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Curtis Granderson Wins World Series Home Field Advantage For The Tigers

The Gun Of Bavaria

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The Yankees match up so poorly against the top AL teams. They're scared of the Red Sox. The Tigers and Angels can actually run, so that screws us too.

If they make it, they Yanks wont get out of the first round...again.

Hows that for a circle jerk?


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The Yankees match up so poorly against the top AL teams. They're scared of the Red Sox. The Tigers and Angels can actually run, so that screws us too.

If they make it, they Yanks wont get out of the first round...again.

Hows that for a circle jerk?



Ill reserve comment until the upcoming series in NY this weekend. Yanks spanked us good in Detroit so I'm hoping Detroit comes out strong. They'll have Verlander, Jackson & Porcello throwing for them, so that's a huge plus.

The Tigers offense has been "just good enough" to win and they can thank their lucky stars that they have a solid 3 guys in the rotation, to offset an ailing Gallaraga and D. Train's rookie replacement French.

The bullpen....I have no idea about those SOBs. Some nights they come out in close games and shut things down, other nights that can't close out a 10-1 game without butchering the 8th and 9th.

Rodney is solid as long as it's a save situation, but is a trainwreck outside a save. Zumaya is all over the god damned place right now and is finding that 103mph fastballs with no movement, just leave the park faster. Bobby Seay has been a definite diamond in the rough this year and thank freaking god that Brandon Lyon has settled down.

Still, the Tigers are in 1st and are getting NO offense from Guillen & Ordonez and not as much offense as normal from Granderson & Polanco. Inge and Clete Thomas have been refreshing suprises thus far.

The Tigers could be dangerous with that strong 3 man rotation if they get to the playoffs. It's AL Central or bust for them.

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The Yankees match up so poorly against the top AL teams. They're scared of the Red Sox. The Tigers and Angels can actually run, so that screws us too.

If they make it, they Yanks wont get out of the first round...again.

Hows that for a circle jerk?



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You could also say that dildo farmer Heath Bell showed why he had never been selected to any type of all star team in his life and career before and shouldn't have pitched in this one.:winking0001:

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It was actually Carl Crawford who saved the home field advantage for whatever AL team that makes the world series, not Granderson.

Crawford's play was great, but Granderson turned a double into a triple and put himself in position for the game winning run.

If anything, there should have been Co-MVPs. :lol:

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Well, he scored one of them by hitting a weak grounder and getting on base via a fielder's choice. Not impressed.

When I need a whiny-ass Yankee hater's opinion, you'll be my second call, if Thai is not available. K? Thanks.

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The Yanks still have alot of room for improvement.

Great stat I heard on the radio today.

Yankees record against the AL Divsion leaders is 4-13. :bag:

The Angels have owned the Yanks for quite a while now and if they don't get something going against the Sox when the two hook up again in August they could be in real trouble.

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Papelbon ****ing sucked, now you know exactly why this guy should never be the closer of an all star game, liked the punk demanded so last year. Two hard hit balls, one that should have been a home run. I don't want to hear any of these ignorant Sox fans overhype this guy, and his nice high WHIP ever again...

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Papelbon ****ing sucked, now you know exactly why this guy should never be the closer of an all star game, liked the punk demanded so last year. Two hard hit balls, one that should have been a home run. I don't want to hear any of these ignorant Sox fans overhype this guy, and his nice high WHIP ever again...

Any knowledgeable Sox fan will tell you he has been horrible this year. He ditched his splitter and is strictly a 4-seam fastball pitcher this year. The league doesn't have the full book on him yet, but I suspect you'll see that ERA regress to his WHIP come this second half.

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Any knowledgeable Sox fan will tell you he has been horrible this year. He ditched his splitter and is strictly a 4-seam fastball pitcher this year. The league doesn't have the full book on him yet, but I suspect you'll see that ERA regress to his WHIP come this second half.

That is exactly why I always say it's no way possible that he would have made it as a starter. He just didn't have the stuff to be a starter. With Joba, he has the stuff to be a starter, I just don't think he has the intelligence to become one.

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