each and every autograph, no matter how many, and notwithstanding the fact that greenfly doucehbags send little kids up front with memorabilia to get signed. Why anyone would spend 2 minutes stnaidng in line for an autograph is amazing, and embarrassing too. WTF are you doing at 2:30 AM? SHouldn't you either be home or in a a bar or something more productive?

Enjoy the games. Don't assume any of these guys is Ghandi because they happen to be professional athletes. Some of them may turn out to be good guys, some not. But whether they spend hours signing autographs for delusional folks has nothing to do with it.

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I don't understand these people that judge anyone as to whether they do or do not sign a million autographs. WGAF? Autographs are pretty much worthless. So by your logic every player should stand there until they sign each and every autograph, no matter how many, and notwithstanding the fact that greenfly doucehbags send little kids up front with memorabilia to get signed. Why anyone would spend 2 minutes stnaidng in line for an autograph is amazing, and embarrassing too. WTF are you doing at 2:30 AM? SHouldn't you either be home or in a a bar or something more productive?

Enjoy the games. Don't assume any of these guys is Ghandi because they happen to be professional athletes. Some of them may turn out to be good guys, some not. But whether they spend hours signing autographs for delusional folks has nothing to do with it.

I understand them not signing with a mob of people, but when theres 3 teenagers whats the problem? And I enjoy meeting the players I root and look up to. Obviously you think meeting the player is worthless, but to kids my age its means a lot. Older guys sell the autographs because they dont care about having a Jeter ball in their room, but to kids its always cool to say i met that athlete.

And 2:30 am is when the players curfew is when they get back to the hotel and theres not a mob of people waiting like there is after a game.

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Stalking the Yankees now, I see! Well atleast its not another Brett Favre story. So what he didnt sign your autograph, most people want to be left alone not hounded for autographs, especially from adult men. Build a bridge and get over it.

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Stalking the Yankees now, I see! Well atleast its not another Brett Favre story. So what he didnt sign your autograph, most people want to be left alone not hounded for autographs, especially from adult men. Build a bridge and get over it.

Jetkid just reached puberty in the truest sense. He does have the right to be upset I think, but there's really nothing you can do about it. In the end its only a stupid signature.

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I understand them not signing with a mob of people, but when theres 3 teenagers whats the problem? And I enjoy meeting the players I root and look up to. Obviously you think meeting the player is worthless, but to kids my age its means a lot. Older guys sell the autographs because they dont care about having a Jeter ball in their room, but to kids its always cool to say i met that athlete.

And 2:30 am is when the players curfew is when they get back to the hotel and theres not a mob of people waiting like there is after a game.

Why does it mean so much to you? Is seeing someone at 2:30AM "meeting" them? And given the security concerns these guys have, if you were in their shoes, would you be in a big rush to hang out and sign when there's an airconditioned suite moments away? SO you waited outside a hotel for hours on a beatiful summer night (bars, clubs, girls, amusement parks, sleep) hoping to have a player scribble on a ball for you; may be I'm jaded, but I don't get it.
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Why does it mean so much to you? Is seeing someone at 2:30AM "meeting" them? And given the security concerns these guys have, if you were in their shoes, would you be in a big rush to hang out and sign when there's an airconditioned suite moments away? SO you waited outside a hotel for hours on a beatiful summer night (bars, clubs, girls, amusement parks, sleep) hoping to have a player scribble on a ball for you; may be I'm jaded, but I don't get it.

dude, why be so harsh on some little kid who looks up to an athlete and wants an autograph. The kid is only 14, let him hold on to his childhood innocence for a little bit longer. Geez, it's not like this is some 40 year old doing it or something. I personally think autographs are dumb but I'm not gonna **** on some 14 year old kid because he likes them.

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Jetkid just reached puberty in the truest sense. He does have the right to be upset I think, but there's really nothing you can do about it. In the end its only a stupid signature.

Sorry, got him confused with JETSRULE

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I was never one who cared about autographs. I think that your outlook is being unfair to many sports players. Jeter still signed for most people so I don't understand the hate for him, he probably had something to do. I suppose I can understand why Joba didn't sign at 2:30 in the morning. It's freaken 2:30 in the morning! The guy has to go to sleep and get ready for another day of work. By then he was probably already exhausted, I'd say that would be a bad time to ask for an autograph even if it was only the two of you.

