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back to the thank you thing...we were getting great stuff here from a lot of very smart Jets fans. As I commented in one of the threads Twitter is great and all but you can't get the insight there that you still can HERE on a great Jets MB. I would like to commend Integrity 28 in particular but I would like to know who hacked into GOB's account and posted a positive thread under his name. Granted, this was minutes after somebody else on Twitter using his account said something like 2010 Jets meet the 1999 Jets

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back to the thank you thing...we were getting great stuff here from a lot of very smart Jets fans. As I commented in one of the threads Twitter is great and all but you can't get the insight there that you still can HERE on a great Jets MB. I would like to commend Integrity 28 in particular but I would like to know who hacked into GOB's account and posted a positive thread under his name. Granted, this was minutes after somebody else on Twitter using his account said something like 2010 Jets meet the 1999 Jets

Twitter is a great resource for communities like this. I have always believed that. The rate at which information can spread these days still impresses me.

Another example is uart's UDFA thread which I also put on the front page. Excellent job.

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Twitter is a great resource for communities like this. I have always believed that. The rate at which information can spread these days still impresses me.

Another example is uart's UDFA thread which I also put on the front page. Excellent job.

yea I tend to agree-I held out for a long time from joining up but am glad I finally did-you get news in real time w/o having to search all over the web for it-as you well know-you were there early-camp reports should be cool via Tweets

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yea I tend to agree-I held out for a long time from joining up but am glad I finally did-you get news in real time w/o having to search all over the web for it-as you well know-you were there early-camp reports should be cool via Tweets

We got a lot of people to use #jetscamp last year. Hopefully more people adapt it this year and they are even easier to find.

We are going to try and bribe Tom Shane to go back up to camp again this year. He really did an excellent job up there last year.

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We got a lot of people to use #jetscamp last year. Hopefully more people adapt it this year and they are even easier to find.

We are going to try and bribe Tom Shane to go back up to camp again this year. He really did an excellent job up there last year.

yea him and Tommy Jets are already planning on meeting to take their bromance to the next level lol

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Thanks to you, Max. I can't elaborate as brilliantly in 140 characters or less.

man there's been a LOT of great stuff on this site the last few days from some very knowledgeable Jets fans that like you said slats, stuff you can't get in 140 letters-I put up the links to a few different threads over there TO here

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Hey Max, do you have the link to that website that showed all the NFL forums and their stats/post counts? JN was up there pretty high last time I saw it.

According to big-boards.com, we were 14th in posts for the last week, JI was 11th. What is impressive is that we aren't even in the top 50 for member #, which means we get a much higher post-per-member ratio here.

We've been around that 14 spot for a while now. Fairly consistent, which is good.

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Rumor has it that he will hold out for a higher per Diem.

$4.00 per day doesnt buy what it used to.

whoa whoa wait a minute there the stockholders will all have to vote on this I mean how much IS a 6 pack of Iron City going for these days?

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As TomShane's agent, I have advised JetNation.com of his new contractual demands for the upcoming 2010 NY Jets Training Camp.

1. Blow Jobs on command (Female performer preferred but necessarily required)

2. A mobile bidet.

3. Unlimited supply of Schrooms

4. Week's supply of Official JN Banana Hammocks

5. Locker Room Shower Press Pass

If these demands are not met, there will be no camp reports this year.

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As TomShane's agent, I have advised JetNation.com of his new contractual demands for the upcoming 2010 NY Jets Training Camp.

1. Blow Jobs on command (Female performer preferred but necessarily required)

2. A mobile bidet.

3. Unlimited supply of Schrooms

4. Week's supply of Official JN Banana Hammocks

5. Locker Room Shower Press Pass

If these demands are not met, there will be no camp reports this year.

first Keels and now this. It's like Mister Roberts around here with Max being James Cagney

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As TomShane's agent, I have advised JetNation.com of his new contractual demands for the upcoming 2010 NY Jets Training Camp.

1. Blow Jobs on command (Female performer preferred but necessarily required)

2. A mobile bidet.

3. Unlimited supply of Schrooms

4. Week's supply of Official JN Banana Hammocks

5. Locker Room Shower Press Pass

If these demands are not met, there will be no camp reports this year.

No offense bro but Tom and I have had some pretty high stakes negotiations in the past. I think we can work this one out.


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im glad that u appreciate my time. please provide sandwiches next year :-)

they tried that in 2006 VTF, it was just a ruse to lure the unsuspecting into the mod lounge and the dressing they used on the samiches was unfamiliar and a little strange to the taste

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