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Mafia Game Thread--The Thing


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I call bull****.

Of course you are going to say this... now.

You know the scenario I am laying out makes perfects sense as a scum ploy by you.

Whether you like to hear this or not what CTM said was right. What you did doesn't make game sense. It's a herm Edwards type of move.

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I agree with the fact that scum would have likely targeted the least suspicious people for assimilation last night.

I thought you'd played this game before.

I still stand by my case on Vic, but I do think the point he made is valid when speculating who could have been assimilated.

So who is more scummy to you...Pac or Vic?

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I call bull****.

Of course you are going to say this... now.

You know the scenario I am laying out makes perfects sense as a scum ploy by you.

Actually it's almost as ridiculous as Crushers earlier case on me... The guys here have played way too many games to fall for such a silly rouse. If I was scum I'd be embarrassed to even try it.

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Crusher and Sharrow's absence during AVM's long walk to the the gallows should be taken into consideration here, too.

Great point. Crusher did mention doing something but I figured he'd check in.

Could the Dan x case on him be mafia distancing??

K I'm off guys. Grocery shopping, yard work, Chilean festival day. Crazy busy, I'll be on later as usual due to the time difference

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You keep saying Hammering would have made you an immediate lynch candidate... that's ridiculous. In fact had you strolled in and hammered citing self preservation I would have been LESS suspicious.

I agree.

That was a poor play there, I-28. Like I said earlier, I very well may've switched my vote to you last night at the same time as CTM if I'd been around. I had a pretty good feeling that you, Vic, and AVM were all town -town is almost always the first day lynch- but AVM was going to enter day two with the most suspicion if he lived. You, OTOH, could've been that townie who's more dangerous to the town that you're now trying to paint Pac as. I figured you'd open this day all over Vic again but, with equal predictablity, you're just going after the guy who's going after you.

DanX has been on of my fav's because of her campaign for Slats and his mantra of "i'm so refreshed to be town" and because her voting has been the most suspect of all.

It crossed my mind that Dan X could scum, and so publicly defended me to get me as a townie allied w/her, but I have a crush on her avatar and prefer not to go down that path.

But if you think you're onto something with me and Dan being scum teammates, you're way off the mark. I wouldn't play it that obviously, I don't think she would, either.

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So who is more scummy to you...Pac or Vic?

I felt like Vic's 7 votes, most of which had him jumping on the most recent claim was and is scummy. He is my #2 FOS.

However lets assume Pac is scum. He bullies me to hammer AVM last night, and I kill a townie. Then his case against me is set up for an immediate day 2 lynch. We saw something VERY similar in the game you just mod'ed on day one and two with Kleck and Irish getting lynched.

If Pac isn't scum... he might as well be, because he is barking up the wrong tree in the worst of ways.

So the answer: Pac, because even if he isn't scum... he is doing their job.

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It crossed my mind that Dan X could scum, and so publicly defended me to get me as a townie allied w/her, but I have a crush on her avatar and prefer not to go down that path.

But if you think you're onto something with me and Dan being scum teammates, you're way off the mark. I wouldn't play it that obviously, I don't think she would, either.

Creepy but true..

Very attractive

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I think that depend on their personality. It would be just like Pac to make an obnoxious fight seem real. He'd be in his ever lasting glory...and I wouldnt put it past CTM to do so as well. If it were a team like Crusher and Sharrow, I'd think they would try the under the radar strategy...BG would fall in that category as well.

I agree with this.

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I felt like Vic's 7 votes, most of which had him jumping on the most recent claim was and is scummy. He is my #2 FOS.

However lets assume Pac is scum. He bullies me to hammer AVM last night, and I kill a townie. Then his case against me is set up for an immediate day 2 lynch. We saw something VERY similar in the game you just mod'ed on day one and two with Kleck and Irish getting lynched.

If Pac isn't scum... he might as well be, because he is barking up the wrong tree in the worst of ways.

