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Schottenheimer: Lockout won't hurt Sanchez


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Schottenheimer talks Sanchez, Holmes

Jets play-caller gives first interview since AFC title game loss to the Steelers

Cimini By Rich Cimini


With Mark Sanchez & Co. not around, New York Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer has found a new team to coach -- the Cubs.

His 6-year-old son's baseball team in New Jersey.

"I'm looking forward to getting back [to football], but for now, I'm coaching Little League and having a blast," Schottenheimer told ESPNNewYork.com on Wednesday in his first interview with the news media since the Jets' loss in the AFC Championship Game.

Schottenheimer has maintained an unusually low profile since coming under fire for his play calling in the title game and being called out afterward by wide receiver Santonio Holmes, who was upset that he didn't start. He also presides over one of the most talked-about offenses in the NFL, what with the Randy Moss rumors, the Jets' big-name free agents at wide receiver and the always-compelling development of his young quarterback.

With all that swirling, the affable Schottenheimer stayed silent -- until Wednesday, when he put a positive spin on just about everything.

He defended his play-calling against the Pittsburgh Steelers, claimed he smoothed things over with Holmes the day after the game and insisted he has no concerns about the lockout impeding the progress of Sanchez. He believes the young QB, whom Schottenheimer tutored daily last offseason, will continue his ascent to elite status.

"I'm sure his eyes are bright red from all the film he's been looking at," Schottenheimer said.

Because of the lockout, coaches are prohibited from communicating with players. That's a dramatic change for Schottenheimer and Sanchez, who have grown so close that they shared late-night strategy conversations during the season.

Schottenheimer said Sanchez has gained enough experience in two seasons that, as a coordinator, he can take a step back and be like a "golf coach" -- providing a sounding board should problems arise.

If Schottenheimer is fretting the potential losses of Holmes, Braylon Edwards and Brad Smith, all of whom are unsigned, he did a good job of hiding it.

"Growing up as a coach's kid, I learned your roster changes all the time," said Schottenheimer, whose father, Marty, was a longtime NFL coach and is currently a UFL coach. "Moving forward, we hope to get some good players back. Whoever we get, we'll coach."

Perhaps their most important free agent -- Holmes -- made headlines by complaining about his playing time in Pittsburgh. In April, he still was chafed, telling reporters he was "very upset" and believes it contributed to the team's awful first half of the conference title game.

Schottenheimer explained that he wasn't down on Holmes, that he simply decided to start the game in a personnel grouping that didn't include him. The coordinator admitted he should've done a better job of explaining that to Holmes.

"It's unfortunate he felt like we weren't trying to start him," he said. "Maybe I could've communicated to him better, but there was nothing done out of being malicious. When you have so many good players, you try to rotate guys through in different personnel packages. Believe me, we'd be crazy to not play the guy. That's why you saw him in there 19 of the first 24 or 25 snaps."

Schottenheimer said he discussed the issue with Holmes the day after the game, adding, "We left on good terms. I love the guy. He's one of my favorite competitors out there. I enjoy coaching him."

That was a difficult game for Schottenheimer, whose offense was a no-show in the first half and later failed to score on four straight goal-line plays. He was heavily criticized for his play-calling -- two rushes, two passes -- but he refused to second-guess any of the calls, even though he admitted the game is "hard to watch" on video.

"[Criticism] comes with the chair," he said. "Like I said in the past, I know I'm damn good at what I do."

He does have one regret from the game.

"For as much grief as I took on the goal-line stop, the play I'd like to have back is the third-and-17, when we had the sack/fumble," he said, referring to a Sanchez fumble that was returned for a touchdown before halftime. "We guessed wrong, thinking they'd play a little softer and they came after us. That's one I'd like to have back."

Follow Rich Cimini on Twitter: @RichCimini

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Schottenheimer said Sanchez has gained enough experience in two seasons that, as a coordinator, he can take a step back and be like a "golf coach" -- providing a sounding board should problems arise.

I really hope this is something Schottenheimer's just saying to put a positive spin on things, and not something he actually believes.

Sanchez needs his completion percentage coached up another 5-10 percentage points.

Love this line:

"[Criticism] comes with the chair," he said. "Like I said in the past, I know I'm damn good at what I do."

Take that, haters! :lol:

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I really hope this is something Schottenheimer's just saying to put a positive spin on things, and not something he actually believes.

Sanchez needs his completion percentage coached up another 5-10 percentage points.

Love this line:

Take that, haters! :lol:

I think the full quote would have read, " My Dad tells me I am good every day. And he has a show on Sirius Radio, so I know that he would know ".

