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Just the way I like it

The Crusher

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Got a really obnoxious Pats fan at work who has a unique way of "trash talking."

He just walks by my desk and stares at me with this moronic sh*t-eating grin on his face. (I don't think his brain functions in a way that allows him to actually talk trash.)

So he comes by my desk this morning with that stupid look on his face and I extend my hand to offer congratulations:

Me: Congrats on making it to the AFC Championship game man.

GoofyPatsFan: What? We got a game on Sunday.

Me: Yeah, but we both know the Jets have no chance. The Pats are the greatest team in the history of the world.

GoofyPatsFan: Ummmm, uhhh don't you want to put some money on it?

Me: Why would I want to do that? I'd just lose because the Jets are gonna get their asses kicked.

GoofyPatsFan: There's always a chance..

Me: No, that's where you are wrong. There is no chance. The Pats are going to win. If they don't, their season is a colossal disappointment. How could they possibly lose to the Jets?

GoofyPatsFan:? (face now filled with fear and doubt) Nothing is guaranteed.

Me: Yeah it is. If you guys lose it will go down in history as the biggest collapse of all time.

I honestly think he is shaking in fear and crying right now. He thought I was gonna talk smack.... well.... SURPRISE BITCHES!!!!

Excellent play Kleck. Let them gloat, let them eat shiit with their grins, don;t let them get to you. Then Monday walk in whip out your pecker and piss right on his freaking desk, screaming SURPRISE BITCH!!!!

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The Surprise Bitches act might be the best one this board has had in a while...I found myself liking a Klecko post.

I will work on my Surprise Bitches story of the week during the week. I don't know any Pats fans because I've killed them all.

Don;t try just don;t give it away. Don;t ruin the surprise, pee on someones desk, but don;t give the secret away. The SURPRISE WILL BE GREAT

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imagine if the Jets were somehow the 1 seed

they swept the Pats and the Jets were the 1 seed. let's play that out

they play awful at home compared to the road. Disadvantage

they would have to beat the same team 3 times in 1 year. Disadvantage.

they play terrible after bye weeks under Rex. Disadvantage.

they play awful when the national media has crowned them awesome, and believe their own hype (Ravens and Packers game). Disadvantage.

so yeah... agreeing with the original poster this is exactly the way we wanted it to happen. the Jets have revenge and everything else in their favor.

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imagine if the Jets were somehow the 1 seed

they swept the Pats and the Jets were the 1 seed. let's play that out

they play awful at home compared to the road. Disadvantage

they would have to beat the same team 3 times in 1 year. Disadvantage.

they play terrible after bye weeks under Rex. Disadvantage.

they play awful when the national media has crowned them awesome, and believe their own hype (Ravens and Packers game). Disadvantage.

so yeah... agreeing with the original poster this is exactly the way we wanted it to happen. the Jets have revenge and everything else in their favor.

All going to Rex's plan. SURPRISE BITCHES!

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After we started with a loss then beat New England and started winning the "team to beat" talk started and I for one felt it very uncomfortable. Sorta like i do with non-elastic waist band pants.

NOW!!! We are the true no chance in hell underdogs and I "LOVE IT" Every sports talk show this morning told me how we "could" but we "won't" win. I say F'dem.

NO!!! I can;t tell you we will win or we might win all I can tell you is I "FEEL" it. I been negative all year and first time I felt a win was last week. Had a slight feeling when we played Green Bay but just turned out to be gas.

So "**** New England", "**** the blowout", "**** Brady", "**** Belli", "**** the whiteboy mafia" and most of all "**** the Pats Trolls'. This is our year and I FEEL it.


if you just read every eighth letter, it says "super-sized, greasy and dipped in mayo"

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imagine if the Jets were somehow the 1 seed

they swept the Pats and the Jets were the 1 seed. let's play that out

they play awful at home compared to the road. Disadvantage

they would have to beat the same team 3 times in 1 year. Disadvantage.

they play terrible after bye weeks under Rex. Disadvantage.

they play awful when the national media has crowned them awesome, and believe their own hype (Ravens and Packers game). Disadvantage.

so yeah... agreeing with the original poster this is exactly the way we wanted it to happen. the Jets have revenge and everything else in their favor.

Not including the postseason the Jets were 6-2 on the road and 5-3 at home this year with their worst loss by far coming on the road. I'm not sure that playing at home can be honestly referred to as a "disadvantage."

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imagine if the Jets were somehow the 1 seed

they swept the Pats and the Jets were the 1 seed. let's play that out

they play awful at home compared to the road. Disadvantage

they would have to beat the same team 3 times in 1 year. Disadvantage.

they play terrible after bye weeks under Rex. Disadvantage.

they play awful when the national media has crowned them awesome, and believe their own hype (Ravens and Packers game). Disadvantage.

so yeah... agreeing with the original poster this is exactly the way we wanted it to happen. the Jets have revenge and everything else in their favor.

Exactly Bit-master B. If we where the home team we are already playing teh mafia goodness, season over. But as the after thought team we already killed, we are exactly where we need to be. Hiding in the shadows of greatness ready to pop out and scream... "SURPRISE BITCHES!!!!!" AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. BAM what? who's that? TEH ******* JETS THATS WHO.

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Holyu Crap Hess. Thats the perfect picture to explain this.

The little doggy under the guy in the HIGH chair would be the underdog. Under the guy in the chair in this case. If he jumps up like Braylon Catching a high pass on the sidelines and bites the guy in the high chairs ball bag off, that would be a SURPRISE BITCH/

Hess thank you for helping with the slower posters like CTM. Next time it rains I will save you space under my belly.

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Too late. I already save you a spot under my left a$$ cheek.

considering you likely spend the vast majority of your time sitting or laying, that doesn't sound too comfortable. How about under your left teet, resting on you belly for comfort?

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I usually like the whole being the underdogs thing, but the more often it happens the more often I don't think it matters.

Pats will destroy us and our families if we do not stand and fight on Sunday.

Thats exactly what the Pats should be thinking because they are right as long you don;t factor in the SURPRISE BITCH. Things are perfect for us right now, you should relax and enjoy it. Tell everyone we have no chance, this is the key.

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