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After no many ups and downs in last night's game--and an astounding amount of screaming and PhD. level curse barrages--I could not watch the final kick by Jay Feely in OT. So, I took the logical course: I went into my bedroom closet, in the dark, and waited to hear my wife's reaction. By her response, you would have thought that the peace treaty ending World War II had just been signed. I go flying out of the closet and we're hugging and screaming like two maniacs. It brought back long subverted memories of the Pittsburgh game in 2004, when I sat on my outside steps, eyes closed, fingers in ears, and chanting so as not to hear, see, or otherwise experience Choke Boy, Doug Brien's crushing missed kick.

I thought it might be interesting, fun, and somewhat cathartic to list any insane or superstitious behavior that any of us did last night before Feely's kick or in past games.

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What was so weird for me, is I just knew he would make it..had no doubt in my mind

Never had that before with a Jets kicker

I went nuts with Keller then Coles catches

Pretty much here too. In fact, for some reason I never really thought we'd lose that game even when I knew it was going to become a nail biter after the way the first half ended..

I have to admit though that I focused on the laptop and only glanced at the TV a few seconds after the kick to see the refs raise their hands to signal good..

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What was so weird for me, is I just knew he would make it..had no doubt in my mind

Never had that before with a Jets kicker

I went nuts with Keller then Coles catches

That throw by Favre in OT to Keller for 15 yards is worth whatever they are paying him. Like Elway and Montana, he's one of those guys that just believes he can win any game in any situation.

Another ritual in my home: Before every game, my son brings down his "Jet Guy", one of those motorized Jet dolls that dances as Hank Williams, Jr. sings Are You Ready For Some Football, and puts it in front of the TV. During any crucial play, I put my finger on Jet Guy's nose until the play is over. Last night, I had both fingers on the nose before the TD to Moss. I got blasted by my wife because I changed from the one finger nose holding technique that had worked before. LOL!

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LOL...good stuff. I had purchased a pair of Jets shorts a few weeks ago. Wore them for the first time during the Bills game. Figured, hey that works...maybe I will them for the Rams game...that worked. So before the game, I'm looking for those same shorts...couldn't find them when I remembered they were in the laundry basket...too late to wash them, so I put them on (stinky and all...LOL). Moral of the story is, I will be wearing those "magic" shorts for the entire season...just have to remember to wash the damn things.:cool:

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3rd and 15 I scream in my drunken stupor OK Favre you mutha fu--a you better show show me what you got - well he did -- no way no how Penny drives us down the field like that that was a pick 6 waiting to happen or he woulkd have thrown it 8 yards -- still feeling good

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After no many ups and downs in last night's game--and an astounding amount of screaming and PhD. level curse barrages--I could not watch the final kick by Jay Feely in OT. So, I took the logical course: I went into my bedroom closet, in the dark, and waited to hear my wife's reaction. By her response, you would have thought that the peace treaty ending World War II had just been signed. I go flying out of the closet and we're hugging and screaming like two maniacs. It brought back long subverted memories of the Pittsburgh game in 2004, when I sat on my outside steps, eyes closed, fingers in ears, and chanting so as not to hear, see, or otherwise experience Choke Boy, Doug Brien's crushing missed kick.

I thought it might be interesting, fun, and somewhat cathartic to list any insane or superstitious behavior that any of us did last night before Feely's kick or in past games.

Actually, I was calm. I just laid on the couch (way past my bedtime) and relaxed every muscle in my body. Then I sh i t myself.

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LOL...good stuff. I had purchased a pair of Jets shorts a few weeks ago. Wore them for the first time during the Bills game. Figured, hey that works...maybe I will them for the Rams game...that worked. So before the game, I'm looking for those same shorts...couldn't find them when I remembered they were in the laundry basket...too late to wash them, so I put them on (stinky and all...LOL). Moral of the story is, I will be wearing those "magic" shorts for the entire season...just have to remember to wash the damn things.:cool:

You realize that you can not wash them until the season is over now, right? I'm fu**king serious. You wash those things and we lose again this year and it's your fault. :)

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