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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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I was notified, so I notified the thread. Could be a modkill situation, which I get, and my intent was not to game the mod. In truth, I'm tryign to juggle about 50 things today, and I wasn't really paying attention.

I totally would have shot Crusher yesterday, but my power got knocked out by the storms - that's when I posted I'd be back, because the lights we're flickering.

As for the rest, i'll have to talk to you about it after the game. Doesn't matter now.

you we're posting from 9:30pm - 10:30pm which was after dan de-pants'd Moby, plenty of time to harpoon him..

arghhh.. unvote vote DPR

willing to go back to myself, or try and get sharrow/smc to reveal.. but for now, going to vote the guy caught lying one to many times. Honestly, can't believe you'd play this reckless as a scum, but also not going to outsmart myself..

dpr's posts the crusher night..

I don't disagree with the sentiment - it's just that to win this particular game, we need to figure out how to play it.

Might I add, a tip of the hat to our mod, who has obviously put in the hours in developing this monstrosity.

We've got 15 players, and for argument's sake, say one team of 5 scum, or two teams of 3, for 6 scum.

That gives us 3 more days until endgame unless we start hammering them.

So I'll ask you straight up, who do you think is scum? All 5 or 6 of them.

Seriously, you don't even know what I'm doing. Have a glass of prune juice, and relax.

Nope, not considering that they would scum-hunt before all else to keep the mafia from winning before they could. They have to make it to end game. It's a great balance.

7 is too many, but I like your list. Keep it to 3 & 3 and I agree with you.

I'd like to see other lists, and triangulate who most people like for scum.

My list for scum:






and maybe, just maybe...AVM

My vote is on Dan right now. Make a case - don't just bow out.

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Yeah, I'n gonna pass o that one, B'rer Rabbit. Thx tho.

What about my other little diddy...heh

Whoa there Tex - my opinion is, don't reveal unless you got something definite to say, or you can't avoid it. Right about now, you're more excited to reveal than a 14 year-old is to peep into the girl's shower. Sloowwwww down. Let's see what happens.


I did. I'm just a big fan of letting people reply and hang themselves. That is, if they bother to reply...

You know what? Being that you were the star of the opening scene, and that no one really listens to anyone here anyway, I would strongly consider holding that back. Unless you can say without question that someone is scum, it's better to keep info out of the mafia's hands. You just watched what Crush did, and what JVoR did. Please don't give away info.

You're still sore over the prune juice thing, right? Sheesh...

Who would you like me to use it on?

Doh, it's tornado time - I'll be back...

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you we're posting from 9:30pm - 10:30pm which was after dan de-pants'd Moby, plenty of time to harpoon him..

arghhh.. unvote vote DPR

willing to go back to myself, or try and get sharrow/smc to reveal.. but for now, going to vote the guy caught lying one to many times. Honestly, can't believe you'd play this reckless as a scum, but also not going to outsmart myself..

dpr's posts the crusher night..

A this point I'd rather see Dan/AVM/Sharrow reveal. I think it's pretty obvious SMC has a PR.

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Holy sh*t, ape....440-something posts? Damn, I'd love to see your itinerary for a given day.

Wake up


Grab a coffee



Take a dump post post


Get dressed


Drive to work



Mid-morning dump post post post post




Not too shabby for the first half of your day...

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I'll reveal if I have to. I've been known to skate by before, but I've never had my post count total up high and not contributing for a reason. There's a method to the madness this game, as I've said all along. If I'm getting lynched I'll give you everything I've got and let you guys figure it out from there. The direction to go in is Verbal or Sharrow, IMO.

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Freakin sucks Jets don't have a 2nd rounder.

I hope you guys hold off on the reveals. You can do it AFTER someone is lynched if people have the urge to reveal, but, seriously? This game is obviously stacked with power roles so we can't afford for a blabber to use up a reveal and then someone significant get into the crosshairs of a lynch and can't reveal. Use some freakin' restraint. Right now, blabbing a reveal is anti-town.


Enough is enough. There's too many lies. The last about not having time to shoot Crusher is just icing on the cake. CTM did the research but when he said that I was like, WTF because I remember him posting at that time.

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This game

I'm pretty much lost at this point. So many weird roles has ****ed with everything, imo. There's nothing to anchor by cause anybody could be making sh*t up now. The only player I'm confident isn't scum anymore is CTM, and I think he's solo-win. The next player I'm confident in is DPR, and if he's being truthful, he's a liability at this point with a killing role that can be stolen. We're probably in pretty bad shape, imo.

Reminds me of the Wizard of Oz game where we made like 2 mistakes as town, and then got caught up killing all the 3rd party players and the scum slipped by just long enough to win.

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Vote: Sharrow

The "I'm lost" angle this far into a game is a ploy. You've been on a few suspicion lists thus far, and this post just looks bad.

