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All Those Mistakes They Promised Us That Sanchez Would Be Making...


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well guess what? He HAS been making them. But we're still 3-0. I heard Franscesa today opening his show throwing cold water on our season already, highlighting exactly that. "He's careless with the ball, he has thrown interceptions, he dove into the end zone head first".

All the kid does though is win anyway. Look, I am not naive enough to think we're not going to lose some games this year but ya gotta be impressed with the kid so far.

Sanchez is one of those guys that wins at everything-we all know those kinds of guys, we grew up with at least one. Hell, he even won Yankees fan of the day last week when they all went to the Stadium.

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well guess what? He HAS been making them. But we're still 3-0. I heard Franscesa today opening his show throwing cold water on our season already, highlighting exactly that. "He's careless with the ball, he has thrown interceptions, he dove into the end zone head first".

All the kid does though is win anyway. Look, I am not naive enough to think we're not going to lose some games this year but ya gotta be impressed with the kid so far.

Sanchez is one of those guys that wins at everything-we all know those kinds of guys, we grew up with at least one. Hell, he even won Yankees fan of the day last week when they all went to the Stadium.

phatty Fran is a Gint fan...why listen to him?

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Big Mikey's mad at the Jets because Bart Scott snubbed a spot on his show.

It's painfully obvious.

oh yea DJ-that was another thing he was saying; "can Bart Scott dial it down a little, I mean he's only won 2 playoff games-he needs to win something first". It's all starting to make sense to me now

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Do these guys ever watch other rookie QB's?

Sancez has been exceptional. He's made some mistakes, some bad throws but he's also making plays. The guy is producing. He accounted for 3 TD's against the Titans, what more can you as from a rookie QB? Guy needs to STFU.

Sanchez has really been nothing short of amazing. He's a rookie who's young and inexperienced by rookie standards, yet he's started his career 3-0 beating three good teams. In the last two, he brought the team back from behind to do it. He's the real deal.

Does he need to hold onto the football better? Hell yeah! But if that's the only thing he has to learn as a pro, I'd say he's significantly ahead of the curve.

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Sanchez has gotten lucky quite a few times when safties and cornerbacks dropped what should have been ints. If he continues to throw the ints, evenually his luck will run out and they will start being caught.

Folks tend to over react in both directions. If you win you excuse every mistake, no matter how stupid it was. And if you lose you harp on every tiny thing that goes wrong. Sanchez has played okay, but is not as great as some folks make it out to be. And if those games were loses there would be threads hightlight each dropped ints with some folks callng for him to be benched.

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Sanchez has gotten lucky quite a few times when safties and cornerbacks dropped what should have been ints. If he continues to throw the ints, evenually his luck will run out and they will start being caught.

I recall Mario Williams dropping a sure-fire INT that would've been returned for six points.

Philip Rivers did the same thing Sunday, firing a ball directly into

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Sanchez has really been nothing short of amazing. He's a rookie who's young and inexperienced by rookie standards, yet he's started his career 3-0 beating three good teams. In the last two, he brought the team back from behind to do it. He's the real deal.

Does he need to hold onto the football better? Hell yeah! But if that's the only thing he has to learn as a pro, I'd say he's significantly ahead of the curve.

Also, even for this criticism of how he holds onto the ball. You'll find he's not the only QB who does that (The low hold). Big Ben does it all the time, it helps him extend plays downfield. Heck that great play from Favre yesterday - He's holding the ball in the same way.

I know they're not ideal mechanics but I've seen other top QB's do the same and get away with it, Sanchez too has shown the ability to make plays on the move so it's not like it hasn't worked.

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Sanchez has gotten lucky quite a few times when safties and cornerbacks dropped what should have been ints. If he continues to throw the ints, evenually his luck will run out and they will start being caught.

Folks tend to over react in both directions. If you win you excuse every mistake, no matter how stupid it was. And if you lose you harp on every tiny thing that goes wrong. Sanchez has played okay, but is not as great as some folks make it out to be. And if those games were loses there would be threads hightlight each dropped ints with some folks callng for him to be benched.

just like cindy..skippy

one to schobel for a td and another he dropped

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I'm kind of obsessed with Francesa's show (http://www.tiricosuave.com/category/mike-francesa/) for the complete ridiculousness of it all.