So the answer: Pac, because even if he isn't scum... he is doing their job.

For the record you are playing an abysmal game. If it soothes you to blame me for it than have at it.

Off to the gym.

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Anyway, the movie is pretty simply. Guys at a remote Antarctic research facility, a Norwegian helicopter comes chasing a dog trying to kill it. The Norwegian raises hell. They go to the Norwegian outpost to investigate, find it's in ruin, find that the Norwegians found something in the ice, find a burnt corpse of something that looks kind of like a man. They go back, and later find the dog half way through assimilating 2 other dogs. Hit it with the flamethrower. Turns out one of the humans had already been assimilated though, they find some scraps of ripped up clothing outside. Wilford Brimley does some experiments on the dog/alien corpse and finds out how it works, and eventually figures that if it gets to the human population it's basically the end. They all become suspicious of each other, start to go nuts, and try to prevent it from escaping.

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For the record you are playing an abysmal game. If it soothes you to blame me for it than have at it.

Off to the gym.

I agree. The post he made after SMC's initial night post was really scummy, if he's town he's playing a terrible game. I'm going to vote:Integrity again until something better sticks out.

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I too have felt no suspicion towards I128. His play is sporadic and he really got excited about his case on Vic. Like I said before it's a good case but I plays alot with Vic and watched him just play mafia last game and it's like night and day. He was absolutely manipulative and played hlepful town person and whacked the town. He even outed a power role and got him voted for. So is it possible Vic is scum again and decided to throw caution into the wind and just wing it? Rather than perform exactly like last game? Maybe a gambit? I128 would be implicated possibly then but thats not likely IMHFO.

I dont think so. SLats, I think it was Slats maybe a couple others that suggested a small culty mafia. Its ability to recruit or in this case assimilate and take over is potentially really dangerous. So with a small team why put a guy out their like that? In my experience usually in these cases the cults picks are not guranteed at night. Pissed me and Boopsie the **** off one game. God CVTM sucked balls that game. But I digress. This is what I got on this.

My vote is AVM and mainly because his play has been non-commital and sorta wishy washy, not wanting to step on toes. He used those intetioning lessening words that always seem sneaky slimy scummy. But as was said before his long last ditck p[ost was good. But even if scum it would be good. Hard to say.

My vote is on him because thats where it makes the most sense. I'll admit Im not as sold as Id like to be. But for know I sit. Though I love him and he's always nice to Crusher I could vote for Vic to avoid a no lynch or whatever happnes.

Also it seems the small mafia group is very possible and may be why day 1 could have lasted till pre-season.

Thats my thoughts. Im off to Baby Crushers intramural football and then to dinner where I feel free like Kate Winslet on the fron of a doomed ocean liner.

Be back tonight.

So this is my thought process on Vic. Hard to swallow (oh

Chilean thundercat)but I guess mildly plausible.

Voting Vic for your sarcastic reasons seemed douchy at best, scummy at worst, but I don't remember twisting your arm one way or the other there.

I'm also sticking with the idea of a two man team to start, with some sort of restriction on assimilation. Every assimilation would be a two man swing towards scum (scum +1 & town -1), so to be fair with that style of game it would seem that a 50% assimilation rate would be reasonable.

If it were just a two man team, I'd think the two would go out of their way to distance themselves from each other, not the other way around. Maybe not overtly -like picking a fight, or FOS'ing, or voting- but just kinda ignoring the other. That's the way I'd do it.

Crusher and Sharrow's absence during AVM's long walk to the the gallows should be taken into consideration here, too.

I wasn't absent on purpose I was absent by accident. Damn good accident. After Baby Crushers flag football game he decided to crash at his friends house. My other kids are with the mother, so Ms Crusher and I had a rare night out ALONE. Dinner drinks and dancing lead to a little happy time for jumbo. I thought that its been discussed that on weekends, that start Friday here its hard for me to get on and participate because of family obligations. Soccer, Lacrosee, have just kicked off. My weekends are toast. Unless I have good fortune egain tonight I will get back on around dinner or before bed.

