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Role reveal with no pressure? ZOMG U R TEH SCUM

Super Monkey, New Guy, 80 the self hammering hobo, and Lily the questioner. Scum team, game over.


You should have come to the library with us.... I revealed hours ago.

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Wasn't sure if this had already been established ... didn't think RaoulDuke had posted either but Verbal had the weird blank post.

I'm not sure if it has been established yet.

Baiting is my specialty. My friends and family call me the Master Baiter all the time.

This has been established. With and without frog mouth.

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Granted, he does seem a bit impetuous, but he has no style. Everybody knows that my graduates will fall back on clever remarks and sexual innuendo if they get into a pinch. Now, if he starts to pee into his own mouth, we'll have a much better idea of whom he idolizes.

Got to here on my re-read then all out of rep.. funny stuff the last few hours.. lol

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I think the deadline is in 2.5 hrs.. I see lily managed to flitter away without revealing.. while mentioning a blind lynch in an ominous sorta sounding way... ghey

I'm fine with jack, although, this may be the greatest noob debut no matter what the outcome. Props

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The thing that bothers me about Jack is that his pretend to be the doctor then come clean play seems really unlikely to be part of a scum team move the more I think about it.

Lily's play bothers me more overall.

Vic doesn't seem any scummier to me than, say, JiF.

I forget what the case on JF80 was again... bad acting or some sort?

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The thing that bothers me about Jack is that his pretend to be the doctor then come clean play seems really unlikely to be part of a scum team move the more I think about it.

It kind of doesn't after the fact, but, I do believe he was going to be lynched earlier today for doc fishing and needed the doc claim to survive. Unclaiming it might be the wifom he needed to get out of the box he painted for himself. And who knows, maybe lily's his teammate and this is a gambit??? Either way, I don't think he intended to get himself run up on yesterday

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It kind of doesn't after the fact, but, I do believe he was going to be lynched earlier today for doc fishing and needed the doc claim to survive. Unclaiming it might be the wifom he needed to get out of the box he painted for himself. And who knows, maybe lily's his teammate and this is a gambit??? Either way, I don't think he intended to get himself run up on yesterday

Could be. I mentioned earlier that I thought it seemed like a team play to me at the time.

Still, I think he would've waited until the next day to come clean, no?

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Official Vote Count:

JiF (1): Brett

Dan X (1): Smash

JF80 (5): Crusher, JiF, Sharrow, JF80, Primate

Jack (3): Verb, Lily, CTM

Lily (4): Slats, Jack, AVM, Vic,

Vicious (3): Dan, DPR, JC

Not voting: Duke, Pac

With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch


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Could be. I mentioned earlier that I thought it seemed like a team play to me at the time.

Still, I think he would've waited until the next day to come clean, no?


Claiming doc as a roleless townie doesn't make a lot of sense to me either though, so this is kind of nonsensical either way I look at it.

I don't know that Lily's alignment is going to make me think differently about Jack, either way. If she's innocent, it'll make his play seem even more haphazard at best.. if she's scum, I'm thinking gambit. I dunno, I just haven't seen anythign out of Lily that a) would make me certain she was scum and b ) is any different then the odd angles she took the last few games as town. For all intents and purposes it's day 1 and he's convinced. Maybe it's just his style, he was convinced Verb was scum last night too.

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Claiming doc as a roleless townie doesn't make a lot of sense to me either though, so this is kind of nonsensical either way I look at it.

I don't know that Lily's alignment is going to make me think differently about Jack, either way. If she's innocent, it'll make his play seem even more haphazard at best.. if she's scum, I'm thinking gambit. I dunno, I just haven't seen anythign out of Lily that a) would make me certain she was scum and b ) is any different then the odd angles she took the last few games as town. For all intents and purposes it's day 1 and he's convinced. Maybe it's just his style, he was convinced Verb was scum last night too.

I'm convinced your a dick and you like women with chest hair

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I'm not really feeling the Lily or JF80 vote, so I'm staying parked until we get close enough to make a difference. I'll be on, so I can switch votes as need be.

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I'm not really feeling the Lily or JF80 vote, so I'm staying parked until we get close enough to make a difference. I'll be on, so I can switch votes as need be.

