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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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100% with that. I've been lurking, trying to watch the play come together and everything just seems to gravitate around DPR's degree of involvement. We have to whack that loose end in order to move the game forward because, as it stands now, there's a lot of noise that always ends with a townie getting whacked. Scum is coasting here because of it.

We lynch Verbal:

Verbal flips town thief = DPR innocent.

Verbal flips scum thief = likely that DPR is innocent.

Verbal flips scum = DPR is scum.

We lynch DPR:

DPR flips scum = Verbal is scum.

DPR flips town = not sure what to do about Verbal. (This is the weak spot. It could leave us scratching our asses still about Verbal. That is why I think Verbal first, every possibility with Verbal leads to a pretty solid outcome on DPR. The same can't be said for lynching DPR first.)

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Total bullsh*t what Cimini did

I'm all for pressing WWWWombat tomorrow because I have my suspicions, but I'm not going after him blind today with DPR and Verbal situation. I'm cool with lynching either today.

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SO the reality is that if both of them are being honest about thier roles, there's no way to conclusively confirm the other one as town or scum. Verbal the thief could've stolen the gun from dpr whether DPR's town or scum. And vice versa, dpr the vig could've had his gun stolen by verbal regardless of his alignment

Neither player provides more information in that regard, BUT, i do belive DPR provides more information about other players, since he's been close to a lynch about 3 times..

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You say that like your not part of it..

A this point, atleast 1 of you 2 have to be scum or the town will lose in it's worst loss in memory. And if that's the case, there's a good shot the ape's behind it and that would make this the worst sh*t sunday ever.

I don't even want to think about that.

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SO the reality is that if both of them are being honest about thier roles, there's no way to conclusively confirm the other one as town or scum. Verbal the thief could've stolen the gun from dpr whether DPR's town or scum. And vice versa, dpr the vig could've had his gun stolen by verbal regardless of his alignment

Neither player provides more information in that regard, BUT, i do belive DPR provides more information about other players, since he's been close to a lynch about 3 times..

Except, imo, there's no way DPR is a Godfather, who also has a gun. So if Verbal is a thief, then imo it definitely confirms DPR.



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We lynch Verbal:

Verbal flips town thief = DPR innocent.

Verbal flips scum thief = likely that DPR is innocent.

Verbal flips scum = DPR is scum.

We lynch DPR:

DPR flips scum = Verbal is scum.

DPR flips town = not sure what to do about Verbal. (This is the weak spot. It could leave us scratching our asses still about Verbal. That is why I think Verbal first, every possibility with Verbal leads to a pretty solid outcome on DPR. The same can't be said for lynching DPR first.)

You're making logical leaps that isn't neccesarily true.

Why couldn't verbal the town thief steal a gun from dpr scum?

I can see maybe thinking dpr ould've blasted away earlier, but he was trying to appear uber townie at the time, and probably didnt' expect a thief in game..

my gut says both are lieing tbh

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Except, imo, there's no way DPR is a Godfather, who also has a gun. So if Verbal is a thief, then imo it definitely confirms DPR.



Why? It's certainly possible tony montana has a gun and a cop protection..

Wouldn't doubt that for a second..

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I'm not pretending anything CTM. Don't turn this into a "I said it first" pissing match.

this isn't a pissing match, I don't care about that.. this is my own defense.. If verbal is scum, I was the first to bring up the fact that we should lynch him if he shoot anything other then scum.. Not sure why you'd think I'd open that can of worms or the dpr/verb gambit as thier scum mate..

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You're making logical leaps that isn't neccesarily true.

Why couldn't verbal the town thief steal a gun from dpr scum?

I can see maybe thinking dpr ould've blasted away earlier, but he was trying to appear uber townie at the time, and probably didnt' expect a thief in game..

my gut says both are lieing tbh

Now you're doing a 180, and just spinning. What the hell?

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You're making logical leaps that isn't neccesarily true.

Why couldn't verbal the town thief steal a gun from dpr scum?

I can see maybe thinking dpr ould've blasted away earlier, but he was trying to appear uber townie at the time, and probably didnt' expect a thief in game..

my gut says both are lieing tbh

I hadn't considered scum having a gun. Only that their team can kill. The scenario you mention is possible... let's see the scene and then assess.

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Why? It's certainly possible tony montana has a gun and a cop protection..

Wouldn't doubt that for a second..

I wouldn't doubt that Montana be "hard to kill" like it said he was in the opening scene... mr. avoids NK's and needs 3 extra votes to be lynched.


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I wouldn't doubt that Montana be "hard to kill" like it said he was in the opening scene... mr. avoids NK's and needs 3 extra votes to be lynched.


you should be ashamed that that motuh breather jif actually said my role by name early in the game and you still haven't figured it out

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you should be ashamed that that motuh breather jif actually said my role by name early in the game and you still haven't figured it out

Just cause JIF floated a theory, doesn't mean I'm buying into it.It wouldn't be the first time scum has latched onto a bad theory someone floated early in a game... either way this :P means I said it to bust your chops.

if verbal is town thief, stealing your vest would've been a logical move :D.. too many things don't make sense.

Agree. But in his reveal it specifically said "can steal a gun if that player has one" and the inclusion of the word that in his sentence made it sound like he was re-typing what someone told him to say... but basically he said he only had ability to steal a gun.

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Yeah, honestly I like him for scum and feel pretty good about the vote. I just would rather be wrong about DPR then verbal, if that makes sense. If dpr is actually scum, slats is probably having a field day in the dead thread lol

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"I believe what we have here is an iron clad case... X apparently shot Z which makes X guilty while confirming Y. If not, Y could be dirty since Z had suspected A and R. If that is to be believed, the X must be either guilty or innocent with Y and A being unknown.. but! If that's true then X and Y are dirty... but then again.."

