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Two Free Tickets to the Jets \ Bills game 01/02/11


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I don't think you're allowed to say that anymore, or that you feel like you've earned it for having to read threads by (name retracted) or (name retracted) or (name retracted).

You and I are like little Ghandis compared to some of the soul-devouring savages on this board.

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I don't think you're allowed to say that anymore, or that you feel like you've earned it for having to read threads by (name retracted) or (name retracted) or (name retracted).

I laughed. But you still suck. :P

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You and I are like little Ghandis compared to some of the soul-devouring savages on this board.

EY -- Tom just grouped himself with you. Do with it what you must but just know that of the last 100 people that he put in that group, I am the only one that is still alive today.

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OMG you had to bring Proverbs into this didn't you? lol, you suck. EY this is the guy that sucks. Tom.

He happens to be right but he is also wrong. :)

I am going to list this stuff on ebay next time. Need to make money in 2011 and get less grief, haha.

Just breaking your balls, man. For every 50 that sign up, you hope that two become semi-regular posters. That's the biz.

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Just breaking your balls, man. For every 50 that sign up, you hope that two become semi-regular posters. That's the biz.

That is the biz, you nailed it.

And in the hour this contest was open we had 11 new members. If I had a budget we could turn this place into something amazing. You know like the comment section of any youtube video. Highly sophisticated...

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EY -- Tom just grouped himself with you. Do with it what you must but just know that of the last 100 people that he put in that group, I am the only one that is still alive today.

I just compared EY and myself in terms of level of belligerence! If faba ranks a 1 and BP ranks a 10, EY and I are a 3.5.

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I just compared EY and myself in terms of level of belligerence! If faba ranks a 1 and BP ranks a 10, EY and I are a 3.5.

BP sucks and has officially lost his ''burst'' . he's not even on the ranking scale anymore.

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Here is what I don't get...I am getting accused of this not being random BUT I would purposely screw over our long time posters in the process? That doesn't make any sense. These have all been random and the winner of the Jets gift basket (tickets, DVD, Jets news paper, Bart Scott autograph and 2 other autographs) -- that went to a JN member who signed up in 2006.


Who said it had to make sense? Any excuse to give you crap is good enough for me, who needs it to be justifiable?

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Congrats HT2112!!!! thats awesome! have a blast tomorrow, I bet this was a awesome surprise! just surfin the net at the right time! u found us and Max Hooked u up! I hope u stay around! maybe u can tell us all about it tomorrow, that would be kewl, try not to get into any fights with bills fans lol there not worth it! now a patsy fan? kick'em in the balls for me once while ur at it!

anyways! Have a great time HT2112, hope to hear from u soon!

that was kewl of u max! I don't see it being a problem at all that he was a new member. he's a jets fan, so he's one of us no matter what! your a good guy.

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Congrats HT211221122112. Enjoy the game and welcome to all the new members (hopefully one of you is actually still around to read this).

As somebody who would not have entered this contest I can certainly see why some of the regular posters would get annoyed by this practice. I used to do game give aways at a video gaming site I was an editor at. None of the people who joined to enter really ever stuck with the site.

I would recommend having a 100 post minimum on a contest or two and post it on FB a few weeks/month early so people who want to enter the contest have to contribute and actually see what a great site this really is.

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Who said it had to make sense? Any excuse to give you crap is good enough for me, who needs it to be justifiable?

What gets me is I invented that game, lol. It was 2002, the interwebz was just starting.... :D

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Congrats HT211221122112. Enjoy the game and welcome to all the new members (hopefully one of you is actually still around to read this).

As somebody who would not have entered this contest I can certainly see why some of the regular posters would get annoyed by this practice. I used to do game give aways at a video gaming site I was an editor at. None of the people who joined to enter really ever stuck with the site.

I would recommend having a 100 post minimum on a contest or two and post it on FB a few weeks/month early so people who want to enter the contest have to contribute and actually see what a great site this really is.

Recommendation acknowledged. Not implemented but acknowledged, lol.

We have done members only giveaways and are doing one right now in bookie for the Jim Leonhard autograph. I think I should be like other webmasters and keep the stuff. :D

Just kidding...I do understand how long time posters feel and we will make sure that we do some minimum post count contests in the future. Thanks.

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What happens if that HT guy gets into a fight or pukes on someone drunker than hell. Who loses their season tickets? At least a poster whos been here for awhile would have given you a feel for the person. This guy could be an ex con just released from prison. Good Luck with that.

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What happens if that HT guy gets into a fight or pukes on someone drunker than hell. Who loses their season tickets? At least a poster whos been here for awhile would have given you a feel for the person. This guy could be an ex con just released from prison. Good Luck with that.

HT is a sexy lady. Worse case scenario, Rex gets caught nibbling her toes.

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You and I are like little Ghandis compared to some of the soul-devouring savages on this board.

I believe we deserve medals and more importantly, a classy biopic directed by Oliver Stone which touches on, but ultimately brushes over the more controversial elements of our posting careers and portrays us in a positive and heroic light.

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I believe we deserve medals and more importantly, a classy biopic directed by Oliver Stone which touches on, but ultimately brushes over the more controversial elements of our posting careers and portrays us in a positive and heroic light.

Agreed, but I want my story arc to closely follow that of Johnny Depp's character in "Blow."

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