You're right, I'm sure you and everyone else have got it all figured out.

Anyway, I think AVM and SMC are good choices for today.


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So, everything I say can and will be used against me. meh

For the benefit of the town - which should be a proven claim in a couple more votes - I'll throw out two observations:

I really did have a gun, and it really was stolen. My question is, why hasn't I28's vest been stolen? That's been revealed longer than my vig shot/gun was, and on N1, would have been the only thing to steal.

Also, Dan pinged me again yesterday with how she explained away the two mafia team thoery. She said that since we've only had one kill per night, she really didn't see how there could be two teams. For a player that picked Crusher off as handily as she did, is it possible that she would overlook alternating NK's?

Now, I'm not one to martyr- I'm really not - but I think at this point that if you lynch me and see that I'm town, it might clear a lot up, and focus the game more squarely on the mafia.

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So, everything I say can and will be used against me. meh

why did you lie and say you wanted to kill crusher, but just had no time? you were on for atleast an hour and made a solid 15 posts

understand, with tomorrow possibly lylo, I'm not thrilled at the idea of lynching the only ivnestigator confirmed player going, but things just don't add up

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I didn't lie at all - if you look at the train, I think he had 2 or 3 votes on him at that point, and I was waiting for someone to get to L2 before I shot them. That didn't happen until after I had to get off.

Also, just for future ref - I don't ever lie about real-life issues, and when I mod, I don't allow it. We all know that this is for fun, and we all know that sh*t happens sometimes, and when folks need a legit break, it needs to be there for them. Now, I didn't have any damage to our home, and I'm not asking for any special anything. Just wanted to put that out there.

I agree that things don't add up - I'm as in the dark as anybody. But, what I don't want to see is the mafia use me as a wifom, and as soon as I go to lynch and reveal town, all that is over. Then you can look back at how folks have spun what I've said and use it, instead of being used.

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So, everything I say can and will be used against me. meh

For the benefit of the town - which should be a proven claim in a couple more votes - I'll throw out two observations:

I really did have a gun, and it really was stolen. My question is, why hasn't I28's vest been stolen? That's been revealed longer than my vig shot/gun was, and on N1, would have been the only thing to steal.

Also, Dan pinged me again yesterday with how she explained away the two mafia team thoery. She said that since we've only had one kill per night, she really didn't see how there could be two teams. For a player that picked Crusher off as handily as she did, is it possible that she would overlook alternating NK's?

Now, I'm not one to martyr- I'm really not - but I think at this point that if you lynch me and see that I'm town, it might clear a lot up, and focus the game more squarely on the mafia.

Alternating NK's? As in scum can only kill every other night? Have you picked up on something in the scenes to lead you to believe this is the case? Remember we also had a SK for what, two nights? So that could also explain a different scene for Night 2, potentially. (JVoR claimed he shot at CTM night 1)

Actually, I think I'd rather unvote


I knew I could count on you in the end

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Total bullsh*t with the false info put out there by ESPN

I'm not sure where this lylo talk is coming from. The math doesn't add up and it will cause the same problems as it did in Lily's game with players thinking there's more scum then there is.

There were 22 players. Standard scum team would be 5, which is 25% (standard scum percentage). You really can't make it 6 with 22 because that would put the scum percentage close to 30%.

We know there was a 2 man SK team. If there were 5 scum, that means 7 anti-town players. That's too much imbalance. I know if I was modding, in order to balance that I would have only 4 scum and 2 third party. There is also a chance there are more 3rd party roles out there. In that sense, it decreases the odds of there being a 5 person scum team.

The town has been hurt, but killing Crusher was key. Just looking at the numbers, we're probably facing 10 town and 3 scum, which is far from lylo. So lylo scare tactics won't fly.

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Freakin' sucks that DPR keeps making sh*t up

Also, Dan pinged me again yesterday with how she explained away the two mafia team thoery. She said that since we've only had one kill per night, she really didn't see how there could be two teams. For a player that picked Crusher off as handily as she did, is it possible that she would overlook alternating NK's?

NK N1: Brett

NK N1 Attempt: CTM (according to CTM)

NK N2: Slats

***SK Team DEAD Day 3***



Where in PacMod's name is there "alternating" NKs? The scum obviously killed BG & JC. If we believe CTM, then he was a victim of either a SK or Scum NK attempt. And N2 either the SK team or the Scum were blocked. There is a possibility that the SK had alternating NKs because we don't know what would've happened N3 since the SK team was dead, but it's clear scum can kill odd and even nights.

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Total bullsh*t with the false info put out there by ESPN

I'm not sure where this lylo talk is coming from. The math doesn't add up and it will cause the same problems as it did in Lily's game with players thinking there's more scum then there is.

There were 22 players. Standard scum team would be 5, which is 25% (standard scum percentage). You really can't make it 6 with 22 because that would put the scum percentage close to 30%.

