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Mafia Game Thread--The Thing


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Ok guys, unfortunately I have to go. I'm leaving early today to get my workout in prior to my company outing this afternoon, then I won't be on till my usual late hour. I'll try and monitor the thread from the iPhone the best I can but won't be able to post much.

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I tend to agree.

I didn't see any enormous pressure on JVoR to release the name of who he saw where last night. I certainly didn't want to hear it. Why would a townie release that info? JVoR himself thought CTM was the cop. Why would a townie opt to reveal the cop? Makes no sense.

vote: JVoR

If JVoR flips town, then we have to re-examine CTM. He could be exactly what he says he is, or he could be scum who had a failed conversion attempt on JiF last night. Or he could be a scum watcher.

But if we miss on this torching, and we still have JVoR and CTM to deal with tomorrow, we're pretty screwed.

Nobody wanted to hear it.

Personally, I think he got caught in his lie... and the only thing he could do to get some separation so he could confer with fellow scum is drop that nice little wifom on us.

I've seen enough, I am calling his bluff. He stays in the game and we can't trust another thing he says.

Unvote: Sharrow

Vote: JVOR

FOS on CTM for basically just conceding instead of protesting the info.

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2. He's scum with some sort of role and was able to identify CTM as roled, because if CTM was townie and not roled he'd be going after JVOR right now. Also unlikely, as the scum would likely be much more inclined to attempt a conversion or get him killed off quietly than having to deal with the issues in trying to get a known roled townie lynched.

I don't see this as unlikely as you do.

First, there was no pressure to reveal CTM's role at all. Not a town friendly move outing a player he said he thought was the cop.

Second, he "proves" that he does have this role by having CTM confirm. Doesn't guarantee that he's innocent, but it tells us he's not lying about being a watcher so at least he's not lying about something.

Third, if we trust JVoR, there's a suspicion cast on CTM.

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You guys are really funny. Lynching one power role with your own hands. Sure, your plan works really well if i'm scum, which i'm not. But when i flip town you just took an altogether unnecessary risk and are severely handicapped. You do realize that, right? That mafia also wants to get rid of power roles, but you guys want to do it yourselves. That's amazing.

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Integrity (2) -- Sharrow, CTM

Sharrow (2) -- JVoR, JiF

Crusher (1) -- Bleedin' Green

JVoR (3) -- Vicious, slats, Integrity

With 11 Research Team Members, it takes 6 to torch.

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which is why none of this should've been discussed and my name never should've been mentioned.. I've been telling pac since day 1 that we shouldn't just blindly lynch power roles like that dodo wanted too..

A-hole... I didn't say we should lynch power roles. I said a grand reveal like the one JVO WHY just gave us screws things up.. Now he's put himself in the crosshairs for a conversion and even if we trust what he said it can only be for tonight...

Even if he is legit I don't think we can let him live past tomorrow as his info can no longer be trusted.

I have no idea why he decided to mention your name when everyone told him not to which screws things up further...

at this point I'm inclined to vote for a pool from I2D2, Crush, and Dan X then vote JVOY tomorrow. He's dead... why kill him tonight on the off chance he's who he says he is? Much rather try and hit scum with this one.

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I don't see this as unlikely as you do.

First, there was no pressure to reveal CTM's role at all. Not a town friendly move outing a player he said he thought was the cop.

Second, he "proves" that he does have this role by having CTM confirm. Doesn't guarantee that he's innocent, but it tells us he's not lying about being a watcher so at least he's not lying about something.

Third, if we trust JVoR, there's a suspicion cast on CTM.

ohh brother.. the assimilation occured during the day..

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A-hole... I didn't say we should lynch power roles. I said a grand reveal like the one JVO WHY just gave us screws things up.. Now he's put himself in the crosshairs for a conversion and even if we trust what he said it can only be for tonight...

Even if he is legit I don't think we can let him live past tomorrow as his info can no longer be trusted.

I have no idea why he decided to mention your name when everyone told him not to which screws things up further...

at this point I'm inclined to vote for a pool from I2D2, Crush, and Dan X then vote JVOY tomorrow. He's dead... why kill him tonight on the off chance he's who he says he is? Much rather try and hit scum with this one.

