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JN Mafia Thread: Superheroes Unite!

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I'll be busy for the next couple hours and might not be able to post much.

I'd hoped logic would prevail but apparently I have to spell it out a little more clearly for some of you. Not to mention the non scum who are voting me are ticking me off.

EY is terribly wrong AGAIN! My role is the ability to absorb the power of a hero who has already died. You guys want to guess who I took?

Jeez some of you are frustrating.

So you're claiming Peter Petrelli?


(Check out Doggin's TV Land Game on JN if you don't get this reference)

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Maybe JVOR didn't pick roles based on which characters are popular but rather those that would lend themselves to neat mafia powers.

Good god it's the voice of reason... why do you think I was getting so frustrated when EY's ramblings were being taken as fact.

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So, lets review; attack me and EY, suck up to jif, you have to shoehorn yourself into some speedos to play frisbee and..


Thanks for stopping by.. At what time will you be back to offer something resembling a defense???

Defend what Scrabble head? I attacked you and EY because you guys always play this game with your cerebral boners out run'n-a-round the game mind ****ing anyone that doesn;t agree with you. Then your interwebz mafia muscle come out and you lynch innocents. Have I missed anything?

Actually Im starting to see maybe EY is just being is hyper aggressive townie self, after all he has known to self lynch himself as town in numerous creative ways. You on the other hand will never get me off thinking about your shenengins as SK. Hard to tell who is leading here. I will stick to my gun and tell you I think one of you is dirty.

By the way my speedos fit fabolous though you can only see them when I inhale.

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I'll be busy for the next couple hours and might not be able to post much.

I'd hoped logic would prevail but apparently I have to spell it out a little more clearly for some of you. Not to mention the non scum who are voting me are ticking me off.

EY is terribly wrong AGAIN! My role is the ability to absorb the power of a hero who has already died. You guys want to guess who I took?

Jeez some of you are frustrating.

Pac is a liar.

Vote: Pac

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Rogue? Dr. Strange? I don't know enough about comics ...

Doctor Strange is the master of the mystic arts. He is a magic user. Only heroes with Power mimicry are rogue and Peter Petrelli. The villains with said power are Sylar, Parasite, Absorbing man. But they are all B-list villains. the villains in this game are.


1. Lex Luthor

2. Green Goblin/Norman Osborn

Most likely

3.Joker- most well known villain not to be in the game

4. Dr. Doom- FF are in it but no doom?

that means out of Thanos, Galactus, Venom, Brainaic, All of the batman villains, Magneto, All of the Flash Rogue's a third rate superman villain or the guy from heroes gets put in over those guys? Unlikely.

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Doctor Strange is the master of the mystic arts. He is a magic user. Only heroes with Power mimicry are rogue and Peter Petrelli. The villains with said power are Sylar, Parasite, Absorbing man. But they are all B-list villains. the villains in this game are.


1. Lex Luthor

2. Green Goblin/Norman Osborn

Most likely

3.Joker- most well known villain not to be in the game

4. Dr. Doom- FF are in it but no doom?

that means out of Thanos, Galactus, Venom, Brainaic, All of the batman villains, Magneto, All of the Flash Rogue's a third rate superman villain or the guy from heroes gets put in over those guys? Unlikely.

5. Mr. Sinister? That injection **** sounds like something he would do.

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Doctor Strange is the master of the mystic arts. He is a magic user. Only heroes with Power mimicry are rogue and Peter Petrelli. The villains with said power are Sylar, Parasite, Absorbing man. But they are all B-list villains. the villains in this game are.


1. Lex Luthor

2. Green Goblin/Norman Osborn

Most likely

3.Joker- most well known villain not to be in the game

4. Dr. Doom- FF are in it but no doom?

that means out of Thanos, Galactus, Venom, Brainaic, All of the batman villains, Magneto, All of the Flash Rogue's a third rate superman villain or the guy from heroes gets put in over those guys? Unlikely.

When I googled "Doctor Strange absorb" I found things saying he could absorb powers and magic. He and Rogue were the first to pop into my head ... but you're right it doesn't make as much sense compared to the other well-known characters in the game so far. So you're thinking Pac is lying?

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You didn't sway me with your case, I just said I agreed with you. Crusher has all but dissappeared when pressure hit and even went to defending smash the next day after cowering away and unvoting..

Im at the beach with my family shrunken treasure shorts. Im catching up as I can. The only reason your trying to get legs on my case is becasue Im not on that much. You know you have to get me lynched when Im not here or I will pwn your ass. Its happen.

