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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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So let me get this straight: A bunch of people are voting me because I feel off by playing Day 1 the same way I've played it for the past two years? Make jokes, avoid the top two trains unless my vote is needed to keep a random lynch, and sit back and watch while people out themselves.


I didn't see one question posed to me, just that my statements "rub people the wrong way," or that someones getting a "bad vibe" from my posts as well as DPRs.

The criticism of my lack of game-content posts is nothing more than an easy outlet for scum to use to get rid of a player on Day 1 that generally speaking is not easy to lynch (just ask JiF...whom I'm sure is loving this :P)

If you have a question, by all means, ask away.

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Are you scum?

If not, who do you think is?

If so, who are your scummates?


Haven't you heard? The games over. Wombat found all 4 scum team members on day 1. Me, Crush, JiF, and Pac.

/sarcasm off

No, I am not scum. Day one is a crap shoot, and I am not really good at putting things together til Day 2 or preferably 3. Right now, I'm suspicious of CTM, Hess, DPR and Sharrow. Maybe Verb instead of DPR. You've said some odd things too, but it hasn't struck me as slats-as-scum behavior.

@ Wombat: While I don't put it past you after seeing how well you played last game (meaning I think you're capable of anything), I've done what you're doing now enough times to know it's pretty crazy unless you're town. You build enemies, and it's easy for someone with a Vig shot to just take a shot one night and poof, you're done.

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And FTR, I gave you a "serious" answer, slats, because I'm sure someone will pull the "OMG he won't say it!!!" card, or just in case someone wants to play the "there might be a lie detector!!! why won't he just say it!!!!" card.

Also, FTR, I don't think Hess and Sharrow are scum together. The staring contest didn't seem forced or made up, to me. But I wouldn't in the least be shocked if one of the two were, and I'd almost be surprised if both weren't. But again, as I've said, I rarely hit on anything on Day 1. I prefer to stay tight lipped and survive (thus, not having to face 6+ votes), unless there's a greater motive at play.

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No, I am not scum. Day one is a crap shoot, and I am not really good at putting things together til Day 2 or preferably 3. Right now, I'm suspicious of CTM, Hess, DPR and Sharrow. Maybe Verb instead of DPR. You've said some odd things too, but it hasn't struck me as slats-as-scum behavior.

Are you interested in pushing DPR to the reveal point, or would you rather hit one of the other people on you list?

I get the Hess suspicion. And Sharrow's bothered me ever since he listed me as part of the 53% of players most likely to be scum.

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Are you interested in pushing DPR to the reveal point, or would you rather hit one of the other people on you list?

I get the Hess suspicion. And Sharrow's bothered me ever since he listed me as part of the 53% of players most likely to be scum.

If anyone on the list is pushed to the point of reveal, and we don't feel comfortable -- you guys can lynch me. I'd feel more comfortable with offing myself rather than 80.

Fair enough?

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Getting a little bit of a AVMeltdown here, 3 straight long winded posts, sounds like the ape. Feeling better about my vote.

Let's see what happens when the flames reach his toes.

LOL. I get pressure, and am asked a question...so I respond how I always respond and I'm suspicious. I bet if I had stuck with the sarcastic quip about Wombat that would have appeared suspicious as well.

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And Slats, if I had to pick one on my list to try other than DPR, it'd be Hess. Sharrow will get pressured day 2/3 as usual, and CTM is CTM :P Honestly just picked Verbals name out as someone I wasn't getting a read from at all.

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Keep squirming. Now your offering deals and martyrdom?

Just out of curiosity, let's speak hypothetically. Let's PRETEND we're both town. I get lynched here, and the people who were so certain I was scum are going to get pressure tomorrow. Whether it's teh Vicious seeking revenge, or one of the more cerebral players like slats, maybe CTM, Sharrow, or heck maybe even I28 -- someone might say hm..yeah, was a good opportunity to get rid of someone like AVM.

