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Reservoir Dogs Mafia

Bleedin Green

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Interesting. Sharrow came to me in a dream, I say lynch the Sandman before he returns and all of a sudden I'm on the hot seat.

**** YOU ALL

you do realize scum arrested their own symp, meaning they didn't know that who he was, meaning the fact that you fos'd him has no bearing on your alignment

******* amateur

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The only reason you partial reveal is to avoid a lynch at the last friggin' minute? That makes no sense, especially considering we are in the beginning of D2.

If the reveal without a train was bad enough, a partial reveal is just plain bad.

yeah because no one has shown a willingness to vote me.. :rolleyes:

I figure we were going to get to it sooner or later and I didn't want townies wasting their time casing me today.

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you do realize scum arrested their own symp, meaning they didn't know that who he was, meaning the fact that you fos'd him has no bearing on your alignment

******* amateur

I realize I'm a roleless townie looking for anyone that could possibly hurt my fellow townies. And that I came out and said Slats and Sharrow came to me in a dream. I then chased the monkey for my own reasons and after my reread, got what I wanted from it. The other thing that I got was the reactions to me wanting to string up the mafia symp before he returned to the game after ducking out and giving us nothing...and it got me heat. How many times do we see scum pull that move?

Look, I'm instictually the best scum hunter ever. Dont hate.

Vote Pac

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and to take a page from CTM I have pro town powers which I don't want to fully divulge unless pressed. If I get to L2 I will reveal but I see no point right now.

the only reason I mention it is to avoid what happened to 80 last night.

Missed this post catching up, and I laugh at it.

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interesting ... after a whole bunch of roleleless claims that we've had a symp a godfather finder and a pacTurd show up


ape - roleless/stupid

jif - roleless/ghey

Crusher - ? (fat though)

slats - ?

Pac - town power role of unknown type

Jf80 - god father finder - interesting

sharrow - symp

hess - roleless

smc - roleless

ctm - roleless

Verbal - roleless

so with 11 players, i'm wondering if jf80 was the only cop, and bleedin just threw a monkey wrench by making the godfather discoverable by cabot(which makes sense, movie wise), where as the vanilla scum was really the one undetectable (the black dude was never found)

pac is obviously claiming doctor or vig... i'd kinda like to hear everyone's claim at this point

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I realize I'm a roleless townie looking for anyone that could possibly hurt my fellow townies. And that I came out and said Slats and Sharrow came to me in a dream. I then chased the monkey for my own reasons and after my reread, got what I wanted from it. The other thing that I got was the reactions to me wanting to string up the mafia symp before he returned to the game after ducking out and giving us nothing...and it got me heat. How many times do we see scum pull that move?

Look, I'm instictually the best scum hunter ever. Dont hate.

Vote Pac

doofus... sharrow was at l-2 and I said I was going to vote him until someone reminded us he left for the day, which would've put him at l-1... you act like your the only one... a real ape jr

further, we ended up lynching someone who ducked out and what happenned? We lynched one of the more important roles of the game.. so gfy, you diseased twink

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JiF is starting to show his a$$

Interesting. I see it just the opposite.

Your premeptive reveal stinks like you want an investigation...why?

doofus... sharrow was at l-2 and I said I was going to vote him until someone reminded us he left for the day, which would've put him at l-1... you act like your the only one... a real ape jr

further, we ended up lynching someone who ducked out and what happenned? We lynched one of the more important roles of the game.. so gfy, you diseased twink

Hey penis breath....I didnt want to lynch JF80. I wanted a mass reveal. And dont act like everyone didnt get all pissy about me wanting to kill Sharrow for ducking out and leaving us with nothing. You stupid ****. You even made a big sh*t about comparing it to when you organized a speed lynch on me that lost the town the game. You noodledicknerd.

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No sh*t?


Unovte Crusher

Vote Sharrow

I'll drive the stake into sh*tshows heart myself.. don't care.

lets just kill someone.

Lets kill Hess or this pos.

sissy.. welcome to FOS

that being said, blind lynching sharrow isn't a good move. Jif had a hissy fit over this once so I'm shocked he's championing it..

vote Jif

I don't like lynching Sharrow without him being here to speak for himself.

vote: JiF

And that means we need 6/9 to decide. That's kinda tough.

And, CTM, this isn't a blind lynch on Sharrow. He's been here and has talked. JiF got speed lynched without even knowing the day started. Completely different scenario.

I'm not feeling this unholy alliance between Pac and CTM on JiF

Completely different?? he hasn't had a chance to roleclaim or defend.... jif was lynched on like day 6.. meaning we had 5 days worth of his buffoonery and yapping

We can always kill J80. Yes.


