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Upon further Review--Gholston Gets game Ball


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Rex Ryan has forgotten more football knowledge than you or I or anyone on this board will ever possess. (well maybe excluding Klecko73isgod)

So your point is that because Ryan is smart anyone who sees VG as a bust isnt? :confused:

I see Ryan trying to salvage this guy and I hope he succeeds.

Did you read my post? I never said that...nothing even close to that.

VG is probably the worst player in the history of the NFL and Rex Ryan knows it and ths is just a little pat on the butt.

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Did you read my post? I never said that...nothing even close to that.

VG is probably the worst player in the history of the NFL and Rex Ryan knows it and ths is just a little pat on the butt.

Thats a bit harsh. VG may actually play in this league a few years if he can continue to develop.

I would say he winds up somewhere in between Roger Vick and Jeff Lagerman in terms of final value.

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Thats a bit harsh. VG may actually play in this league a few years if he can continue to develop.

I would say he winds up somewhere in between Roger Vick and Jeff Lagerman in terms of final value.

Worst player eva!!!

Doesnt deserve to be on an NFL roster!!! Wont be on a NFL roster next season!!!

The Occupier!!! Stiff!!! Runs with a load in his ass!!! Terrible!!!

Biggest bust in the history of the NFL!!!

Not improving at all!!! In fact, he's regressing!!!

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you all supposedly love Rex Ryan but when he praises VG he's Full of s--t? It's one thing to call me full of it are you calling Rex full of it too?

I'm more or less neutral in this argument, but that may be the most ridiculous point made by either side yet..

Rex is full of ****, like just about any good coach. Don't believe a word out of this mouth. Imagine if Clemens did!

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JIF , Rex is a motivational coach this is a motivational tool . Give me one damn good reason why David Harris (who played one of the best games in his career ) or Jenkins (who destroyed the Titans at the LOS) should not have got this game ball ??

Klecko, stop pushing the game saving tackle. Its pure crap you would do this, when VG CLEARLY missed making any type of play to slow Johnson down at the line of scrimmage. Look at the damn play again and watch how VG made a piss poor attempt to get off the block and slow Johnson up at the line. If Johnson was not slowed down field by the safties VG NEVER makes that play and I would lable him the goat for allowing the play to get that far in the first place. LOOK AT THE PLAY AGAIN!!!!

This VG crap is getting ****ing stupid now.

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JIF , Rex is a motivational coach this is a motivational tool . Give me one damn good reason why David Harris (who played one of the best games in his career ) or Jenkins (who destroyed the Titans at the LOS) should not have got this game ball ??

Klecko, stop pushing the game saving tackle. Its pure crap you would do this, when VG CLEARLY missed making any type of play to slow Johnson down at the line of scrimmage. Look at the damn play again and watch how VG made a piss poor attempt to get off the block and slow Johnson up at the line. If Johnson was not slowed down field by the safties VG NEVER makes that play and I would lable him the goat for allowing the play to get that far in the first place. LOOK AT THE PLAY AGAIN!!!!

This VG crap is getting ****ing stupid now.

Yes, you're right. Rex Ryan had Gholston on the field playing during such a crucial time in the game because he is so terrible and is clearly the worst player in the history of the NFL that he is nothing but a liability because he wanted to motivate him. :rolleyes:

How about employing an ounce of logic or common sense into your argument?

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JIF , Rex is a motivational coach this is a motivational tool . Give me one damn good reason why David Harris (who played one of the best games in his career ) or Jenkins (who destroyed the Titans at the LOS) should not have got this game ball ??

Klecko, stop pushing the game saving tackle. Its pure crap you would do this, when VG CLEARLY missed making any type of play to slow Johnson down at the line of scrimmage. Look at the damn play again and watch how VG made a piss poor attempt to get off the block and slow Johnson up at the line. If Johnson was not slowed down field by the safties VG NEVER makes that play and I would lable him the goat for allowing the play to get that far in the first place. LOOK AT THE PLAY AGAIN!!!!

This VG crap is getting ****ing stupid now.

Who's arguing with you? This is clearly a confidence booster motivational tactic. You, me and Rex Ryan know that VG is the worst player in the history of the NFL, who doesnt deserve to be on an NFL roster and wont be next season.

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BTW I dont think anyone in this thread is claiming they have more football knowledge than Rex Ryan, thats a really bad arguement to make.

