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I can't remember ever caring less about the Super Bowl.


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I'm for Pittsburgh because it makes us look better + I want Ben to tie brady with 3 rings.

If Ben wasn't a rapist, I'd be with you for all the same reasons. But instead, I hope Ben gets ****ed in the anus. Literally and figuratively.

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I'm for Pittsburgh because it makes us look better + I want Ben to tie brady with 3 rings.

Ben tying Brady for 3 rings, and the idea that we lost the AFC Championship to the SB winner - unlike last year - is good.

Aaron Rodgers continuing to brush the Brett Favre off his shoulders is better.

Its a win-win, of blah, if you ask me.

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Ben tying Brady for 3 rings, and the idea that we lost the AFC Championship to the SB winner - unlike last year - is good.

Aaron Rodgers continuing to brush the Brett Favre off his shoulders is better.

Its a win-win, of blah, if you ask me.

THIS! or should I say....this...

screw it, I'm watching 4 hours of porn instead.

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The Steelers Have Already Lost

Howard Fineman

WASHINGTON -- As a Pittsburgh native it pains me to say this but here goes: Even if the Steelers win the Super Bowl, they've already lost.

Fate, fashion and their own faults combine to put the Steelers in a no-win situation in Sunday's matchup with the Green Bay Packers.

The Steelers are the bad guys. There is nothing they can do about it. If they win, it's because they are rotten and brutal, or so it will be said. If they lose, they will have deserved it, because they are rotten and brutal, or so it will be said.

Why? Well, let's start where we must, with Big Ben. His actions last year in that Georgia college town -- even though they didn't result in criminal charges -- are too awful for most of the country, and (still) for many people in Pittsburgh, to stomach. Where diehard Steelers fans see a brave quarterback, millions of others see a cowardly, spoiled kid who used his posse to assist his sexual predations.

No amount of holy water sprinkled by the Rooneys can absolve him. And no amount of smiling for the cameras will put Ben Roethlisberger in the same likability league with Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers, who runs like a thoroughbred, who throws like Elway, who has the long, sad visage of a French count, and who went to Berkeley.

Then there is the "dirty play" issue. This is, in my view, a completely phony charge, but the Steelers themselves have made their situation worse with their words. I know football and I know that Pittsburgh does NOT play a different or more violent game. It's just that they are better and more focused at it, and they rose to prominence via ferocious defense and frightening pictures of a toothless Jack Lambert.

The Steelers were in the wrong place at the wrong time when Commissioner Roger Goodell, whose father was an anti-war congressman, decided suddenly to express late-in-the-day concern about rough play in the NFL, even as the league was selling videos of its greatest "hits."

James Harrison and Hines Ward, two of the toughest men ever to play the game, made the mistake of taking issue with Goodell and the league. Now they are being portrayed as evil, soulless dudes who don't care if they concuss themselves or give concussions to others. They are seen, at best, as pathetic, indentured gladiators sacrificing their brains for the sake of a big paycheck.

The tougher the Steelers play on Sunday, the less they will be liked no matter what the score is. If, say, Harrison puts Rodgers on the ground, all the talk will be about whether it was a legal hit, not whether it was a great play.

The New Yorker just ran a story about whether football should be banned because of head and other injuries, and the debilitating long-term effects of the game on the health of retired players. This was a cultural milestone of sorts, in that the New Yorker actually ran an article about pro football. (Other than the piece by Malcolm Gladwell about football and head injuries, from October 2009).

It seems as though the Steelers, the greatest franchise in football history, mastered a sport that is now entering a long twilight of controversy, regret and second guesses.

The forces of political correctness are about to add professional football -- at least as played by the Steelers, which is to say, with passionate intensity -- to a long list of shunned activities and products that includes smoking, pepperoni, guns, fur, meat, salt, hunting with scoped rifles and the stock market.

President Obama says he has "some love" for the Steelers. Fine. I will believe him if he gets out there and defends them. After all, Steelers fans are folks who cling to their guns and their religion -- their religion being the Steelers.

The Steelers have also won too much to be beloved. I can sympathize with this. In America, success breeds admiration -- and then jealousy and contempt. People were looking for reasons to root against the Steelers, and the Steelers and Goodell gave them some.