"Come on guys.. lets just do this. We'll see what happens and go from there. Tony is still out there and this exercise in endless pontifications is getting us nowhere."

"Perhaps you're right... Bring him in front of the town."


"So... Do you have anything to say for yourself, Capt hehe?"


"That's it huh? Nothing else?"

"Well it doesn't look like you're going to give me a chance to defend myself so hehe is all I got."

"Fair enough... strap him into the guillotine."




"ok then."


Verbal, aka Javier (Town Thief) is DEAD!


It is now night.. Please send any actions you may have in.

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1) JetFat80: Cesar Cordova - Fat Townie (D1 Lynch)

6) Brett: Armando - Town Gunsmith (N1 Kill)

22)Nae: Fernando - Town 1-time investigation (REVEAL D2-Legit)(D2 Lynch)

10)Slats: Matos - Town Hider (N2 Kill)

9) JiF: Gina Montana - SK Mistress (D3 Day kill??? Not sure of the cause of death)

20)JVoR: SK (REVEAL D3 as Doc)(D3 Lynch)

13)BG: Mel Bernstein - Town Cop (N3 Kill)

12)Crusher: Ernie - Mafia Symp (REVEAL D3 / Bodyguard)(D4 Lynch)

18)JC: Francisco - FBI Agent (REVEAL D3 / FBI Agent found SK) (N4 Kill)

2) Dan X: Luis- Hard Luck Townie (D5 Kill) (Shot by Verbal, who stole DPR's gun, as far as we know)

4) Verb: (REVEAL D5) Town Thief - claims he stole DPR's gun, gun is day/night (D5 LYNCH)


8) The Ape: (REVEAL D1) Town Contractor / Earned Vest

15)D P R: (REVEAL D1) Pedro Quinn - Egotistical Townie has PR to talk arrogantly for 3 days, earns 1-shot vig kill, claims it was stolen by Verbal who flipped town thief

3) Hess: (REVEAL D2) Town, Scum can control his vote on D2 and D4?

19)CTM: (CLAIM D2 / Non-reveal) Surived NK attempt

5) Sharrow

7) Song/Vic (REVEAL D5) Town Inventor - claims he has 1-time vest

11)Tom Shane





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so verbal being town thief, is a tiny bit more evidence that dpr may in fact be town..

so assuming someone dies tonight,

we'd go into tomorrow with 10 people.. if it's not game over that means probably 4 scum left


We should actually no lynch tomorrow in that case..

unless we think it's 3 scum, (which would esplain why they've been so hard to find)... but i think 4 scum is a safer bet..

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one other thought, i feel like there could be bastard modding going on here and would like to see if a vote for pac would count..

So no lynch and a vote for PAC ? This is not just your worst game this could be the worst game in the histroy of Mafia. Im not gonna say I told ya so anymore because that will probably get me lynched but when I asked to confirm all these clowns revealing early on no one moved. I warned of letting them float to end game. Dan x made a great call on Crusher because Crusher screwed up and she nailed his a$$, that does not make her a mind reader it makes her a good player using whats in front of her to make sh*t happen. Other than that we've stunk on ice. I dont know what reveals are going to help now since the scum can just lie about it anyhow OR they can block after someone has revealed. If we out power roles now I think its a huge mistake.

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My favorites have been smc , dharrow and wombat for awhile.. The last one could be anyone but I'm thinking one of ape/dpr..Not sure... Maybe those are entirely wrong as well...

The reality Is that there's good reason to be suspicious of everyone of us including Dan .. I wouldn't of shot Dan but I understand why he did .. And you should to.. Your as bad as smc with this Monday morning qb sh*t

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I feel like sh*t about being wrong on Verbal, but at least it makes DPR and Vic look a bit better. If we had lynched DPR and he flipped town, we would have just had to play guessing games about Verbal tomorrow. Fact is, if me, CTM and DPR are all town, we have failed the town miserably. All 3 of us, and our big mouths.

Anyway, I'm not sure Vic asks to be shot the way he did if he's scum, so I'm good with him. I actually thought Verbal would shoot Vic or myself. When he plugged Dan, I thought for sure he was scum and then extrapolated that into a theory based on everything we knew about DPR's claim. Note to self... spend less time on this game.

one other thought, i feel like there could be bastard modding going on here and would like to see if a vote for pac would count..

This. I started considering this when you claimed that you were a cockroach... I'm in if you are.

also, been suspicious of the ape all game, we should really look hard there tomorrow

If your town, let it go. I'm town.

Wow. Town let themselves get railroaded into wacking one of their own while DPR skates. How shocking. Can't people just accept that I'm native american and can sense evil?

It made more sense to lynch Verbal there, as I explained. It sucks my theory was crap, but it was the right person to lynch there of the 2 of them.

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My favorites have been smc , dharrow and wombat for awhile.. The last one could be anyone but I'm thinking one of ape/dpr..Not sure... Maybe those are entirely wrong as well...

The reality Is that there's good reason to be suspicious of everyone of us including Dan .. I wouldn't of shot Dan but I understand why he did .. And you should to.. Your as bad as smc with this Monday morning qb sh*t

Chan honestly I dont get the Monday morning QB reference. I spoke about this sh*t early in the game you know damn well I did. I guess we all have different ways of playing some like reveals some dont. Some like to confirm outed roles (like BPV ) others dont. I guess theres no way around that. but dont call me a monday morning QB, you know better than that.

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