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im pretty sure all the schotty hate is a cover for secret Sanchez criticism. No one wants to face the truth about Mark Sanchez being a fairly inconsistent QB (with a ton of room to grow).

We'd rather cry about Pat Kirwan's tiered QB rankings and claim that Schotty's play calling is holding Mark Sanchez back from greatness.

As if Charlie Weiss would have Mark operating at a 65% accuracy rate.

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im pretty sure all the schotty hate is a cover for secret Sanchez criticism. No one wants to face the truth about Mark Sanchez being a fairly inconsistent QB (with a ton of room to grow).

We'd rather cry about Pat Kirwan's tiered QB rankings and claim that Schotty's play calling is holding Mark Sanchez back from greatness.

As if Charlie Weiss would have Mark operating at a 65% accuracy rate.

That's a load of horse crap. Feelings on Sanchez and Schotty can be and are independent of one another. It hasn't mattered one bit whether it was Chad Pennington, Kellen Clemens, Brett Favre or Sanchez, the offense has continually been a problem. I, and many others, wanted that dipsh*t fired years ago and never wanted him anywhere around Sanchez from the day he was drafted. Do you not remember the hopes that Mangini's firing would spell the end of Schotty? Kind of shoots your theory to sh*t, huh? The guy got waaaayyy too much credit for running a very mediocre offense his first year here because of the lack of talent the Jets had on that side of the ball and what was at the time, a very creative use of Brad Smith. 5 years later the Jets have improved their offensive players 10 fold and we're still seeing the same ridiculous mistakes and baffling failures repeated by a completely different group of players. Unless you think the problem is Brick, Mangold and Moore, there's only been one more consistent presence this entire time.

Just look at some of the things that have happened in his years with the Jets. I've never seen anything like it with any coordinator in football. First he had coaching responsibilities stripped of him and given to assistant coaches (i.e., Callahan) and now he has other coordinators being brought in during the offseason in order to address the most important part of his job, red zone offense. Does this sound like a guy who's impressing even his own bosses?

The fact is that Sanchez is just another in the long line of excuses for Schotty. Of course everything is the fault of every QB who's ever played for Schotty, and not the least bit Schotty. And it's certainly not Schotty's fault that every single QB has played significantly worse under him than they have both prior to and after playing for him. Maybe if this issue only surfaced in the last two years you would have a point, but after his ridiculously over-praised 2006 season, it's been nothing but crap ever since.

None of this means that Sanchez is blameless and doesn't have a lot of work to do, but trying to pawn off all of Schotty's repeated failures on him is a complete joke.

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Schotty has no regrets? Well, Brian, the fans have regrets. We regret you're still on the team. We regret that you're allowed anywhere near Sanchez. If indeed you have had "late night strategy sessions" with him, then he should certainly be further along in his development as an elite QB. You're holding him back. From the story I gather that Holmes was NOT a happy puppy with your play calling, and nor are the fans. We also know a little something about football, and, quite frankly, you should have been fired before you walked off the field on January 23.

Stick to little league baseball...you're being paid what you're worth...NOTHING!

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Heya Bleedin Green...name those QB's, please...I can't seem to find them anywhere. Schottenheimer is an UNRIVALED FAILURE...so were his uncle and his dad, but he has certainly surpassed them...get me that list, pumpkin...

I think Bleedin was being sarcastic. :D

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Heya Bleedin Green...name those QB's, please...I can't seem to find them anywhere. Schottenheimer is an UNRIVALED FAILURE...so were his uncle and his dad, but he has certainly surpassed them...get me that list, pumpkin...

I think Bleedin was being sarcastic. :D

Yeah, what Max said. If you read my next post after that and you'll see I am one of Schotty's biggest haters. Gato is a huge Schotty-lover and his comment was made sarcastically so I responded in kind. I was trying to subtly make the point that literally every single QB that has ever been coached by Schotty (as both a QB coach and OC) has performed better without him than with him.

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That's absolutely ridiculous. Everyone knows Schotty is an unrivaled QB guru. Just look at the amazing track record of the QBs that have played under him.

QB guru? Have you SEEN what Chad Pennington and Favre did once they left the NJ Meadowlands for Miami and a dome, respectively? This doesn't even touch how he ruined Kellen Clemens and made it necessary to force a trade for a college junior with 13 starts. He is probably prepping his gameplan right now so he can playcall the destruction of one Mark Sanchez. He'll do it with no rhythm.