If you run that site, do you know where I could locate that Chicken Francais video with Bill Parcells? That was the ish, youtube took it down and I can't locate it. I'd appreciate if you could put it on DM or something.

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ya GOTTA have luck in this league-Patsies have had their share and we've also had OUR share-unfortunately for us most of it has been crappy luck. But hey, I'd say picking a 6th round QB who ends up being one of the best in the game was a nice stroke..

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This is honestly the best thing ever.

My roomates and I spent drunken hours coming home and watching this video over, and over, and over again.

Simply amazing. Thank you, you are a God.

Edit: wait, I meant the remix you did with the song. "Chicken Francais --- no I never have the veal" **** had me crackin.

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Sanchez has gotten lucky quite a few times when safties and cornerbacks dropped what should have been ints. If he continues to throw the ints, evenually his luck will run out and they will start being caught.

Folks tend to over react in both directions. If you win you excuse every mistake, no matter how stupid it was. And if you lose you harp on every tiny thing that goes wrong. Sanchez has played okay, but is not as great as some folks make it out to be. And if those games were loses there would be threads hightlight each dropped ints with some folks callng for him to be benched.

Kind of like when Eli Manning's luck ran out and he was picked off by Asante Samuel in the SB to seal the perfect season for the Pats. 19-0!

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This is honestly the best thing ever.

My roomates and I spent drunken hours coming home and watching this video over, and over, and over again.

Simply amazing. Thank you, you are a God.

Edit: wait, I meant the remix you did with the song. "Chicken Francais --- no I never have the veal" **** had me crackin.

Yeah, unfortunately I lost the Lil' Wayne remix version.

I was steamed about that

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Also, even for this criticism of how he holds onto the ball. You'll find he's not the only QB who does that (The low hold). Big Ben does it all the time, it helps him extend plays downfield. Heck that great play from Favre yesterday - He's holding the ball in the same way.

I know they're not ideal mechanics but I've seen other top QB's do the same and get away with it, Sanchez too has shown the ability to make plays on the move so it's not like it hasn't worked.

I think I'm more concerned that he learns that pigskin gets slippery when wet. Or when it's dry and cold. ;)

I wouldn't want to screw with his improvisation skills, but he will have to learn to protect the ball better when he's in traffic. A few of his passes are sailing, too, which I think he'll get under control as he gets more accustomed to the speed of the game. I suspect he's whipping the ball in relation to the speed of things going on around him.

But yeah, he's been absolutely outstanding.

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By a stroke of luck, I got front-row seats in Sect. 132 for the Titans game.

I was directly behind the Titans bench.

Besides being terrified by the sheer size of Jevon Kearse's arms, I left with one lasting image: Sanchez's long pass to Cotchery down the sideline, which was Robin Hood-esque.

It was jaw-dropping.

This kid is legit

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Jimmy, to be fair, he has to hold onto the ball better, but that'll come with teaching, and he's had about 4 or 5 dropped INT's.

He's played well, but far from great. But far better than most rookies.

So far, so good. I'm impressed and everyone else should be.

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You lost it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You got to remake it man! You don't know how many people loved that video!

You lose the peashooter one too? With Tupac's "Hit Em Up" playing?

That one still exists.

Just search "Mike Francesa" on the site and you will find about 30-plus vids.

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Jimmy, to be fair, he has to hold onto the ball better, but that'll come with teaching, and he's had about 4 or 5 dropped INT's.

He's played well, but far from great. But far better than most rookies.

So far, so good. I'm impressed and everyone else should be.

no I'm saying he HASN'T been great Joe BUT we're still winning. Right now I'd say from what I've seen we have a top 5 defense and the BEST Special Teams unit in the league that has been helping Sanchez out a lot. Oh yea and on edit-our 'supposedly' great offensive line? What's going on there?

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I think he has been great. He's a rookie, he's been every bit as good as Matt Ryan was this time last season and more. What's impressed me most of all is that when faced with adversity, he's stepped up and made plays. Couldn't have asked any more from him. Lets hope he can keep it up.

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