There are so many people who want autographs day in and day out for these professional sports stars. To expect them to sign for everyone is just unfair to them, they have other more important things to be doing. I can understand the frustration if it really means so much to you, but they have no obligation to sign any autographs. However, with the money these players are getting paid I think all of them should at least sign some autographs, to give back to the fans in a way.

Also, don't assume that all kids at your age would regard an autograph so highly. At your age, I couldn't give a rat's ass about autographs. Maybe that was just me, I don't know.

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Are we still on this ? Listen kid, do me a favor. Get over it. As you get older you will see that life is full of adversity. If this it the worst thing that happens to you in a day be happy. Now stop being a fruit and move on. You live on the east coast for goodness sake. I thought only west coast kids were gay. Oh, and there is no reason for someone your age to be up that late begging for autographs. Your parents are to blame for that.

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Lol, know what we learned from this thread? Some yankee fans are as big of ***holes as some yankee players apparently, rofl.

Anyway, I'm not going to look at it from the kid's POV, maybe he's just trying to get a souvenir or two from his heroes, I don't know and I don't really care. The thing I care about is that these guys aren't **** without the fans; so if there is a small handful of fans standing there that late at night, especially kids, they should take a minute to show their appreciation. It would literally take less than a minute to sign three autographs. You guys are just bitter that one of your new favorite players is a douchebag.

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If I quit going to Yankee games, Arod will still make 1 gazillion dollars. Stop your bull crap. At 2:30 in the morning, I would be drunk and ready to lay the wood to a chick with big cans. The last thing I want to see is clearasil boy asking for my autograph. Let's be realistic here.

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If I quit going to Yankee games, Arod will still make 1 gazillion dollars. Stop your bull crap. At 2:30 in the morning, I would be drunk and ready to lay the wood to a chick with big cans. The last thing I want to see is clearasil boy asking for my autograph. Let's be realistic here.

If I had wheels I'd be a bicycle.

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What a bunch of bitter old men, who seemingly must of had all their dreams squashed in life, and in return only want to dilute everyone elses fun.

Big deal, a kid expresses some dismay that he was unable to get some autographs from whom I will guess are singularly most important people in young life beside his parents. And you guys feel the need to give him all of life's lessons in a few short paragraphs.

If it was your child, I surely hope these would not be the speeches that you would give him.

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What a bunch of bitter old men, who seemingly must of had all their dreams squashed in life, and in return only want to dilute everyone elses fun.

Big deal, a kid expresses some dismay that he was unable to get some autographs from whom I will guess are singularly most important people in young life beside his parents. And you guys feel the need to give him all of life's lessons in a few short paragraphs.

If it was your child, I surely hope these would not be the speeches that you would give him.

Hey Dad,

Are we almost there yet?


The Back Seat

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This is a boring and pointless subject. I think a lot of people want their teams players to see them and high five them along with a hug. It's not going to happen. You have to remember that is also a matter of saftey for these guys to be careful as to what crowds they approach. There are psycho's everywhere. I have had Jeter, sign for me twice along with Bernie, El Duque, O'Neill , and a few others. It's nice to meet them and get an autograph but don't EXPECT it from them. If you were in their place, you too would be tired of people bothering you constantly . I know they get paid a lot of money , but they are also human. The last thing I would want is some pimple faced teenager bothering me for an autograph.

That same pimple-faced tennager that will take that autograph and put it up on EBAY an hour later.

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That same pimple-faced tennager that will take that autograph and put it up on EBAY an hour later.

And that may certainly be the case in some instances.

But, I will suggest also that there are some that will take that autograph, cherish it, save it for life and store it as a positive memorable moment and a brush with fame.

And that may make a kid very happy.

What athlete can judge what kids will be party to the former action, or the latter? They can't.

So treat every kid that you can with the same way you would want your child treated.

Are athelete's autographs prostituted? Certainly. But that is the price of fame, as they say. An athlete also has a responsibility to support the sport they are involved with, and that includes customer relations. These kids are their best customer and their sport's future.

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