What are you going to say was your rationale behind being so confident? How "different" I played from usual (when, if I'm lynched and turn town -- guarantee you any townie not voting me will agree I'm playing like I always do)? Or was it how I'm squirming by answering the questions and giving the insight that I was criticized for not giving before?

Do tell.

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I would say I'm not speaking with confidence that you are scum, but with confidence that your defense at l4ish is what I would expect of scum.

If you get lynched and are town and people want to come after me tm for it, so be it. I can handle myself, it's part of the game.

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I would say I'm not speaking with confidence that you are scum, but with confidence that your defense at l4ish is what I would expect of scum.

If you get lynched and are town and people want to come after me tm for it, so be it. I can handle myself, it's part of the game.

I offered to "martyr" myself at the end of the day -- what about that is what you would expect of scum? A bomb doesn't fit into the theme, so you can't be worried about that. Even if you were, trading 1 scum for 1 townie on day 1 is a win, especially after seeing the doc go down to a bomb late last game.

It's a win win for someone like you -- more than likely either way I die, and you seem hell bent on just that happening

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AVM your just the third reveal candidate.

If I reveal, I'm going to ask to be lynched, plain and simple. I'll make more sense than 80 (cue the people chanting for me to just go ahead and reveal now). So at this point, I see the chances of me surviving the day at very slim. I'm trying to do what I can, and I know if I get lucky by striking one of those guys as scum, and they slip up -- I survive. Then I think I can manage to live for a while, as I've proven useful at times later in games.

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I offered to "martyr" myself at the end of the day -- what about that is what you would expect of scum? A bomb doesn't fit into the theme, so you can't be worried about that. Even if you were, trading 1 scum for 1 townie on day 1 is a win, especially after seeing the doc go down to a bomb late last game.

It's a win win for someone like you -- more than likely either way I die, and you seem hell bent on just that happening

Once I see you ACTUALLY martyr yourself I'll believe your town. Until then, its talk. Talk is cheap, and slick talk is scum getting out of lynches by acting town convincingly enough.

As for the bolded, what are you talking about? Anything can fit into the theme.

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Once I see you ACTUALLY martyr yourself I'll believe your town. Until then, its talk. Talk is cheap, and slick talk is scum getting out of lynches by acting town convincingly enough.

As for the bolded, what are you talking about? Anything can fit into the theme.

See, at this point regardless of what I say it'll come off as scummy to someone. With that...

There's not going to be a bomb like last game, or like there was in Vic and myselfs' game...this is based off a tv comedy. The only way I could see there being something like that was with perhaps a sexual harassment lawsuit, or a complaint filed? Something like that. I'd consider that to be something that came from an item though, based off the show. Nothing that has anything to do with my role, so don't misconstrue me as hinting -- I just don't see how something like that can fit in.

It's quite simple, Brett. Use your reveal on someone other than me, because I'm telling you my reveal ain't worth jack. If you're not happy with it (say they claim cop, doc, etc), then just lynch me. I'd even be voting for myself there rather than have someone else blind lynched or lynching 80.

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What dont I get ? Its obvious you want to prematurely reveal based on what you think people Might do. Youve done it before I guess you'll do it again. I guess we have different ways of looking at it/ Im not trying to argue with you either, but when you keep saying things like "people pushed you into revealing" I think its more you pushed yourself.

You don't get that it wasn't premature, I got brought to L2 - then back down to L4-5 NOT because I defended, but because people got impatient - 4-5 people said, as soon as I came back that they'd revote me to get my reveal. It was a forgone conclusion. I just saved us the time it would have taken for the same people to revote me. I didn't see a point in wasting time, since I had already caught sh*t about stalling and making the game all about me.

Its seems to me, no matter what I do - someone is unhappy.

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I get the feeling AVM is a miller or something. I remember CTM taking this kind of line during our Full Metal Alchemist game. I am not feeling scum from my fusion partner right now.

