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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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You can look back at all of my posts to see that this makes sense with everything I've been saying all game.

I had a bad feeling about this. I knew I'd probably survive the night considering all the FOS being tossed my way, but ugh!!

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Wowwww ... nicely played, Brett.

So I guess it's obvious to you and your scum friends you've found the finder, based on the lack of a counterclaim all day. Congrats.

Here are my results:

1. Klecko = innocent

2. Pac = innocent

3. Crusher = guilty

oops. You lose.

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You can look back at all of my posts to see that this makes sense with everything I've been saying all game.

I had a bad feeling about this. I knew I'd probably survive the night considering all the FOS being tossed my way, but ugh!!

You sure we have time to look at your extensive catalog of post this game. Scuma-rella?

I have to go do stuff and wont be on till I get homw. If you we dont lynch her, lynch me. Im ok, we lose a townie but they lose one too.

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oops. You lose.

You may have found me, but I am confident that you and your little scum brothers will go down at the hands of the town in the end! Numbers wise we still have a clear advantage, and if I die, you're next.

So can you really shoot someone or what? ;) The only thing stopping me from voting you is knowing that if we lynch you, you could bring me down with you.

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You may have found me, but I am confident that you and your little scum brothers will go down at the hands of the town in the end! Numbers wise we still have a clear advantage, and if I die, you're next.

So can you really shoot someone or what? ;) The only thing stopping me from voting you is knowing that if we lynch you, you could bring me down with you.

Lynch me and find out Bell of the Deathstar Ball.

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You sure we have time to look at your extensive catalog of post this game. Scuma-rella?

I have to go do stuff and wont be on till I get homw. If you we dont lynch her, lynch me. Im ok, we lose a townie but they lose one too.

Yes, it's been beaten to death, my schedule doesn't work out so well for a game of this pace. I'm really sorry to the town for this. I won't be playing again for a while because I feel terrible about holding things up. I really thought it would be fine after the last game, where I thought I did okay keeping up.

But you'll see I've been saying for a while that I strongly feel Klecko is town.

It's also why I was taking Pac's suggestions into careful consideration yesterday about the mass reveal. I figured he had as much investment in it as I did. I thought he might be the doctor, actually.

I've also said I've been going back and forth on you ... so I'm sure I made the perfect candidate for your ruse today.

Vote: Brett

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You may have found me, but I am confident that you and your little scum brothers will go down at the hands of the town in the end! Numbers wise we still have a clear advantage, and if I die, you're next.

So can you really shoot someone or what? ;) The only thing stopping me from voting you is knowing that if we lynch you, you could bring me down with you.

By bring you down you mean expose you for the scum-a-long-a-ding-dong-you-are.

I have an awesome response but its being checked by Bleedin if its ok or not.

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By bring you down you mean expose you for the scum-a-long-a-ding-dong-you-are.

I have an awesome response but its being checked by Bleedin if its ok or not.

By "bring me down" I meant kill me right away, which I know you know. ;) But I realize you'll probably do that tonight anyway. So I'm fine with voting you if the town prefers going that route. You've already got me, so nice work there, boys.

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Dan you are not even good at trying to come up with a cover

1) How would a scum team be so confident they had found the cop by day 4 when their tracker has been dead for awhile.

2) Klecko on night one?!?!!?!?!?

I don't buy the reveal, and agree 100%. As I said earlier, you remind me of myself day 1 -- vote: Dan X

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Dan you are not even good at trying to come up with a cover

1) How would a scum team be so confident they had found the cop by day 4 when their tracker has been dead for awhile.

2) Klecko on night one?!?!!?!?!?

Haha! You should know, Brett!

1. Hm, well, you did claim cop, and no one counterclaimed. So ... there you go.

2. Yes, Klecko on Night 1. For someone so inactive, it seemed like the best way to get information about him. Similar reasoning on Pac, there wasn't much post-wise for me to look at.

But you know this.

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Haha! You should know, Brett!

1. Hm, well, you did claim cop, and no one counterclaimed. So ... there you go.

2. Yes, Klecko on Night 1. For someone so inactive, it seemed like the best way to get information about him. Similar reasoning on Pac, there wasn't much post-wise for me to look at.

But you know this.

Point 1 is circular reasoning and shows you are lying. You start with saying that scum found the cop and exposed you. Now you say scum found the cop by fake claiming so the cop is forced to reveal. Which one is it?

Point 2: There was no need to investigate Klecko. He is an easy lynch so you could have gotten any kind of info out of him without having to waste a night on him.

Jigs up.

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Haha! You should know, Brett!

1. Hm, well, you did claim cop, and no one counterclaimed. So ... there you go.

2. Yes, Klecko on Night 1. For someone so inactive, it seemed like the best way to get information about him. Similar reasoning on Pac, there wasn't much post-wise for me to look at.

But you know this.

I would personally go with who I think are most scummy. I would think power roles would lay back and chill first day...as you had/have.

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had a bad feeling about dan back to day 1..

so.. if brett's lying we caught 2 scum, if dan's lyning we caught 1..

Not a bad problem to have..

both reveals are under crappy scenarios, but dan seems like she's lying through her teeth..

vote Dan

someone may come up with the idea of lynching crusher to shoot dan, but that fat animal is potentiall jabba.. and we shouldn't trust him..

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had a bad feeling about dan back to day 1..

so.. if brett's lying we caught 2 scum, if dan's lyning we caught 1..

Not a bad problem to have..

both reveals are under crappy scenarios, but dan seems like she's lying through her teeth..

vote Dan

someone may come up with the idea of lynching crusher to shoot dan, but that fat animal is potentiall jabba.. and we shouldn't trust him..

Thats 6 now isn't it?

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Point 1 is circular reasoning and shows you are lying. You start with saying that scum found the cop and exposed you. Now you say scum found the cop by fake claiming so the cop is forced to reveal. Which one is it?

Point 2: There was no need to investigate Klecko. He is an easy lynch so you could have gotten any kind of info out of him without having to waste a night on him.

Jigs up.

What circular reasoning? I came back today, saw what had happened, and said that you had found me. Which you have indeed, based on the lack of a counterclaim. That is logic, haha. I know your job is to twist things around, though ...

For me, there was a need to investigate Klecko. I have a lot of trouble reading him, and he wasn't giving me a lot of posts to work with. I think the fact that people are still suspicious of him today (but haven't lynched him yet) only proves that I made a fairly good choice. I put a lot of thought into it, but hey, not everyone agrees with the cop's investigation choices. Especially not the scummy fellow faking my role right now!

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