Boy are you dumb

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I don't see this as unlikely as you do.

First, there was no pressure to reveal CTM's role at all. Not a town friendly move outing a player he said he thought was the cop.

Second, he "proves" that he does have this role by having CTM confirm. Doesn't guarantee that he's innocent, but it tells us he's not lying about being a watcher so at least he's not lying about something.

Third, if we trust JVoR, there's a suspicion cast on CTM.

Fair enough. I guess part of it is based on my belief that with something as powerful as conversion on their side, I can't picture the scum team also having a watcher role (although its possible). It just makes it way too easy for them to pick the town apart without us standing much of a chance to stop it. The only way I really see that making sense is if JVoR was a roled townie and has since been been converted. Althoguh I suppose you make a point that it shouldn't be so quickly dispelled as a possibility.

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ohh brother.. the assimilation occured during the day..

Do we know exactly how these assimilations work?

Do we know they didn't try at night?

Just because nothing happened the first night doesn't mean nothing was attempted.

But again, this is how suspicions get cast. JVoR tells me you were at JiF's house last night, and now you're acting like you the scum couldn't've tried anything last night because they succeeded with something during the day.

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Fair enough. I guess part of it is based on my belief that with something as powerful as conversion on their side, I can't picture the scum team also having a watcher role (although its possible). It just makes it way too easy for them to pick the town apart without us standing much of a chance to stop it. The only way I really see that making sense is if JVoR was a roled townie and has since been been converted. Althoguh I suppose you make a point that it shouldn't be so quickly dispelled as a possibility.

Again, we don't know how these conversions work. If there's a percentage of conversions that go thru, if there are players more likely to be converted than others. If CTM is to be believed, he can protect himself and one other each night. That's a pretty powerful doc-type role.

Watcher just seems like more of a scum role than a town role to me.

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enlighten me mafia master... how should we proceed?

Did you just ask CTM what way to proceed? Thats like asking me whats for dinner, the answer, NOTHING I already ate it.

I want to take some time to look but I think my mind is slowly changing on a couple players.

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Did you just ask CTM what way to proceed? Thats like asking me whats for dinner, the answer, NOTHING I already ate it.

I want to take some time to look but I think my mind is slowly changing on a couple players.

well I thought what I said made some sense but apparently his highness thinks otherwise. I'd like to know why I'm so dumb.

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Again, we don't know how these conversions work. If there's a percentage of conversions that go thru, if there are players more likely to be converted than others. If CTM is to be believed, he can protect himself and one other each night. That's a pretty powerful doc-type role.

Watcher just seems like more of a scum role than a town role to me.

at what point do we start to say there's too many roles and nuances for a first time mod to have come up with in 1 night! This is why I was trying to avoid all this talk on day 1.... all it does is fudge everything up.

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well I thought what I said made some sense but apparently his highness thinks otherwise. I'd like to know why I'm so dumb.

I'd have to guess, it'd be that instead of being dropped on your head as a baby to cause dumbbrain syndrome, you're parent's spiked you on yours due to being a ****sucker even at that age..

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well I thought what I said made some sense but apparently his highness thinks otherwise. I'd like to know why I'm so dumb.

Its your face... gotta be your face.

:P joking aside, I'd like to hear that explanation too...

JVOR's outing of CTM's role was very anti-town, considering I wasn't putty THAT much pressure on him.

CTM's immediate confirmation of that outing was also very anti-town, he should have at least contested the claim until we learned more about JVOR.

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at what point do we start to say there's too many roles and nuances for a first time mod to have come up with in 1 night! This is why I was trying to avoid all this talk on day 1.... all it does is fudge everything up.

Yeah, cause SMC played how many games and is clearly as dumb brained as you are.

The mere fact that there doesn't appear to be traditional nightkilling scum in this game should tell you all you need to know about how vanilla this game is..

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Its your face... gotta be your face.

:P joking aside, I'd like to hear that explanation too...

JVOR's outing of CTM's role was very anti-town, considering I wasn't putty THAT much pressure on him.

