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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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In no particular order, these 10 have to be our focus tomorrow. Potentially, 50 percent of them could be scum. The quicker we work the better chance we get to avoid day attacks IMO.

1. Brett

2. JiF

3. I28

4. Bleedin

5. Sharrow

6. Adella

7. Hess

8. Nae

9. AVM

10. DanX

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Red light shinesdown overa Predato holding Crusher up by his throat. ThePredator leans back and screams in defiance, giving Crush just enough time to rear back with his right hand.

The hit is so hard that you can hear the crunch as Crusher's fist meets the Predator's jaws.

Out of reflex, the Predator lets go of Crush, just as the flare burns out.

Branches snap and shatter as Crush plummets through the trees, landing in the clearing with an audible thump.

You rush forward, fearing the worst, but Crush jumps to his feet before you can even reach him. He shakes his fist, covered in yellow glowing alien blood, bellowing like a bull!



Shock turns to fierce pride, turns to dismay as you hear CTM gurgle behind you...

Crusher roars as he brigs a massive branch against the back of the head of the Predator holding CTM. CTM struggles for breath, then scuttles out of the way.

The Predator turns to face Crusher, but too many other team members have weapons trained on it, single point laser sights cover it's hide like stars in the night sky. It runs a finger over the arm band on it's wrist, and it's camoflage shimmers before it disappears.


Several other team members have surrounded the Predator holding Pac down, but as it watches the other Predator disappear, it follows suit. Within seconds it is gone.


SMC is on his own. As he was the last to be attacked, everyone had already rushed to help the others, and sometimes, there just aren't enough troops.

But the troops rush forward now. Just in time to watch SMC crouch, spin, and lash out with a long and wicked blade. Bright yellow blood erupts from a cut across the belly of the Predator. SMC jumps up, stabbing again with the blade, but the creature disappears and SMC is left standing alone.


The goup is stunned...shocked into silence.

Wow, you guys are nimble. Crusher jumped up like he woke up to the smell of bacon.

So is the night over?

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I agree.. mentally I've added Lily and brett..

And lily keeps pushing the notion that they attacked one of their own, which if possible, would've been my move as well by now. For now we should assume innocent i think and wait to see what happens. If we're all legitimately innocent, they'll have to attack back into us six I reckon..

You have lost me totally. Why Brett? And why assume? Just asking, because I don't see this at all.

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The moon is just over the trees, and by it's light, two of the team stalk the trail of yellow blood.

As the rest of the team recovered, these two struck out on their own, unbeknownst to each other, each lost to their own madness. their own bloodlust. Their own desire to take revenge on the things that hunt them.

The yellow blood glows along the trail, leading the them toward the one they both seek.

And when the blood pools a little thicker, they know they are close. They each leave the trail, knowing that it would be far too easy for the wounded Predator to set up an ambush.

The first one of you climbs the low hill, and slithers over the top. You check your wrist-cuff that the General gave you before you left, and twin blades shoot forth. You leave them exposed.

The second of you creeps along the side of a small creek, knowing instinctively that the wounded Predator will seek water. You hold your blade star ready...

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The problem is, besides your vote on me, 4 of the 5 other votes are from inactives (BG, Barm, Shutout, Sharrow) which really sucks the fun out of the game.

Yeah, we're like a ****ing superhero team, you didn't know? The Inactives.


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The moon is just over the trees, and by it's light, two of the team stalk the trail of yellow blood.

As the rest of the team recovered, these two struck out on their own, unbeknownst to each other, each lost to their own madness. their own bloodlust. Their own desire to take revenge on the things that hunt them.

The yellow blood glows along the trail, leading the them toward the one they both seek.

And when the blood pools a little thicker, they know they are close. They each leave the trail, knowing that it would be far too easy for the wounded Predator to set up an ambush.

The first one of you climbs the low hill, and slithers over the top. You check your wrist-cuff that the General gave you before you left, and twin blades shoot forth. You leave them exposed.

The second of you creeps along the side of a small creek, knowing instinctively that the wounded Predator will seek water. You hold your blade star ready...

lol, go get em boys (or girls).

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You slither over the top of the hill, in between the plants and vines, and peer down. Next to a small pond is the Predator. Yellow blood covers its belly and its hands. It's the one that SMC slcied up, and he must have cut deeper than anyone knew. The Predator seems lost in pain...

You move along the bank of the creek until you see a pool of water ahead of you. Movement in the trees to the side of the pool reveals the Predator. Yellow blood is everywhere. You raise the bladestar to throw, and step on a dead branch. It snaps...

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A little more momentum this time, but not much faster than the rush on Smash last night when DPR announced that there'd be a deadline in 23 short hours.

DPR announces deadline @ 6:57 PM. Smash votes in quick succession:

7:14 CTM

7:24 Nae

7:32 SMC

8:00 Pac

Today, Barm votes Runin at 11:44 AM. Runin votes in quick succession:

11:52 Pac

12:17 SMC

12:19 Sharrow

12:19 Nae

1:20 Crush

1:30 Hess

Pac, SMC, and Nae, are the most interesting of the group being that they were on both fast moving trains. SMC was my early pick for scum, and I haven't seen much from him that isn't scummy since, TBH.