What makes Vic your best choice, then? I'm willing to move, too, I just don't know where.

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Is there a reason you didn't list the leading vote getter?

He did he wrote "JF" not JIF. I read it wrong at first too. Noob... its JF80, if you write JF then we confuse him with the other fag JIF.

Fags are easy to get mixed up as it is, since they all look the same.

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He did he wrote "JF" not JIF. I read it wrong at first too. Noob... its JF80, if you write JF then we confuse him with the other fag JIF.

Fags are easy to get mixed up as it is, since they all look the same.

Who's going to be more pissed off they're compared...JiF, or 80?

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It kind of doesn't after the fact, but, I do believe he was going to be lynched earlier today for doc fishing and needed the doc claim to survive. Unclaiming it might be the wifom he needed to get out of the box he painted for himself. And who knows, maybe lily's his teammate and this is a gambit??? Either way, I don't think he intended to get himself run up on yesterday

The gambit side of this is interesting, but at the same time - why try to run it D1/D2? Under circumstances where it could easily have been broken up and there was not a high percentage of pulling it off and making one of the two of them look town. If it was a gambit it was poorly conceived, imo. Plus every time we've seen scum try a gambit, they've had their backs against the wall... granted I've only played 15-20 games now here at JN, maybe its different elsewhere, but I just don't understand why scum would even bother at the beginning of a game, especially a game set up like this.

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The gambit side of this is interesting, but at the same time - why try to run it D1/D2? Under circumstances where it could easily have been broken up and there was not a high percentage of pulling it off and making one of the two of them look town. If it was a gambit it was poorly conceived, imo. Plus every time we've seen scum try a gambit, they've had their backs against the wall... granted I've only played 15-20 games now here at JN, maybe its different elsewhere, but I just don't understand why scum would even bother at the beginning of a game, especially a game set up like this.

I really do believe he was about to get lynched yesterday, so his back was against the wall. Maybe he's got a great scum power? Really don't know, but I think everyone's overlookign the fact that the only reason he claimed doctor to begin with was to save his own a$$..

In any event, we're dangerously close to a random lynch here.. I'm going to switch to our current vote leader, have to go help my daughter with some homework. I'll be back around 8:30 so I'll have time to switch to someone different if the tide turns.. I feel strongly that jack is the best choice, especially with lily and now vic out of pocket, not really interested in blind lynching


vote JF80

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I really do believe he was about to get lynched yesterday, so his back was against the wall. Maybe he's got a great scum power? Really don't know, but I think everyone's overlookign the fact that the only reason he claimed doctor to begin with was to save his own a$$..

In any event, we're dangerously close to a random lynch here.. I'm going to switch to our current vote leader, have to go help my daughter with some homework. I'll be back around 8:30 so I'll have time to switch to someone different if the tide turns.. I feel strongly that jack is the best choice, especially with lily and now vic out of pocket, not really interested in blind lynching


vote JF80

Personally, I'm not overlooking it... but I assumed we'd be running right up against the deadline, he'd be the #1 topic of conversation of this day, and I've been trying to pressure some other people - so that the whole game isn't centered around 1 guy. I know how much Wombat hates that.

The real question with Jack becomes, do we want to take the giant mess and multiple question marks past D2? (To this I say NO.) And if we lynch him, do we feel his alignment can be informative? (To this I say SOMEWHAT, probably more than anyone else at this point.)

I'll vote Jack if it means avoiding random and none of these other trains progress.

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vote: Jack

No doubt his actions were scummy. I think I was more interested in keeping him around simply because he's new. He and Lily are my top 2, and whoever #3 is is pretty far behind.

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What makes Vic your best choice, then? I'm willing to move, too, I just don't know where.

I don't have a strong feeling about it, just the points I made earlier about him kinda sweating Dan, but not really. No big deal.

Unvote Vic - vote JF80

I have no reason to vote JF80 other than to avoid a random lynch. I will switch if anyone presents a last minute case. I think I do understand where Jack felt like he was going to run plays and they all backfired - been there and done that. He doesn't know any better yet, and I do like players that actually play that way. He just needs to get his sea-legs.

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