We know there was a 2 man SK team. If there were 5 scum, that means 7 anti-town players. That's too much imbalance. I know if I was modding, in order to balance that I would have only 4 scum and 2 third party. There is also a chance there are more 3rd party roles out there. In that sense, it decreases the odds of there being a 5 person scum team.

The town has been hurt, but killing Crusher was key. Just looking at the numbers, we're probably facing 10 town and 3 scum, which is far from lylo. So lylo scare tactics won't fly.

I think you could have 4 scum and 3 third party (if CTM is), or 5 scum with the 2 third party. You have to remember a symp isn't the same as a full fledged scum member. I think it's 9v4 myself, which still puts us 2 mislynches off assuming theres no failed shot. I don't think it's that serious, especially considering half the game has claimed BP, lol.

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Total bullsh*t with the false info put out there by ESPN

I'm not sure where this lylo talk is coming from. The math doesn't add up and it will cause the same problems as it did in Lily's game with players thinking there's more scum then there is.

There were 22 players. Standard scum team would be 5, which is 25% (standard scum percentage). You really can't make it 6 with 22 because that would put the scum percentage close to 30%.

We know there was a 2 man SK team. If there were 5 scum, that means 7 anti-town players. That's too much imbalance. I know if I was modding, in order to balance that I would have only 4 scum and 2 third party. There is also a chance there are more 3rd party roles out there. In that sense, it decreases the odds of there being a 5 person scum team.

The town has been hurt, but killing Crusher was key. Just looking at the numbers, we're probably facing 10 town and 3 scum, which is far from lylo. So lylo scare tactics won't fly.

Crusher was a symp.. it's been awhile since i modded, but don't they usually count as town for end game purposes?

And the reason i said it may be lylo tomorrow is if there's 5 scum left, thats' 8 versus 5.. mislynch today and successful kill and it's 6 versus 5.. if there's 4 scum left, that makes it 9 versus 4... mislynch/succesful kill and it's 7 versus 4 tomorrow.. but remember scum supposedly have an extra day kill now..

with the town loaded, i can't see a situation in which there were only 4 original scum (including fat symp), have a sk team doesn't usually reduce the number of scum, imo

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Total bullsh*t with the false info put out there by ESPN

I'm not sure where this lylo talk is coming from. The math doesn't add up and it will cause the same problems as it did in Lily's game with players thinking there's more scum then there is.

There were 22 players. Standard scum team would be 5, which is 25% (standard scum percentage). You really can't make it 6 with 22 because that would put the scum percentage close to 30%.

We know there was a 2 man SK team. If there were 5 scum, that means 7 anti-town players. That's too much imbalance. I know if I was modding, in order to balance that I would have only 4 scum and 2 third party. There is also a chance there are more 3rd party roles out there. In that sense, it decreases the odds of there being a 5 person scum team.

The town has been hurt, but killing Crusher was key. Just looking at the numbers, we're probably facing 10 town and 3 scum, which is far from lylo. So lylo scare tactics won't fly.

This is incorrect - I'm not saying that your scenario couldn't work, but to say that other's wouldn't is just wrong.

An SK does not count as scum in the game balance. An SK will try to kill scum off first so that they can keep the scum team from winning.

We also don't know the rules surrounding this SK, how many vets there are out there, etc. C'mon.

At 22 players, for the game to balance with 5 scum, you'd need to go light on power roles for the town. That clearly ain't happenin'.

Crusher was a symp (and two things here - a good number of players didn't even know what a symp was, so how can they understand how it's played? SYMP = TOWN ALIGNMENT UNTIL THEY ARE FOUND. Now, who knows what Pac has done with the "Hidden Symp" thing, but I'll warn you, that Wiki that's being linked to ain't mafiascum.net's wii, and some of the stuff I saw was questionable...but that's a whole different can of worms.) So that would boost a 5 team out a little, but not explain vests, and guns, etc.

Tactics are always worth discussing, and remember, anti-fear-mongering is a wifom as sure as fear-mongering. It just depends on who the info is serving, yes?

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Freakin' sucks that Goodell is still commish.

CTM, there have been games in which symp counts as the regular team and then it is symp +1. If Crusher had to find his teammates, as has been suggested then it is reasonable to conclude he would be included in the scum ratio.

Also, AVM, you're confused about what constitutes endgame, numbers wise. A scum team or a 3rd party team has to equal or outnumber all non-scum or non-3rd party team. So, hypothetically, in your 7 non-town set up, there could be 6 or even 5 townies left and the TOWN still won't lose.

In other words, the scum team of 4 would have to equal or outnumber everyone, same with the 3 player 3rd party team. There are at least 9 townies left under AVM's setup. Killing Crusher save the town from being anywhere close to lylo.

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