I think sharrow needs to be here to defend and reveal if necessary.

You were saying CTM?

you stupid ****

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doofus... sharrow was at l-2 and I said I was going to vote him until someone reminded us he left for the day, which would've put him at l-1... you act like your the only one... a real ape jr

further, we ended up lynching someone who ducked out and what happenned? We lynched one of the more important roles of the game.. so gfy, you diseased twink

That's why deadlines blow. We let Sharrow off the hook for not being around but nailed J80 before he could reveal. I had J80 and Sharrow as my top but never though twice about hammering last night because it was late and it seemed to be a a foregone conclusion. Plus I was hungry and a hungry Crusher is a cranky Crusher. I'm so sick of being at the football practice field 4 night a week till 930 I almost wish my sons where born queer. 5 years and counting.

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btw... i dunno if I'm getting old or what, but the foosball forum ******* sucks .. if it wasn't for mafia, I'd probably almost never post here

No kidding. Unbearable,

EY, Rutgers, and Aten have ruined it.

Okay, onto the game. I was 1 for 2 in my calls. JF80, Sharrow and Verbal were my top 3. Jf80 shoulda let Sharrow get lynched. Sucks for 80, but that's what you get for stopping a lynch for no reason.

As we know, scum likely didn't know who the symp was and took a shot at Sharrow thinking he was powered in all likelihood. It sucks for them and rebounds us from the 2 dead townies.

Also, I think JF80 wasn't a regular finder. My guess is that he was looking for the Symp. That's why it said godfather finder. So we're not that bad off. EDIT: On second thought, he was probably looking for Mr. Orange.

Willing to go with Hess, but I want to look at Sharrow's posts more before I vote.

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That's why deadlines blow. We let Sharrow off the hook for not being around but nailed J80 before he could reveal. I had J80 and Sharrow as my top but never though twice about hammering last night because it was late and it seemed to be a a foregone conclusion. Plus I was hungry and a hungry Crusher is a cranky Crusher. I'm so sick of being at the football practice field 4 night a week till 930 I almost wish my sons where born queer. 5 years and counting.

Ok cool. So anyway, can you make a case on me other than "Sharrow was obviously red flagging him from the beginning of the game?"

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yeah because no one has shown a willingness to vote me.. :rolleyes:

I figure we were going to get to it sooner or later and I didn't want townies wasting their time casing me today.

Then you might as well full reveal. The half sh*t will either get you lynched or NKed.

Now this is gold. You dont buy anything I've been saying, but you quoted the post where I cased the mafia symp. Good work buddy!!!

Wait.....THAT was a case? My god you really suck as scum.

Vote: JiF

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EY, Rutgers, and Aten have ruined it.

Okay, onto the game. I was 1 for 2 in my calls. JF80, Sharrow and Verbal were my top 3. Jf80 shoulda let Sharrow get lynched. Sucks for 80, but that's what you get for stopping a lynch for no reason.

As we know, scum likely didn't know who the symp was and took a shot at Sharrow thinking he was powered in all likelihood. It sucks for them and rebounds us from the 2 dead townies.

Also, I think JF80 wasn't a regular finder. My guess is that he was looking for the Symp. That's why it said godfather finder. So we're not that bad off.

Willing to go with Hess, but I want to look at Sharrow's posts more before I vote.

Figured this was coming.


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EY, Rutgers, and Aten have ruined it.

Okay, onto the game. I was 1 for 2 in my calls. JF80, Sharrow and Verbal were my top 3. Jf80 shoulda let Sharrow get lynched. Sucks for 80, but that's what you get for stopping a lynch for no reason.

As we know, scum likely didn't know who the symp was and took a shot at Sharrow thinking he was powered in all likelihood. It sucks for them and rebounds us from the 2 dead townies.

Also, I think JF80 wasn't a regular finder. My guess is that he was looking for the Symp. That's why it said godfather finder. So we're not that bad off.

Willing to go with Hess, but I want to look at Sharrow's posts more before I vote.

Weird, I figured the godfather finder was looking for....you know...the godfather?


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Wait.....THAT was a case? My god you really suck as scum.

Vote: JiF

Ummm yeah, when does a town player with any significance leave and say they arent going to be around for deadline, without giving the town anything to go on when said person is a lynch candidate? We've seen it a dozen times before and 90% of the time they are scum. IMO - its one of the biggest tells in the game.

