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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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There's always a reason to call names, haven't you played this before? :D


Fyi I've been in national meetings all day today and tomorrow. I've be reading on my bb though.I'm on a bus leaving the zoo (yep) and my new padded converse all star hightops rule. All true.

National meetings, zoo...

Are you a congressman?

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DPR (7): Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, J80

AVM (4): Wombat, DPR, Brett, SMC

Hess (2): CTM, Hess

I28 (1): Jetscode1

CTM (1): JiF

Not voting: Sharrow, Vicious, Lily, Slats

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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Hess is next on my curious day 1 play list, would like to see him pressured a bit as i don't see any case on jf80 and feel more townish on avm.. right now the ape or dpr look the most shady to me, but there's time to see how others respond to pressure...

I've never seen him go after the ape and from my perspective, he went after him for the exact opposite reason I thought. His entire point was that monkey said he'd change but he didn't, whereas I think we are dealing with a different gorilla all together this game. With the amount of pressure he faced, he'd normally be convinced that half of his voters are scum by now and he's not omgus'd at all. (his go to mafia technique) To me, i think this drastic play change is cause maybe he's actually scum. But hess was all over him for reasons I didnt really see, which is interesting

vote hess

Your brain is dumb, seriously. You sound like you are convincing yourself of what you know is wrong, just like you did last game about me mentioning my BPV in my reveal, and how sure you were that I was GF.

As far as my FOS and OMGUS reputation goes, you are either dumb or pretending you don't know that all that noise is what I typically do in thread as misdirection when scumhunting. I'm pretty positive you know this, in fact I know you know this because you've acknowledged it.

One last thing, I also refuse to get into an argument where I just keep saying the same thing over and over, so for the last time... when you have a style like what I'm known for, that is hard to read, it makes NO sense to abandon it and try out a new play style IF I were scum, even if I wanted to do it, I would have teammates objecting to it.

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and just like that, one of his voters is scum for voting him

//hand smacking head gif

First off, I didn't say he's scum - I just made an observation about his play so far looking motivated by him hiding his vote in 2 easy spots - me and 80. Tell me, doesn't JC usually offer a broader view of the game with his limited posts - not just focusing on 1 person? He's pretty locked onto me, for pretty paltry reasoning... we've not seen him as scum have we?

I see what your implying here, but you are wrong. JC is not first person I've FOS'ed that has also voted me... Vic, SMC, Sharrow and Hess are all people I have questioned as having scummy intentions, mostly due to their votes on me. I believe I questioned you too and your typical "I'm down for some ape pressure" ... I just haven't thrown a cockamamie case out there on any of you filled with crap theory and stupidity, because I'm tired of being chastised about it game after game. Accept it.

I do think a handful of the guys that voted me are playing scummy, and I've mentioned it, and you specifically snipped at me that voting inactives is suddenly a scumtell to you... so you probably missed the part where they were on my train, because you were more focused on spinning whatever I say into nudges about me being scum.

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Why is the ape defending himself for chan's vote on me?

Because chan is doing that thing where he votes one person, but out of the other side of his mouth he implies another is scum.

He's making me angry, just like he wants...


I'll stop responding to him.

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I took his name in vain

I know you've been dying to hear this, so take a moment to pat yourself on the back... I managed to go about 20 games before letting you under my skin, but you cracked me last game... you are like a human chigger.

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Ape you're a riot lol...

completely incapable of seeing the game in any other way than how it relates to YOU. Those who vote you, those who FOS you, those who mention your name.

just calm the f--k down, take a breath, and try looking at other aspects of the game.

You said you don't care about JC's vote or 3 posts so why bother mentioning it again for now. We have had trains on Jetfat, you, DPR, AVM... what do you think about all that?

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unvote vote hess

I voted the gorilla b/c he acted like he knew 80 was town. He changed his shoes but still wears the same dirty socks.

What's with the bush league self vote with 1 other vote on you? You just got my attention whacko...

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I know you've been dying to hear this, so take a moment to pat yourself on the back... I managed to go about 20 games before letting you under my skin, but you cracked me last game... you are like a human chigger.

You are now my bitch..

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Fyi I've been in national meetings all day today and tomorrow. I've be reading on my bb though.I'm on a bus leaving the zoo (yep) and my new padded converse all star hightops rule. All true.

Fun and ironic. I'll be in National Meetings from Wed night, thurs, fri...but I'll have a chance to post at night or try to post from my phone.


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Ape you're a riot lol...

completely incapable of seeing the game in any other way than how it relates to YOU. Those who vote you, those who FOS you, those who mention your name.

just calm the f--k down, take a breath, and try looking at other aspects of the game.

You said you don't care about JC's vote or 3 posts so why bother mentioning it again for now. We have had trains on Jetfat, you, DPR, AVM... what do you think about all that?

You know how bad I wanted to kill CTM last game, I'm just having flashbacks... LOL.

To your point....

I listed my top 3-4, AVM was one of them. I believe I put the first vote on AVM earlier when calling attention to his silence. I'm not sure what to make of his cryptic post and offer to be the lynch after we get our 3rd reveal. I thought the dialogue between him and Brett was weird... lots there not to like. Setup talk. Martyr talk. Cryptic statements, and feigned frustration.

My vote is on DPR, I think the contrast between how he is playing this game vs. last game is actually more pronounced than the observations most have made about me. I realize its a bit hypocritical to ask you guys to trust me, but then vote him for similar reasons. However, there are other aspects to his play that I haven't liked - specifically his hard-on for reveals. And the way he tried to undermine my reveal when I gave it with an "aha!" but then he abandoned it very quickly. I know that last thing is Ape-centric.

I stated earlier that I thought he Jetfat train was sh*t. 4 supposed joke votes, then a 2nd wave to legitimize it the next day. If you recall, I broke down what I thought of every post on his train - and instead of looking at what I was talking about, all you sh*t-brains could comment on was how it was a FOS of everyone on his train. Think about it the train started with joke-type votes, and then suddenly got pushed to a reveal... I think that if we are assuming JF80 is town, then why not breakdown his train? Vic's vote stuck in my gut, I voted him, I'd have to go back and look at the others. I do believe that JC, SMC, Hess and Vic were involved with pushing both 80's and my trains.

Over all, despite the fact that CTM is now selling it as a scumtell, which I've never heard before, I do think that pressuring inactives should be a priority... not just in this game, but in general. Wombat and SMC last game, Dan before that, a lot of inactives seem to always end up in end game and scum.

That's where my head is at... you?

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Not really. You can vote for me too if you like.


Still early. But you're of interest to me.


unvote, vote: Hess


Fun and ironic. I'll be in National Meetings from Wed night, thurs, fri...but I'll have a chance to post at night or try to post from my phone.


Your National Meetings are capitalized. Seems more super cereal. I trust you.

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Feels like someone is trying awfully hard to fulfill his role.

Not really. You can vote for me too if you like.


Still early. But you're of interest to me.

Agree with Vic here. This reeks like Hess trying to act like Hess, interesting change in tune after his oh-so-serious case on me earlier.

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DPR (6): Smash, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, J80

AVM (4): Wombat, DPR, Brett, SMC

Hess (3): CTM, Hess, AVM

I28 (1): Jetscode1

CTM (1): JiF

Not voting: Sharrow, Vicious, Lily, Slats

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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I never pushed anything. J80 was a joke and I kept it. Switched to you and announced I did it because I knew the town was going to run you up for a reveal and that's the way play.

The only case ive made today is Lily and the mock outragers.

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