CTM's immediate confirmation of that outing was also very anti-town, he should have at least contested the claim until we learned more about JVOR.

How does your thought process even make any sense? If CTM is town, disagreeing with me insinuates i'm fake. I get lynched. Flip town. He looks like scum even though he was actually the power role.

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Yeah, cause SMC played how many games and is clearly as dumb brained as you are.

The mere fact that there doesn't appear to be traditional nightkilling scum in this game should tell you all you need to know about how vanilla this game is..

Oh if you want we can play "guess that role" all night but that doesn't change the fact there's a looming deadline and a current crisis.

How about we focus on what we're going to do with the present situation

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Its your face... gotta be your face.

JVOR's outing of CTM's role was very anti-town, considering I wasn't putty THAT much pressure on him.

CTM's immediate confirmation of that outing was also very anti-town, he should have at least contested the claim until we learned more about JVOR.

So i should've lied, and not tried to stop a powerole from getting lynched..

As i said, an assimilation occured today, and I know it wasn't me, if jvor was scum, he would've tried to assimiliate me today..

And again, most of you guys don't realize the power of a converting mafia, littering the town with power roles hurts almost as much as helps.. If Jvor ha gotten enough information to know that me and say 1 other person we're roled, and then got converted, he's be able to hand that informaiton over to scum..

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Oh if you want we can play "guess that role" all night but that doesn't change the fact there's a looming deadline and a current crisis.

How about we focus on what we're going to do with the present situation

Lynch i28 or slats .. either of the guys that are looking to lynch a power role.

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How does your thought process even make any sense? If CTM is town, disagreeing with me insinuates i'm fake. I get lynched. Flip town. He looks like scum even though he was actually the power role.

Yeah, we would have lynched one of you for sure. Probably you, then if you were innocent, it would mean he was scum. Too bad that didn't happen, it would have made things a lot easier.

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How does your thought process even make any sense? If CTM is town, disagreeing with me insinuates i'm fake. I get lynched. Flip town. He looks like scum even though he was actually the power role.

He's wrong on that point, but he's 100% right that revealing CTM at JiF's house is an anti-town move. You thought he was the cop, what benefit is there for the town to have you outing the cop?

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He's wrong on that point, but he's 100% right that revealing CTM at JiF's house is an anti-town move. You thought he was the cop, what benefit is there for the town to have you outing the cop?

Yes that was dumb.. i tried to throw cold water on it and defend him in other ways but he revealed me right when i cam back.. son of a gun

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Lynch i28 or slats .. either of the guys that are looking to lynch a power role.

JVoR just outed you for no good reason, and you're convinced he's town? WTF?

Are you going to protect him tonight? Can you protect during the day, too, or does he get converted then? Or do we just torch him the next time someone's converted?

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JVoR just outed you for no good reason, and you're convinced he's town? WTF?

Are you going to protect him tonight? Can you protect during the day, too, or does he get converted then? Or do we just torch him the next time someone's converted?

Not talking anymore about what role i do or don't have and what i might do with said role.. let the scum guess on that..

quit fishing

And yes, as i said, i'm convinced he started town, otherwise he would've tried to assimiliate me today, which I know he didn't.. ( he could've been the one assimilated today though, i concur on that)

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JVoR just outed you for no good reason, and you're convinced he's town? WTF?

Are you going to protect him tonight? Can you protect during the day, too, or does he get converted then? Or do we just torch him the next time someone's converted?

1) I don't understand why this is a difficult concept for a person with your intelligence. If I was scum, why would I want to out CTM out loud? I'd just convert him and have a power role eliminated and do it in the background. I claimed my info because you , I28, pac, and vicious were all trying to get me lynched based on obscure info. Now you can't because you know i accurately watched someone in the game.

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Yes that was dumb.. i tried to throw cold water on it and defend him in other ways but he revealed me right when i cam back.. son of a gun

"Son of a gun" :rolleyes:

The "aw shucks" sounds soooo contrived coming from you.

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Lynch i28 or slats .. either of the guys that are looking to lynch a power role.

errr... the post you quoted calling me dumb said we shouldn't lynch JVOR right now and named I28 as a candidate. :confused:

kinda like what you just said...

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