While I was doing a case on someone else, I ran across this again. Do we want to take a look at it now? I found it interesting the first time around.

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In no particular order, these 10 have to be our focus tomorrow. Potentially, 50 percent of them could be scum. The quicker we work the better chance we get to avoid day attacks IMO.

1. Brett

2. JiF

3. I28

4. Bleedin

5. Sharrow

6. Adella

7. Hess

8. Nae

9. AVM

10. DanX

I agree. I think we should try this strategy, and if we dont hit something...we need to probably lynch a target just to gain some info.

Of those mentioned...ah well, we are still waiting for the day though its been a long night...I'll wait to give my thoughts.

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*punches everyone in the face for sucking the life out of this game*


DPR is being a great mod, but this is a learning lesson for me. I'll stick to tighter earlier deadlines from the first day for the Wizard of Oz game.

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I wouldn't add Brett. There's been no game evidence to suggest that he's clean.

Considering the size of the Predator team left and the 7 clears, we need to focus on the 10 remaining--active or inactive, it doesn't matter.

Also, as reckless as this may sound, perhaps we should consider speed lynching if we feel comfortable about someone in order to avoid day attacks by the Predators.

It's just a thought. It should be something to consider.

+ 1 on Brett... the vote for Nae was meaningless and his hesitance to hammer JVoR was noted. Throw in the proveribal "I think we're choosing to lynch between 2 innocents" line and his whole day stinks.

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Imo you have to be careful with that. Deadlines can favor scum more than town. The real issue is having inactives that don't vote. Until that gets solved games will drag.

I completely agree. It's a tough balance. I love ebb & flow in a game and will try to find ways to stir the activity. I love balance as well so I wouldn't want to do anything to give one side an unfair advantage.

The inactivity reallys hurts with such a large group. I was looking at the numbers yesterday after Slats death. There were 18 players and 10 needed for lynch, but 7 players had less activity than guys who had been killed in the game. So you're in a situation where you need 10 votes from 11 people playing.

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Imo you have to be careful with that. Deadlines can favor scum more than town. The real issue is having inactives that don't vote. Until that gets solved games will drag.

I was thinking about this as well...the only thing I thought of that would help move games along, especially big games like this is actually putting a mandatory vote per number of posts type rule.

For example; you cant post more than twice without casting a vote or something along those lines. Problem is I dont know what the consequences are for failing to do so.

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Well that was certainly an interesting night. Awesome to see that everyone survived. While it certainly puts me in the spotlight, I would agree that we're better off looking at the non-attacked players for scum. I think at this point it would be foolish to assume that there is not a single scum in the pool of attacked players, however my guess is we're probably looking at better odds in the unattacked group, so might as well start there.

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I was thinking about this as well...the only thing I thought of that would help move games along, especially big games like this is actually putting a mandatory vote per number of posts type rule.

For example; you cant post more than twice without casting a vote or something along those lines. Problem is I dont know what the consequences are for failing to do so.

Interesting idea. I'll see how things work with the next game.

From past experiences, we've been able to carry a Shutout and Sharrow with them normally being the least active as that's how they play, but when you have 6 or 7 Shutouts/Sharrows that becomes an issue.

Also, the active players have to take responsibility as well. I know there's the notion that you shouldn't lynch an inactive just for being an inactive which allows players to coast by. But game experience reveals that there is usually an equal number of scum amongst the low number posters as there are high posters. In fact, it's remarkable how we usually have 1 or 2 scum out front, 1 in the middle, and 1 or 2 down low.

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Regarding the inactive question, being one of the inactives in question I kind of fall on both sides of this. I'm never amongst the top posters in these threads simply because I will just never post in that kind of volume under any circumstances. I don't have the time or nearly enough to say worth posting that much, and try not to keep repeating myself. This game I've been posting less than I typically do because of my schedule, but I should be better about that going forward. And I know having players who aren't posting a lot certainly kills the pace of the game, which I definitely hate. That said, I think it's kind of BS to discount the votes of those less active simply based on that. I know SMC was trying to question the validity of the votes on him because of that.

For me personally, I made my reason for voting perfectly clear from the beginning, nobody had any questions for me about it (many said they agreed) and I stuck with it. I was here before the deadline just in case to make sure we didn't go to random lynch, but other than that I felt no need to repeat myself over and over to keep justifying the vote, and I wasn't overly compelled to change it either. So what's the problem there? It's one thing to question a voter like Brett who showed up in the afternoon and placed a complete nonsense vote, but I don't buy this idea that someone voting for one of the top two vote-getters isn't valid because of their post count.

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Kiss my cute little toosh.

Anywhoo, I totally didn't expect this, and am kind of pissed with my brother, I guess they "need" me for one more night to watch my nephew. I know you guys are gonna be mad and rag on me for bad excuses, but nothing I can do about it. I come home once a day to take care of my kitten for about 30min, and that is NOT long enough for me to do anything here since you guys post so damn much.