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Want to know anything else? I don't want to spoil the movie for you.

No, that's great, I appreciate it. Was just curious of the general idea because of some statements that there would be assimilation only and no NKing, which would certainly make for an interesting scenario as every night then has the potential for a 2-player swing. If that is the case there HAS to be some sort of limit on assimilation, otherwise the game would be literally impossible for the town to win unless there was only one Thing (which doesn't seem to be the case based on the opening scene) and it was killed day one.

But the bottom line is all of the killing took place at the hands of the humans, right? And I assume there was nothing in the movie that was any sort of preventative measure from stopping assimilation that might play into the game?

Is there a dog around here somewhere we should be flame-throwering?

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No, that's great, I appreciate it. Was just curious of the general idea because of some statements that there would be assimilation only and no NKing, which would certainly make for an interesting scenario as every night then has the potential for a 2-player swing. If that is the case there HAS to be some sort of limit on assimilation, otherwise the game would be literally impossible for the town to win unless there was only one Thing (which doesn't seem to be the case based on the opening scene) and it was killed day one.

But the bottom line is all of the killing took place at the hands of the humans, right? And I assume there was nothing in the movie that was any sort of preventative measure from stopping assimilation that might play into the game?

Is there a dog around here somewhere we should be flame-throwering?

I assume at this point in the story, we've already killed the dog. The only preventative measures they had were sticking together and not going out alone, which they didn't do a very good job of at all. Though later in the movie, they find a way to test each other to see if they're human.

And yeah, all the killing was done by the humans, but in the movie I don't think they ever killed anyone that wasn't infected by the thing.

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The power has gone out and everyone is scrambling. The backup generator hasn’t kicked in.

The entire camp is encased in darkness and no one knows what’s going on. How long will it be before the power is restored?

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Day time conversion?

Safe assumption. From the opening scene:

Without anyone but the victim knowing, this thing can assimilate a research team member day or night. The thing is not only a threat to the team members, but all of humanity.

SMC was pretty clear that everything he included in the opening scene pertained to the game and wasn't just flavor.

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Day time conversion?

In the opening scene it did make mention of actions being able to occur during day or night. I wonder if the scum team doesn't actually have any "night action" and just has their set possible actions to use whenever they see fit with frequency limits. Although it would certainly be interesting to see how any town roles (e.g., doc protects) would play into that.

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The only thing thats scares me about this is the fear that CTM is now running around with his pants down trying to stick his ding in someone.

and your fear is that i might not find you?

just make that whimpering noise you do.. i can still hear..

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In the opening scene it did make mention of actions being able to occur during day or night. I wonder if the scum team doesn't actually have any "night action" and just has their set possible actions to use whenever they see fit with frequency limits. Although it would certainly be interesting to see how any town roles (e.g., doc protects) would play into that.

Good point. And they didnt strike during the first day phase, so I'm wondering how limited they are in their assimilation attempts.

The thing that we've never seen before is we literally have no clue where we stand as it pertains to end game. The numbers will only decrease because of torchings. We can assume every time something like this happens a conversion has been successful, but we cant confirm or deny. We dont know it these are just attempts. I think I'm the only one who's ever had this role before, thats why I making sure we dont rule out any possibilities.

However, there is still a good chance of a cop who maybe already posses this machine that can test if human or Thing? (I've never seen the movie, but it sounds like that's part of the flick based on Sharrow's description).

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Good point. And they didnt strike during the first day phase, so I'm wondering how limited they are in their assimilation attempts.

The thing that we've never seen before is we literally have no clue where we stand as it pertains to end game. The numbers will only decrease because of torchings. We can assume every time something like this happens a conversion has been successful, but we cant confirm or deny. We dont know it these are just attempts. I think I'm the only one who's ever had this role before, thats why I making sure we dont rule out any possibilities.