I really can;t get much of a feel. I do feel better about EY actually, but CTM is hard for me to really get an unboased view on cause he ****s with me alot and I usually swat him like a mosquito. Its not going to help this game if he is just being his typical pain in the fat guys ass or dirty. Im leaning towrds one but not sure yet.

I pm'd JiF a few pics of myself in my new speedo, he could share them if you like. Might when to wait a couple hours after eating. In your case Cahn you may want to swallow that load before you look.

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Arsis has just been injected with serum. Alignment has 50% probability of changing.

Pray to god rng is in your favor heroes :)

Keep this up and your going to be require to have a nanny co-mod with you. Your like an intelligent demented child with your modding. Whats next you going to peel off someone wings, and fry Chan with a magmifying glass.

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lol... this is rich...


Sure. I assume that role revealing as follows is OK?

I'm the Watcher. Each night, I get to see all the people who target one player. Some of my comments in the last few days might make a little more sense based on this and what you can infer from it.

Night 1 - I targeted Doggin. Four people, including Pac, targeted him. I can list those four people if you want.

Night 2 - I targeted Pac. Pac targeted himself. Hence my thoughts that he was a weird cop at first, since he targeted someone else first then himself. I have no idea what power he has, but it isn't absorbing dead people.

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Sure. I assume that role revealing as follows is OK?

I'm the Watcher. Each night, I get to see all the people who target one player. Some of my comments in the last few days might make a little more sense based on this and what you can infer from it.

Night 1 - I targeted Doggin. Four people, including Pac, targeted him. I can list those four people if you want.

Night 2 - I targeted Pac. Pac targeted himself. Hence my thoughts that he was a weird cop at first, since he targeted someone else first then himself. I have no idea what power he has, but it isn't absorbing dead people.

Please listen to me carefully.

Consider what power I said I absorbed. If I was "targeting" doggin what would I have been doing? If I targeted myself what would I have been doing?

What powerful character has died?

Thank you for proving my case. :cheers:

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Sure. I assume that role revealing as follows is OK?

I'm the Watcher. Each night, I get to see all the people who target one player. Some of my comments in the last few days might make a little more sense based on this and what you can infer from it.

Night 1 - I targeted Doggin. Four people, including Pac, targeted him. I can list those four people if you want.

Night 2 - I targeted Pac. Pac targeted himself. Hence my thoughts that he was a weird cop at first, since he targeted someone else first then himself. I have no idea what power he has, but it isn't absorbing dead people.

That's it then..

vote pac

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Sure. I assume that role revealing as follows is OK?

I'm the Watcher. Each night, I get to see all the people who target one player. Some of my comments in the last few days might make a little more sense based on this and what you can infer from it.

Night 1 - I targeted Doggin. Four people, including Pac, targeted him. I can list those four people if you want.

Night 2 - I targeted Pac. Pac targeted himself. Hence my thoughts that he was a weird cop at first, since he targeted someone else first then himself. I have no idea what power he has, but it isn't absorbing dead people.

Actually, that might help his case. If he took SMC's powers on the 1st night, then he would have targetted himself night 2.

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Please listen to me carefully.

Consider what power I said I absorbed. If I was "targeting" doggin what would I have been doing? If I targeted myself what would I have been doing?

What powerful character has died?

Thank you for proving my case. :cheers:


good point..


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Night 1 - I targeted Doggin. Four people, including Pac, targeted him. I can list those four people if you want.

You probably should list them yet. I think we need to talk about this though. If Pac and Klecko are telling the truth, then he was protected by a doc and roleblocked night 1.

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You probably should list them yet. I think we need to talk about this though. If Pac and Klecko are telling the truth, then he was protected by a doc and roleblocked night 1.

Sorry, I mean you shouldn't list them.

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how quickly the 3 headed monster of EY, Kleck, and JIF have disappeared.

what was that line EY? it's gotten awfully quiet in here?

Arsis is pretty sure Kleck and Jif are clean. Arsis is 75% EY is clean and just very active in trying to weed people out. If you assume Laout and Pac are clean. That leaves a pretty decent chance we get a scum if we vote on one of the remaining guys. Anyone have anything good against them?

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You probably should list them yet. I think we need to talk about this though. If Pac and Klecko are telling the truth, then he was protected by a doc and roleblocked night 1.

Sorry, I mean you shouldn't list them.

Why not? What other hero would have night actions? It would follow that those guys were scum.

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