But yeah, I get to babysit bright and early and then go to work for 8 hours. Thank God I'm off on saturday, and hell no am I babysitting another day. That means home after work tomorrow, and back into this crazy a** game.

Honestly, if I knew this would happen then I would have held off on signing up for a game over here until I knew I would be free the whole time. Deal with it as you will.

I'd like someone who knows Adella better than I do to weigh in on this when Day 3 officially begins.

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I was thinking about this as well...the only thing I thought of that would help move games along, especially big games like this is actually putting a mandatory vote per number of posts type rule.

For example; you cant post more than twice without casting a vote or something along those lines. Problem is I dont know what the consequences are for failing to do so.

I like the idea of replacing people if they can't pull it together to make a game-related post every 48 hours. Obviously going on a short vacation (that you let people know about beforehand) is different, but someone like Adella I feel should be replaced. It hurts the town either way. If she's scum, she's sliding through in a really stupid manner, haha. And if she's town, we're really crippled by having to drag her along.

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The Predator jerks its head toward the sound. You accept that providence has smiled upon you, and leap from the the undergrowth like a jungle cat.

The Predator never even saw it coming. Twin wrist blades plunge into its chest, cleaving into its heart and lungs. The giant creature spasms...


In disbelief, you watch a member of the team, it's impossible to see who in the dark, launch from the jungle and attack the Predator. Your throwing hand is already leaning back, and you send the bladestar signing into the air.


You stand over the creature, breath sawing in and out of your chest. It is dying, you know, but not easily. A cover pops on it's arm. A maniacal laugh creaks out of its chest as it reaches toward the numbers on a display...

And then, as if it blossomed there, a bladestar is sticking out of its head. The predator slumps forward, lifeless.


You turn toward each other, but before you can see clearly who you are facing, another scream punctuates the night...

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That said, I think it's kind of BS to discount the votes of those less active simply based on that. I know SMC was trying to question the validity of the votes on him because of that.

Just so you know, I wasn't discounting the votes simply because you guys were inactive. I viewed the votes were either based on inattentiveness or scumminess. In other words, you guys were either not paying attention or trying to pull a fastone.

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To add, I'm not saying she's lying or anything along those lines. But it's apparently hard enough for her to keep up when she's not dealing with her family, and now that she's ages behind everything I'm concerned about the added time it will take her to catch up. We're put in the position of waiting for all that time to pass before she's able to actually say anything about the game, and if she's scum it automatically buys her several more days. So whether or not her reasons are valid, I think this becomes a huge problem in a game with such short deadlines, and I think this is a case where replacing someone might be a better option if possible.

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Just so you know, I wasn't discounting the votes simply because you guys were inactive. I viewed the votes were either based on inattentiveness or scumminess. In other words, you guys were either not paying attention or trying to pull a fastone.

Me? Scum?


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And you just start running...it hits you that the first Predator was still stalking the camp...you remember those eyes.

Another scream comes, and you can tell whose it is.

You burst out into the clearing in time to see Sharrow with twin slashes across his chest, and Predator leaning in to deliver the coup de' grace'.

The blades take Sharrow's head clean off of his shoulders. The Predator grabs the head, shimmers, and is gone.


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The Predator jerks its head toward the sound. You accept that providence has smiled upon you, and leap from the the undergrowth like a jungle cat.

The Predator never even saw it coming. Twin wrist blades plunge into its chest, cleaving into its heart and lungs. The giant creature spasms...


In disbelief, you watch a member of the team, it's impossible to see who in the dark, launch from the jungle and attack the Predator. Your throwing hand is already leaning back, and you send the bladestar signing into the air.


You stand over the creature, breath sawing in and out of your chest. It is dying, you know, but not easily. A cover pops on it's arm. A maniacal laugh creaks out of its chest as it reaches toward the numbers on a display...

And then, as if it blossomed there, a bladestar is sticking out of its head. The predator slumps forward, lifeless.


You turn toward each other, but before you can see clearly who you are facing, another scream punctuates the night...

Poop on your face, Mr. Bleedin' Green!

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The Predator jerks its head toward the sound. You accept that providence has smiled upon you, and leap from the the undergrowth like a jungle cat.

The Predator never even saw it coming. Twin wrist blades plunge into its chest, cleaving into its heart and lungs. The giant creature spasms...


In disbelief, you watch a member of the team, it's impossible to see who in the dark, launch from the jungle and attack the Predator. Your throwing hand is already leaning back, and you send the bladestar signing into the air.


You stand over the creature, breath sawing in and out of your chest. It is dying, you know, but not easily. A cover pops on it's arm. A maniacal laugh creaks out of its chest as it reaches toward the numbers on a display...

And then, as if it blossomed there, a bladestar is sticking out of its head. The predator slumps forward, lifeless.


You turn toward each other, but before you can see clearly who you are facing, another scream punctuates the night...

This is awesome!!! BG was on my new list. Was going to case him.

But it sounds like we might have something else brewing since the Day hasnt begun. I'll save my thoughts, but I'm feeling really good about the next lynch.

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