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im pretty sure all the schotty hate is a cover for secret Sanchez criticism.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I wanted to get rid of sh*tty before we even got Sanchez. Besides, if I want to criticize Sanchez I'd do it.

Like this: Sanchez needs to improve his completion percentage. It's not good enough for a starting NFL QB. Still, he's young and still developing.

If I want to criticize Shotty I'd do that. Like this: Shotty needs to improve in every area to be a good enough OC. Still, I'd like to run him over with my car. Repeatedly.

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Can't speak for anyone else, but I wanted to get rid of sh*tty before we even got Sanchez. Besides, if I want to criticize Sanchez I'd do it.

Like this: Sanchez needs to improve his completion percentage. It's not good enough for a starting NFL QB. Still, he's young and still developing.

If I want to criticize Shotty I'd do that. Like this: Shotty needs to improve in every area to be a good enough OC. Still, I'd like to run him over with my car. Repeatedly.

What is "every area" in OC world?

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Its like you can't help yourself.

It's half assed at this point...It's June...the weather's nice...a much finer sport is being played...It unfortunately wouldn't go as far. Plus, I already forgot half the shyte that went down last year so any specific examples I have would get lost with "ZOMG NO TOP OFFENSE IN 5 YERS!!11" anyway.

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That's a load of horse crap. Feelings on Sanchez and Schotty can be and are independent of one another. It hasn't mattered one bit whether it was Chad Pennington, Kellen Clemens, Brett Favre or Sanchez, the offense has continually been a problem. I, and many others, wanted that dipsh*t fired years ago and never wanted him anywhere around Sanchez from the day he was drafted. Do you not remember the hopes that Mangini's firing would spell the end of Schotty? Kind of shoots your theory to sh*t, huh? The guy got waaaayyy too much credit for running a very mediocre offense his first year here because of the lack of talent the Jets had on that side of the ball and what was at the time, a very creative use of Brad Smith. 5 years later the Jets have improved their offensive players 10 fold and we're still seeing the same ridiculous mistakes and baffling failures repeated by a completely different group of players. Unless you think the problem is Brick, Mangold and Moore, there's only been one more consistent presence this entire time.

Just look at some of the things that have happened in his years with the Jets. I've never seen anything like it with any coordinator in football. First he had coaching responsibilities stripped of him and given to assistant coaches (i.e., Callahan) and now he has other coordinators being brought in during the offseason in order to address the most important part of his job, red zone offense. Does this sound like a guy who's impressing even his own bosses?

The fact is that Sanchez is just another in the long line of excuses for Schotty. Of course everything is the fault of every QB who's ever played for Schotty, and not the least bit Schotty. And it's certainly not Schotty's fault that every single QB has played significantly worse under him than they have both prior to and after playing for him. Maybe if this issue only surfaced in the last two years you would have a point, but after his ridiculously over-praised 2006 season, it's been nothing but crap ever since.

None of this means that Sanchez is blameless and doesn't have a lot of work to do, but trying to pawn off all of Schotty's repeated failures on him is a complete joke.

Not to mention they brought in a geriatric Mark Brunell, who hadn't attempted a meaningful NFL pass since 2006, to walk into the #2QB role solely to help with Sanchez. Or does anyone believe the Jets brought him in due to the skill he'd demonstrated over the previous few seasons, and determined he was so good they could overlook having a lefty backup QB?

And Sanchez needs to improve a great deal with or without Schottenheimer. He is and has been the weakest link on the Jets offense.

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I remember Sanchez' first 3 games. A high pass completion percentage and third down conversion after third down conversion. Then Schitty began to really get his hooks in, and Sanchez declined.

Maybe Sanchez will get another 3 really strong games again before tanking it.

Actually I think Sanchez will do really well this year. If there is a year. Sanchez is my target QB this year for fantasy purposes. I will draft some other dude fairly high but I expect at least 3 of my first 5 picks to fail every year so I will probably use Sanchez heavily as the year goes on. If I pick high enough I'm getting Vick to team with Sanchez...Vick will get injured anyway.

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I remember Sanchez' first 3 games. A high pass completion percentage and third down conversion after third down conversion. Then Schitty began to really get his hooks in, and Sanchez declined.

Maybe Sanchez will get another 3 really strong games again before tanking it.

Actually I think Sanchez will do really well this year. If there is a year. Sanchez is my target QB this year for fantasy purposes. I will draft some other dude fairly high but I expect at least 3 of my first 5 picks to fail every year so I will probably use Sanchez heavily as the year goes on. If I pick high enough I'm getting Vick to team with Sanchez...Vick will get injured anyway.

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what happened.

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