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I am so sick of NFL game officials...


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not only in our game, but the fumble that wasn't in the Denver game. This happens every friggin week every frigging season. I am sick and tired of officials causing teams to lose games. You wait all off season for the real thing and a f'ing ref causes you to lose a winnable game.

as far as our game, let me ask a question. Why do we get a roughing call when he tried to hold Cassel up but Favre gets creamed after a release and there is NO CALL?


Im starting to think it wasn't Namath that sold his soul to the devil, it was Pat Leahy...

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Im sure that makes Norv Turner feel all bubbly this morning

Yeah I'm sure that makes him real happy. "We get 95% of calls correct" ... only in the NFL.

Can you imagine boarding a flight and the pilot gets on the PA and says, "Folks, we get this right 95% of the time.


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I love hearing how everyone says well what happened the rest of your 80 plays. 1 BAD CALL CAN RUIN A GAME!

The refs IMO took this game right out of our hands and took the momentum away from us Yea we looked like heck and were outcoached but if they pu tthe flag away on the Cotch PI

well we have the ball on the 20. Whos to say we dont go in?


You mean to tell me they didnt have 1 play with holding in the entire game? Not one?

Coles was mugged..and tell me , Seymour sack what happened to in the grasp? He had his jersey for 10 yards.

The funnies thing was last play of game the refs called a penalty on the Pats.

I think its not far fetched to think the NFL favors the Pats for what reason who knows maybe to alleviate the spygate thing and give them a break .

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I love hearing how everyone says well what happened the rest of your 80 plays. 1 BAD CALL CAN RUIN A GAME!

The refs IMO took this game right out of our hands and took the momentum away from us Yea we looked like heck and were outcoached but if they pu tthe flag away on the Cotch PI

well we have the ball on the 20. Whos to say we dont go in?


You mean to tell me they didnt have 1 play with holding in the entire game? Not one?

Coles was mugged..and tell me , Seymour sack what happened to in the grasp? He had his jersey for 10 yards.

The funnies thing was last play of game the refs called a penalty on the Pats.

I think its not far fetched to think the NFL favors the Pats for what reason who knows maybe to alleviate the spygate thing and give them a break .

We've seen this last year, I think last year they were only flagged 12 times for holding the whole year. I guess its good coaching....

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We've seen this last year, I think last year they were only flagged 12 times for holding the whole year. I guess its good coaching....

I saw it live and today at home. Harris was held on that screen. In the backfield. How do you not see that. The NFL loves the Pats even when getting caught cheating they get slaps on the wrists.

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So now 95% isn't even good enough? You do realize those are actually human beings running around on that field right? The're not going to get every call.

They do for the patsies***

or I guess I should say they MISS all the ones for the patseis***

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So now 95% isn't even good enough? You do realize those are actually human beings running around on that field right? The're not going to get every call.

Don't know who came up with the 95% number, but Pats ran 59 offensive plays..not one holding call. Also lets forget about the cheap shots @ Brett after the ball was thrown. Maybe its 95% of what the other team does, if your team name isn't Pats or Colts. Don't know how many watched the Colts game, but Vikes got robbed on their last drive.

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So now 95% isn't even good enough? You do realize those are actually human beings running around on that field right? The're not going to get every call.

When the other 5% affects the outcome of a game it is NOT good enough.

Just think of how many plays 5% is. I t could be a crucial 3rd down in the first quater, it still affects the game .

Humans yea, but this is their job. Listen the Pats forever get the benefit of all calls all the time. Go back to the Raider game.

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:rl: I suppose this was the way it was when the Niners and Cowboys were dominating too. Lets not blame ourselves for losing to an obviously better team, lets blame the refs.

You're simple and dense, just unable to grasp other people's words and points. You stubbornly assign arguments to other people and argue them when it has nothing to do with what they're talking about. It's sad and something you should think about fixing as it is a horrible trait to have. I may be a dick but at least I have the courtesy of reading and attempting to comprehend other people's posts when having a e-conversation.

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The Patriots were holding all day. AND, on those two WR screen passes that went for BIG plays, there was BLATANT HOLDING going on! Revis on the first one and Lowery on the second. ...Two hands, both grabbing the jersey under the sholder pad and pulling the Jet defender out of the way to clear the running lane. Just pathetic!

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You're simple and dense, just unable to grasp other people's words and points. You stubbornly assign arguments to other people and argue them when it has nothing to do with what they're talking about. It's sad and something you should think about fixing as it is a horrible trait to have. I may be a dick but at least I have the courtesy of reading and attempting to comprehend other people's posts when having a e-conversation.

At least you got one thing right in this post. But you are a smart dick. I'll give you that one...oh yeah and big...Betcha wished you could give me some negative rep right about now huh? :rl:

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I understand your point ALK..your team had been caught cheating already, you can't get away with that anymore. God forbid you get a holding call once in 50+ plays, how could you possibly win anything by playing within the same rules everyone else has to...

btw, the original point of this thread was to bring out how bad ALL refs are in ALL games, but leave it to you to assume I was talking about your stinking, cheating, fraudulent, obnoxious bunch of scum bags...

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I understand your point ALK..your team had been caught cheating already, you can't get away with that anymore. God forbid you get a holding call once in 50+ plays, how could you possibly win anything by playing within the same rules everyone else has to...

btw, the original point of this thread was to bring out how bad ALL refs are in ALL games, but leave it to you to assume I was talking about your stinking, cheating, fraudulent, obnoxious bunch of scum bags...

Well, part of it was about my team so that's what I chose to talk about. I could care less about the rest of the NFL but not much.

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Calvins penalty was BS it wasnt even close . and Coth penalty was both players trying to make a play on the ball of course there is gonna be contact they are both looking at the ball, that kind of contact is allowed. Pats had a horse collar tackle and it wasnt called. I'm not saying those calls changed the outcome of the game, but it sure did help.

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I love hearing how everyone says well what happened the rest of your 80 plays. 1 BAD CALL CAN RUIN A GAME!

The refs IMO took this game right out of our hands and took the momentum away from us Yea we looked like heck and were outcoached but if they pu tthe flag away on the Cotch PI

well we have the ball on the 20. Whos to say we dont go in?


You mean to tell me they didnt have 1 play with holding in the entire game? Not one?

Coles was mugged..and tell me , Seymour sack what happened to in the grasp? He had his jersey for 10 yards.

The funnies thing was last play of game the refs called a penalty on the Pats.

I think its not far fetched to think the NFL favors the Pats for what reason who knows maybe to alleviate the spygate thing and give them a break .

You guys kills me. Besides that ticky-tack pi call on the offense, you guys got your own breaks. I was sitting in the 6th row of the endzone, and Isaw with my own eyes, Seymour and Wilfork getting held on practically every play. It was ridiculous. And still, they perservered.

This is my theory (and trust me, I'm shocked that the Pats won - guess the defense WAS on vacation in the pre-season) - when a team has three tries to get a td -runs against this all world o-line of yours - and fails? Your team fails. That was absolutely pathetic. The coaching was miserable for you guys.

Still, it will get better. They need time to gel. Just don't take too much time.....wait! Yes, take as much time as you need ;)

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