Finally, there is the national media. I know more about the national media than I do football. I am, not always proudly, part of it and have been for a long time. (There aren't many of us from Pittsburgh, by the way.) And I can tell that the national media is totally against the Steelers.

Why? It's fairly simple. The Lamestream Sports Media (to use Sarah Palin's term) is mostly based in the New York region. They all wanted the New York Jets in the Super Bowl, not only because it was New York, but because the team in question once starred Joe Namath and now has a head coach who is good copy, foot fetish and all.

They have been taking the Jets' humiliating loss in Pittsburgh out on the Steelers ever since Antonio Brown caught that game-sealing pass. Rex Ryan suddenly had nothing to say, but all of those Manhattan-and-Bristol-based sports writers certainly do. They are rooting for the Packers. Even if the Steelers win, the scribes and talking heads will find a way to diss the Steelers. Count on it.

It's a media conspiracy.

Hand me my Terrible Towel.

It's almost game time.

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Are we supposed to feel bad for the Steelers?


eff them-they get all the calls in that stadium against us-always have. I swear the worst case of it was that regular season game the same year we played them in the Doug Brien game. We were literally robbed that day, like 10 penalties for a hundred yards in the first half alone and they had like 5...had we gotten maybe one or two calls we might be playing tomorrow...yea yea I know we sucked in the 1st half and it's all our own fault but you have to get breaks-they did, we didn't

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eff them-they get all the calls in that stadium against us-always have. I swear the worst case of it was that regular season game the same year we played them in the Doug Brien game. We were literally robbed that day, like 10 penalties for a hundred yards in the first half alone and they had like 5...had we gotten maybe one or two calls we might be playing tomorrow...yea yea I know we sucked in the 1st half and it's all our own fault but you have to get breaks-they did, we didn't

Its not even that...he's painting this picture of they're the victims. The ******* team's won what 6 Super Bowls and been to 8 now. I dont want to hear about it.

But if you want to get into ref favoritism. look no further than 05 SB.

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I fundamentally reject the idea that the refs have kept the Jets out of the Super Bowl for 42 years.

42 years isn't the issue-we haven't gotten any calls in the last two AFCC games...you think maybe New England got a nice little break in that game against Oakland? One crucial call can win or lose you a game...we've seen it hundreds of times

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The only thing I care about in this game is that I want the Steelers to lose the SB.

Pretty damn sad.

I'm also tired of all these Packers fans that come out of the woodwork like they're some long time football purists or BS like that.

But I'm gonna watch.

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I'm in to it, excited to see two great qb's and two great defenses face off..

Yeah, I'm looking forward to a good football game... but that's all I can view it as, it just doesn't have that "SuperBowl" feel to it. Like the wrong teams ended up there and its very blah.... like the year NE beat Carolina, my friend got married that day. NONE of us cared about missing the SB, because we just felt like it was going to be blah... we all hate the Pats, and had ZERO faith in Carolina to upset them. Like I said, I think its because we've actually come so close... that I can't get psyched to see teams OTHER people root for win now. I want the OTHER people hopping on our bandwagon for 2 weeks for once. Let them envy us.

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Yeah, I'm looking forward to a good football game... but that's all I can view it as, it just doesn't have that "SuperBowl" feel to it. Like the wrong teams ended up there and its very blah.... like the year NE beat Carolina, my friend got married that day. NONE of us cared about missing the SB, because we just felt like it was going to be blah... we all hate the Pats, and had ZERO faith in Carolina to upset them. Like I said, I think its because we've actually come so close... that I can't get psyched to see teams OTHER people root for win now. I want the OTHER people hopping on our bandwagon for 2 weeks for once. Let them envy us.

Totally understand, there's 2 times I've thought we were SB bound, 86 and 98.. felt the same way both years.

I'm actually more excited for thsi SB then I have been in awhile as I think it's a great matchup with soem great players. I know last year turned into a good game, but at the time, I didn't think new orleans stood much of a chance... and the other games that I thought were more evenly matched, didn't have marquee players/teams.. pitts/seattle, tampa/oakland..etc.. the last SB that was this intriguing for me to watch was probably denver/green bay in 97

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