The possibliity that this was the 7th game ball given out for the game tells me something. If Rex gave it to Vernon on day one I would tend to agree with what some people think actully happened here. But it is what it is he was the 7th guy to get a game ball for the game based on one tackle. On that tackle he did hustle there is no disputing that. But I think the award went to Gholston as a motivational tool from Rex. Its not every day you see a head coach come out and absolutely bash a struggling player so I dont expect Ryan to ever talk negitively about VG until the day comes when he gets cut.

If Trun did not get an award from the NFL and get his jets game ball taken away Were not even having this conversation.

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Who's arguing with you? This is clearly a confidence booster motivational tactic. You, me and Rex Ryan know that VG is the worst player in the history of the NFL, who doesnt deserve to be on an NFL roster and wont be next season.

Ok this made me smile :)

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Yes, you're right. Rex Ryan had Gholston on the field playing during such a crucial time in the game because he is so terrible and is clearly the worst player in the history of the NFL that he is nothing but a liability because he wanted to motivate him. :rolleyes:

How about employing an ounce of logic or common sense into your argument?

Kleck, the logic starts and ends with,

VG is starting because:

A) He was unstoppable in camp and earned the job.

B) Calvin Pace got suspended for 4 games and Ryan (who is smart yes) didnt want to destroy this kid by giving the job to an undrafted free agent.

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Kleck, the logic starts and ends with,

VG is starting because:

A) He was unstoppable in camp and earned the job.

B) Calvin Pace got suspended for 4 games and Ryan (who is smart yes) didnt want to destroy this kid by giving the job to an undrafted free agent.

As usual, you completely miss the point.

Ryan owes VG nothing. He was not drafted on his watch. We know why he is starting. But if he was even remotely as bad as you, Smash, and Irish Jet seem to think he is, Ryan would not have him on the field late in the fourth quarter, protecting a 7-point lead.

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As usual, you completely miss the point.

Ryan owes VG nothing. He was not drafted on his watch. We know why he is starting. But if he was even remotely as bad as you, Smash, and Irish Jet seem to think he is, Ryan would not have him on the field late in the fourth quarter, protecting a 7-point lead.

OK Kleck, from what I have read on Saints sites, they are down to the 3rd string left tackle for sundays game. VG should register a sack or 2 playing against this scrub (who I think is a converted TE)

This is his week. He can have a huge game or go back to the bench with his tail between his legs.

I hope he has a monster game.

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You know, anyone who has followed his career since college should be pretty pleased with this type of response. It's not only reflective of his play this past Sunday, but also the notion that Rex and Scott have clearly had an effect on the kid. Never thought I'd say this, but go Vernon.

I think the part about looking at him as a rookie this year is important. mangini is not exactly a head coach a player can thrive under. Gholston blows but maybe not forever.

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This is what people are doing wrong:

Was he drafted number six? yes it happened so lets move on and hope he can become a factor for the team. Expectations have hampered most people's analysis of VG

Does he have a sack? No, but look at this team it's not about stats. You can't compute Scott's contribution or Revis'.

He is young and still learning. Just because some players are outstanding right out of college doesn't mean he won't later make an impression.

This is what people should be doing right:

Is he part of the best defense in football right now? Yes

Is he making terrible costly mistakes? No

Is he improving from last year and from week to week? Yes

Has he done some things well? Yes he has chased down players on costly plays, he takes up two linemen often which helps his teammates to get to the quaterback

The reality is that while he's not in the pro bowl he is making excellent strides and has been part of the most unexpected and impressive defense in the national football league. So give the guy a brake he can't help that he was drafted six or rarely used or taught anything from Mangenius; though that is probably a good thing. And let's enjoy what he has done as he grows up in this system. Ryan will make a player out of him.

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This is what people are doing wrong:

Was he drafted number six? yes it happened so lets move on and hope he can become a factor for the team. Expectations have hampered most people's analysis of VG

Does he have a sack? No, but look at this team it's not about stats. You can't compute Scott's contribution or Revis'.

He is young and still learning. Just because some players are outstanding right out of college doesn't mean he won't later make an impression.

This is what people should be doing right:

Is he part of the best defense in football right now? Yes

Is he making terrible costly mistakes? No

Is he improving from last year and from week to week? Yes

Has he done some things well? Yes he has chased down players on costly plays, he takes up two linemen often which helps his teammates to get to the quaterback

The reality is that while he's not in the pro bowl he is making excellent strides and has been part of the most unexpected and impressive defense in the national football league. So give the guy a brake he can't help that he was drafted six or rarely used or taught anything from Mangenius; though that is probably a good thing. And let's enjoy what he has done as he grows up in this system. Ryan will make a player out of him.

That was a very reasoned and rational response.

What the hell are you doing on JN?

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