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Lupica gives his thoughts on Yanks spending


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Lupica is an idiot. On one hand he's criticizing the Yanks for spending and on the other, he's saying the Yanks had no choice.

He is not criticizing the Yankees as much as he is the system.It is the system that enables teh Yanks to do this, and they are in every one of their rights to do what they are doing.

But it does not mean the system is right,

That was the point.

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He is not criticizing the Yankees as much as he is the system.It is the system that enables teh Yanks to do this, and they are in every one of their rights to do what they are doing.

But it does not mean the system is right,

That was the point.

Don't blame the Yankees then...they're working within the system. Don't like the system? Change it. And we all know that ain't happening.

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He is not criticizing the Yankees as much as he is the system.It is the system that enables teh Yanks to do this, and they are in every one of their rights to do what they are doing.

But it does not mean the system is right,

That was the point.

The Yankess' projected payroll for 2009 is actually less than their 2008 payroll, due mostly to expring unrenewed contracts like Abreu and Giambi.

Lupica writes all these nonsense articles about the Yankees, yet never takes the Mets to task for selling naming rights to their stadium(which has blown up in their faces) nor mentions the financial geniuses in FLushing, Fred and Jeff Coupon, were swindled out of over $300 million. Nor that his beloved Sawx could build a new stadium with revenue sharing cash, but they're fans are too stupid to see that their outdated firetrap is about to be a huge hinderance to their finances.

He should save time and energy-just write "Yanks suck, mets and Sawx rule!". What insight. What a whiny sniveling douchebag.

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The Yankess' projected payroll for 2009 is actually less than their 2008 payroll, due mostly to expring unrenewed contracts like Abreu and Giambi.

Lupica writes all these nonsense articles about the Yankees, yet never takes the Mets to task for selling naming rights to their stadium(which has blown up in their faces) nor mentions the financial geniuses in FLushing, Fred and Jeff Coupon, were swindled out of over $300 million. Nor that his beloved Sawx could build a new stadium with revenue sharing cash, but they're fans are too stupid to see that their outdated firetrap is about to be a huge hinderance to their finances.

He should save time and energy-just write "Yanks suck, mets and Sawx rule!". What insight. What a whiny sniveling douchebag.

Not exactly true though the Yanks will PR that to death until opening day when the new figures come out.

Right now they are 15 mill under last year and still need to add in the facts that:

A-Rod will go from $27 million to $32 million.

Cano will go from $3 million to $ 6 million.

Wang goes from $4 million to $5 million.

That's 9 of the 15 mill that they are under from last years payroll.

If Pettitte signs that's another 10 mill (at least) and puts them over last years payroll.

You also have:

Arbitration cases for Xavier Nady (he made $3.35 million last year), Brian Bruney ($750,000 last season) and Melky Cabrera ($461,200 last season)

Yanks will likely be at or over last years payroll.

P.S. A lot more smart investors were swindled out of their money besides the Wilpons.

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The Yankess' projected payroll for 2009 is actually less than their 2008 payroll, due mostly to expring unrenewed contracts like Abreu and Giambi.

Lupica writes all these nonsense articles about the Yankees, yet never takes the Mets to task for selling naming rights to their stadium(which has blown up in their faces) nor mentions the financial geniuses in FLushing, Fred and Jeff Coupon, were swindled out of over $300 million. Nor that his beloved Sawx could build a new stadium with revenue sharing cash, but they're fans are too stupid to see that their outdated firetrap is about to be a huge hinderance to their finances.

He should save time and energy-just write "Yanks suck, mets and Sawx rule!". What insight. What a whiny sniveling douchebag.

Spoken like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about or at least someone with an ax to grind. Lupica is talking about a system that he doesn't believe work for baseball. If you poll management in baseball, I think its fair to say that quite of few would agree with what he has to say. Whatever it is, the system is what it is. Can't change it now or the foreseeable future. It will change when baseball ceases to be profitable or when a good number of teams can no longer exist under the current regulations. Anyway, what does the "Citifield" naming rights have anything to do with the article or anything at all. From what I understand, it is going to be Citifield unless something crazy happens. 99% of teams sell their naming rights to their ballparks. It is a big revenue stream. Fortunately the Yankee don't have to, congratulations to them. Again, what does that have to do with the article. The Wilpons lost 100's of millions of dollars in the Ponzi scheme. They have said it won't change their operations of the Mets. It is fair to say that the Mets are not the Wilpons only business venture. Again, what does that have to do with the article of Lupica. You know what, there was also a lot of smart business people who lost tons of money in the Ponzi scheme. It happens. I am just curious as to where the Mets come in regarding this article.