However, there is still a good chance of a cop who maybe already posses this machine that can test if human or Thing? (I've never seen the movie, but it sounds like that's part of the flick based on Sharrow's description).

Well, there wasn't any kind of machine in the movie, they just put blood from each person in a petri dish and tried to burn it. Every cell of the Thing fights for it's own survival, so when the blood was tested, if it didn't act normally, it was human. If it was blood from the thing, it reacted.

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Good point. And they didnt strike during the first day phase, so I'm wondering how limited they are in their assimilation attempts.

The thing that we've never seen before is we literally have no clue where we stand as it pertains to end game. The numbers will only decrease because of torchings. We can assume every time something like this happens a conversion has been successful, but we cant confirm or deny. We dont know it these are just attempts. I think I'm the only one who's ever had this role before, thats why I making sure we dont rule out any possibilities.

However, there is still a good chance of a cop who maybe already posses this machine that can test if human or Thing? (I've never seen the movie, but it sounds like that's part of the flick based on Sharrow's description).

All sorts of things come into play. How many attempts they have overall, what their conversion rate is. I think it's very possible that SMC set the game up to not have a day conversion attempt on day one.

We don't know if they tried and failed last night, and we don't know if this was just an attempt, either - unless some solid townie wants to step up and announce that they've been assimilated?

We'll have to go another day, see if the lights go out again at all - or everyday. See if there's anything more telling in the end of night posts from SMC to give us a clue, too.

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Good point. And they didnt strike during the first day phase, so I'm wondering how limited they are in their assimilation attempts.

The thing that we've never seen before is we literally have no clue where we stand as it pertains to end game. The numbers will only decrease because of torchings. We can assume every time something like this happens a conversion has been successful, but we cant confirm or deny. We dont know it these are just attempts. I think I'm the only one who's ever had this role before, thats why I making sure we dont rule out any possibilities.

However, there is still a good chance of a cop who maybe already posses this machine that can test if human or Thing? (I've never seen the movie, but it sounds like that's part of the flick based on Sharrow's description).

Yeah, this could turn out to be a VERY long game if the only way anyone dies is by our hands (not even accounting for how slow day one went). I was thinking the same thing based on the description that the ability to test is probably our cop, although one has to wonder if there even is a doctor given that there didn't seem to be such a thing in the movie itself and I'm not sure how that would even work with possible daytime conversions. If not, you'd have to imagine there must be some serious pretty limits on either the # of conversions that can be done or how often they're successful.

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All sorts of things come into play. How many attempts they have overall, what their conversion rate is. I think it's very possible that SMC set the game up to not have a day conversion attempt on day one.

We don't know if they tried and failed last night, and we don't know if this was just an attempt, either - unless some solid townie wants to step up and announce that they've been assimilated?

We'll have to go another day, see if the lights go out again at all - or everyday. See if there's anything more telling in the end of night posts from SMC to give us a clue, too.

True, although we might get more info based on SMC's follow-up post, which I'm assuming there will be one. At this point its obviously speculation but at the very least it seems there's more to this than originally thought.

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Yeah, this could turn out to be a VERY long game if the only way anyone dies is by our hands (not even accounting for how slow day one went). I was thinking the same thing based on the description that the ability to test is probably our cop, although one has to wonder if there even is a doctor given that there didn't seem to be such a thing in the movie itself and I'm not sure how that would even work with possible daytime conversions. If not, you'd have to imagine there must be some serious pretty limits on either the # of conversions that can be done or how often they're successful.

I'm guessing that the doc isn't a "doc", but more like a "protector" like I think we saw in the pedophile game. Maybe someone with their own flamethrower.

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After 2 hours the power has finally been restored and all 11 members are in the day hall, none too worse for wear. But then a member yells out:

Look over here!


The 11 members run to the far stairs and see splattered blood and a shredded uniform. But the name tags have been removed. They also lack the equipment to match the blood to one of the members. Nevertheless, this can only mean one thing

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