My initial thought also. But then he got caught up in the "bomb doesn't fit the theme" talk. If a bomb doesn't fit the theme, a miller especially doesn't fit considering all the characters are public and the bad ones seem to be chosen at random.

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See, at this point regardless of what I say it'll come off as scummy to someone. With that...

There's not going to be a bomb like last game, or like there was in Vic and myselfs' game...this is based off a tv comedy. The only way I could see there being something like that was with perhaps a sexual harassment lawsuit, or a complaint filed? Something like that. I'd consider that to be something that came from an item though, based off the show. Nothing that has anything to do with my role, so don't misconstrue me as hinting -- I just don't see how something like that can fit in.

It's quite simple, Brett. Use your reveal on someone other than me, because I'm telling you my reveal ain't worth jack. If you're not happy with it (say they claim cop, doc, etc), then just lynch me. I'd even be voting for myself there rather than have someone else blind lynched or lynching 80.

What about a Jerry Macguire type thing where he gets fired, and takes someone with him? Joking...

I say we take AVM up on this offer.

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See, at this point regardless of what I say it'll come off as scummy to someone. With that...

There's not going to be a bomb like last game, or like there was in Vic and myselfs' game...this is based off a tv comedy. The only way I could see there being something like that was with perhaps a sexual harassment lawsuit, or a complaint filed? Something like that. I'd consider that to be something that came from an item though, based off the show. Nothing that has anything to do with my role, so don't misconstrue me as hinting -- I just don't see how something like that can fit in.

It's quite simple, Brett. Use your reveal on someone other than me, because I'm telling you my reveal ain't worth jack. If you're not happy with it (say they claim cop, doc, etc), then just lynch me. I'd even be voting for myself there rather than have someone else blind lynched or lynching 80.

Your right. Which is why its pointless for us to keep going back and forth about it, lets see what others have to say.

As far as the bomb, completely disagree. I think you are gaming the theme a bit too intensely here.

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Once I see you ACTUALLY martyr yourself I'll believe your town. Until then, its talk. Talk is cheap, and slick talk is scum getting out of lynches by acting town convincingly enough.

As for the bolded, what are you talking about? Anything can fit into the theme.

I agree with this completely - and don't get why the setup talk suddenly.

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What about a Jerry Macguire type thing where he gets fired, and takes someone with him? Joking...

I say we take AVM up on this offer.

I'd rather save a reveal if given the chance. Lets not out a cop or doc, or give scum a narrower pool to shoot at for it.

Which I think is AVMs original play anyways. Reveal on DPR, no one knows what to think so they go for AVM. People (aka scummates) say "Wait, no. Why are we lynching AVM if we think hes town. Lets lynch who we think is scum". They lynch DPR, I28, 80, etc. And AVM is off the hook.

Thats how I see the scum martyr gambit working out anyways.

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What about a Jerry Macguire type thing where he gets fired, and takes someone with him? Joking...

I say we take AVM up on this offer.


I'd rather save a reveal if given the chance. Lets not out a cop or doc, or give scum a narrower pool to shoot at for it.

Which I think is AVMs original play anyways. Reveal on DPR, no one knows what to think so they go for AVM. People (aka scummates) say "Wait, no. Why are we lynching AVM if we think hes town. Lets lynch who we think is scum". They lynch DPR, I28, 80, etc. And AVM is off the hook.

Thats how I see the scum martyr gambit working out anyways.

Lol. How someone can be so "sure" on Day 1 is beyond me. Do what you must.

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My initial thought also. But then he got caught up in the "bomb doesn't fit the theme" talk. If a bomb doesn't fit the theme, a miller especially doesn't fit considering all the characters are public and the bad ones seem to be chosen at random.

Yea but someone like Dwight or Ryan could work as a miller. Both are part of the office but seem to do things for themselves which can make them look like "enemies". I don't think we should limit ourselves to ideas of simple roles for this game, although the bomb talk is weird, I think it has more to do with the defense of his willingness to die.

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