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Oh, what a surprise. Zeebra defending the Mets and attacking the Yankees. Are you sure you're not really Lupica himself ? I don't remember you crying when the Mets gave Johan the keys to the vault. Why should I or anyone else care where or why Wilpon lost money ?

why does Omar Minaya still have a job? he's failed at immitating the "Big boys" of the AL East

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It's all about the ring. No ring, no care. I'm happy the Yanks missed the playoffs this year. They were too jaded. Time for a wakeup call. The Mets have gone down in a ball of flames the last 2 years. That's a disgrace. No one has ever held Minaya responsible.

I agree, it is about the ring, but you were the one looking backwards.

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Don't blame the Yankees then...they're working within the system. Don't like the system? Change it. And we all know that ain't happening.

The owners would LOVE to change the system. The MLBPA is one of the strongest unions in the country. Good luck getting anything from them. Hell, it took Congress to get them to agree to any drug testing.

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Oh, what a surprise. Zeebra defending the Mets and attacking the Yankees. Are you sure you're not really Lupica himself ? I don't remember you crying when the Mets gave Johan the keys to the vault. Why should I or anyone else care where or why Wilpon lost money ?

Exactly, why should anyone care how or where the Wilpons lost their money. Why should I even need to defend the Mets? Read the article, where does Lupica mention the Mets? That article had nothing to do with the Mets. It was Lupica stating what he thinks. He isn't the only one who shares those sentiments. This article had nothing to do with the Mets, Bugg made it about the Mets for whatever reason. I was merely addressing that. What a surprise? For someone who don't give a damn about the Mets you sure, talk a lot about the Mets, even when it have nothing to do with the Mets or you for that matter.

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As long as guys like Zeebra exist , Lupica will sell papers. It's always good to see people hating the Yankees. That means they are doing well. When they are losing, no one hates.

AnskyKloogy, you pretty seem to be an expert on attacks on this site. Why don't you enlighten me and please explain to me how I attacked the big bad Yankees.

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AnskyKloogy, you pretty seem to be an expert on attacks on this site. Why don't you enlighten me and please explain to me how I attacked the big bad Yankees.

I love how you say I post abou the Mets all the time. Your breath smells like Yankee baseball. You are in every Yankee thread putting down whatever it is they did that day. If the Yankees cured AIDS tomorrow, we would see you in there posting about how that is bad for the world. Next time you see a Yankees thread, it would probably be best for your health if you backed away from the keyboard and, took a couple of deep breaths.

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I love how you say I post abou the Mets all the time. Your breath smells like Yankee baseball. You are in every Yankee thread putting down whatever it is they did that day. If the Yankees cured AIDS tomorrow, we would see you in there posting about how that is bad for the world. Next time you see a Yankees thread, it would probably be best for your health if you backed away from the keyboard and, took a couple of deep breaths.

Again, please tell me how I attacked the Yankees?

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I'm too busy opening presents to dig up all the endless threads that you have inserted your fork in. But if you go under your profile, and look up "posts", you will see for yourself.

I didn't realize it was difficult to scroll back a page in a 3 page thread. Apparently I said something to attack the Yankees in this thread to get on your nerves. Go dig it up. I am sure you won't find anything. I am also sure, what you'll say next. You'll either accuse say I'm a "homosexual" or a "salsa dancer", etc etc. You're so predictable and transparent its embarrassing.

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The owners can change the system...I think...Peter Gammons suggested they completely re-align the leagues and divisions by payroll. Large payrolls placed together and small payrolls placed together...He added it would put the Mets, Yankees, Red Sox, and some others into one division...some owners and fans may not like it...and not sure we would get the best teams in the playoffs but the small markets fans may come back to the ball park. I lived near KC for several years and the fan support was just terrible...if the economy continues to sour and something doesn't change I could definitely see some teams folding...

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