Look, you guys can hate on me all you want, but I'm one of the best scum hunters in this game. Hands down. Its fact. It gets proven every single game we play but I constantly get disrespected. Maybe its because I like to gloat about my greatness and everyone loves to hate me because they are jealous of my great life, sexy body and humor but the fact remains my instincts are unparalleled. You should know better than anyone.

I'm definitely not scum. Roleless is all I am. And everyone knows, I'm at my best when I'm roleless. Pac is scum. Town powers my a$$.

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Interesting. I see it just the opposite.

Your premeptive reveal stinks like you want an investigation...why?

Hey penis breath....I didnt want to lynch JF80. I wanted a mass reveal. And dont act like everyone didnt get all pissy about me wanting to kill Sharrow for ducking out and leaving us with nothing. You stupid ****. You even made a big sh*t about comparing it to when you organized a speed lynch on me that lost the town the game. You noodledicknerd.

Yeah I did.. and I was right about it being stupid.. Just wrong guy.. lol :D

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Weird, I figured the godfather finder was looking for....you know...the godfather?


LOL. Thinking about it, he was probably looking for Mr. Orange (Tim Roth aka Freddy Newandyke). So I take that back

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Yeah I did.. and I was right about it being stupid.. Just wrong guy.. lol :biggrin:

Well, I just disagree. He had plenty of time to contribute and opted out. We've seen it before and its typically a scum tell. I didnt like the path we were headed and figured this was the perfect time to stop the stupid run up trend and kill my favorite for scum.

Oh yeah, for all these stupid ****s who keep thinking that I could be a cop....why on earth would I want to blind lynch anyone if I'm searching of symp?


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Ummm yeah, when does a town player with any significance leave and say they arent going to be around for deadline, without giving the town anything to go on when said person is a lynch candidate? We've seen it a dozen times before and 90% of the time they are scum. IMO - its one of the biggest tells in the game.

you mean like jf80 did?

1 town power role, 1 symp (who is supposed to be willing to die to save scum) = 1/2.. in jif math 1/2 = 90%

and again, willing to vote sharrow is ******* meaningless for scum hunting cause the freaken scum killed him.. Obviously they had no idea who he was, meaning you could still very easily be scum. The fact that you refuse to get this through your seman filled head is bothering me

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Well, I just disagree. He had plenty of time to contribute and opted out. We've seen it before and its typically a scum tell. I didnt like the path we were headed and figured this was the perfect time to stop the stupid run up trend and kill my favorite for scum.

Oh yeah, for all these stupid ****s who keep thinking that I could be a cop....why on earth would I want to blind lynch anyone if I'm searching of symp?


:palm face image i'm too lay to find:

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LOL. Thinking about it, he was probably looking for Mr. Orange (Tim Roth aka Freddy Newandyke). So I take that back

exactly, and the character makes sense... Which is why I'm wondering if there even is a finder.. how would the black dude be found out by anybody, it wasn't in the movie..

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you mean like jf80 did?

1 town power role, 1 symp (who is supposed to be willing to die to save scum) = 1/2.. in jif math 1/2 = 90%

and again, willing to vote sharrow is ******* meaningless for scum hunting cause the freaken scum killed him.. Obviously they had no idea who he was, meaning you could still very easily be scum. The fact that you refuse to get this through your seman filled head is bothering me

**** you. JF80 is an idiot and he didnt announce that he wouldnt be around like Sharrow did, which is what I'm referring to. And you knew scum was going to kill their symp? You are amazing...why didnt you just tell us that yesterday? Might have made things easier.

I'm over it. Sharrow is dead, I was right, nobody will give me credit when it due. Thats fine. Kill Pac and my reputation will show but still be ignored.

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******* NEW SET UP.


upper right hand corner.. empty out the search box, click search.. brings you to advanced search..

then you type the psoters name in the author box, click the mafia forum in the list, and make sure to select views as posts rather then view as topics

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**** you. JF80 is an idiot and he didnt announce that he wouldnt be around like Sharrow did, which is what I'm referring to. And you knew scum was going to kill their symp? You are amazing...why didnt you just tell us that yesterday? Might have made things easier.

I'm over it. Sharrow is dead, I was right, nobody will give me credit when it due. Thats fine. Kill Pac and my reputation will show but still be ignored.

rocks for brains... i give up

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upper right hand corner.. empty out the search box, click search.. brings you to advanced search..

then you type the psoters name in the author box, click the mafia forum in the list, and make sure to select views as posts rather then view as topics


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upper right hand corner.. empty out the search box, click search.. brings you to advanced search..

then you type the psoters name in the author box, click the mafia forum in the list, and make sure to select views as posts rather then view as topics

you can also just click to the little gear icon next to the search box to get to advanced search.

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