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Manny Lawson/Matt roth for OLB....


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enough with bryan thomas. jettison his 3.5 mil salary and bring in one of these guys. theyve been sitting around so how much could they cost. can still use westerman on passing downs in addition to roth/lawson and pace to increase our pass rush. How is this cody brown kid on our roster. i know he was looked at as a pass rusher when he was drafted years ago?

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yeah, completely agree. we need olb bad. and we need some o line depth, a de, and a cb. then we will be set to start the season.

for Dline why not bring back S Ellis? He was amazing against the Pats and can mentor Wilkerson. Shoot even Trevor Pryce prob can give us something

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Roth has absolute killer instinct when his heads in the right place and can be an animal. If anybody can bring that out and keep that out it's Rex - I'd love to take a flyer at him.

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if you could combine Matt Roth's intensity with Manny Lawson's sprinter speed you'd have the perfect OLB

as it stands neither are that much cheaper than Thomas. And BT does alot of good things in Rex's D. He is the coverage LB.

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I read the Jets were connected to Antwan Barnes. He came up through Rex's D in Baltimore, and has some pass rushing skills. That's probably the OLB I'd look to make.

Edit: OK so he resigned with the Chargers. I'm out of ideas. Maybe Roth...Solid player who's been around and plays tough...Lawson has the soft tag, but really with Rex I think healthy first round flops and veterans aren't bad gambles for the Jets.

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I know rex and co. have praised B thomas and yes he led them in sacks with 6 but I just feel we can try and get better production elsewhere. Roth, westerman, whover. Anyone ever see this Cody Brown kid play? I see he was an early draft pick years ago and was thought of as a pass rusher.

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