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Reservoir Dogs Mafia

Bleedin Green

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good question Crush.. I obviously can't quote BG's role pm but it initally had me confused. I had to clarify exactly what I was with him by asking if I was a Doc... I'm able to keep someone from getting arrested which is in essence, a doc.

Sounds a lot like a lawyer, But hey, if no one counters I guess your it.

Exactly. I have no clue how a Doc fits into this game. Doesnt make anysense.

Pac is lying.

If no one counters then I guess it is what it is.

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it's possible but not reason for him to be lynched today.... also want to hear verbals reveal first

******* Pacturd and his pointless sh*tty fake reveals going to buy himself another day instead of falling to the hands of the greatest scum hunter ever. This exact damn thing happened the game Slats lost by lynching me instead of him. I busted Pac in the biggest scum tell of all, nobody wanted to join me and he walked to victory.

Now I've got him again, with a sh*tty reveal for 2 straight games and we are going to let him walk. ih8u all.


Vote Verb

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Slats please shoot this thing..

why is he trying so hard to undermine an uncountered Doc? He's flailing...

I could give a ****. You'd kill a roleless townie. No biggie. Definitely wouldnt wan to kill the Doc in a game where people are being arrested at night. Yeah, that wouldnt make any sense. :rolleyes:

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He mentions Pac and SMC off the bat and voted me first all the way to L1 and SMC unvoted, not Sharrow. Voting me the entire day and willing to let me be lynched would have been retarded.

If true, this is a really good point...

vote JiF..

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Well, I just disagree. He had plenty of time to contribute and opted out. We've seen it before and its typically a scum tell. I didnt like the path we were headed and figured this was the perfect time to stop the stupid run up trend and kill my favorite for scum.

Oh yeah, for all these stupid ****s who keep thinking that I could be a cop....why on earth would I want to blind lynch anyone if I'm searching of symp?


Um....why would scum be searching for a symp? They typically don't even know there is one....it is the symp that knows the mafia - not the other way around.

Looked at Sharrow's posts in this game. I didn't see any signaling in his posts so I decided to focus on why he was killed. He had 27, but most were BS and these look like the more serious ones. Don't want to CTM/Ape this and continue to focus solely on Verbal, but Sharrow tried to cast doubt on both Ape and Verbal. He did that a little bit with Slats.

We have to wonder why would the scum kill Sharrow? Did they think he was on to them?

I'd focus on Slats and Verbal. Slats also said Verbal is clean now after Sharrow's death, but I don't know why. In fact ...

Vote: Slats

If Slats is scum, then we pretty much know that Verbal is the last one.

You're linking slats and myself? Early game linking is a bad idea. Ever heard of scum cozying up to a townie in order to gain their trust? I was pressuring slats D1 - if he's scum, vetting me like that is a smart move for him. I understand that you totally missed that point, but hopefully this little mafia lesson will sink in. ;-)

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Just so you're on the record, Doc.

You want me dead because I'm annoying you or you honestly think I'm a cop?

You ******* pussy.

Both... but moreso because I think you're a cop.

and no.. I'm not going to do the doc/cop typo thing that you're looking to get from me. I am a D-O-C...

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it's possible but not reason for him to be lynched today.... also want to hear verbals reveal first

I don't think I revealed yet, so I'll do so now to complete the circle. I'm roleless.

I hate to admit this, but JiF does have a point. Why have a Doc in a game where Cops arrest people?

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You're linking slats and myself? Early game linking is a bad idea. Ever heard of scum cozying up to a townie in order to gain their trust? I was pressuring slats D1 - if he's scum, vetting me like that is a smart move for him. I understand that you totally missed that point, but hopefully this little mafia lesson will sink in. ;-)

Well, not anymore. I just think you're scum. You NK Sharrow because you thought he was after you and wanted to create a WIFOM.

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I tend to believe that Pac has the healer role up to and until Verbal counters him. JiF pushing to lynch an uncountered doc is disconcerting.

SMC is my favorite for scum. I might shoot him.

How about something better.

Lynch me and you shoot Verbal?

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I tend to believe that Pac has the healer role up to and until Verbal counters him. JiF pushing to lynch an uncountered doc is disconcerting.

SMC is my favorite for scum. I might shoot him.

No counter from me. Fire away, as I think SMC is scum as well.

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Well, not anymore. I just think you're scum. You NK Sharrow because you thought he was after you and wanted to create a WIFOM.

Rub one out and ease your hard-on for me. You like me, I turn you on...yadda yadda....I get it.

I don't NK people because they make D1 reaches. I would have NKed you, however, so take that as me being town, hehe.

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good question Crush.. I obviously can't quote BG's role pm but it initally had me confused. I had to clarify exactly what I was with him by asking if I was a Doc... I'm able to keep someone from getting arrested which is in essence, a doc.

Ahh...found it. My bad.

Having said that, I'm not sure I believe it. But....I won't lynch an uncountered Doc, even in a game where I'm not sure it fits.

I say slats shoots SMC and we lynch JiF. Who's with me?

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Tell me what the advantage is there.

A distraction for you is eliminated because there's no reason whatsoever for you to think I'm scum. Doesn't make sense.

Sharrow is linked to Verbal. The signs are there. He should either be lynched or Vig-killed.

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Ahh...found it. My bad.

Having said that, I'm not sure I believe it. But....I won't lynch an uncountered Doc, even in a game where I'm not sure it fits.

I say slats shoots SMC and we lynch JiF. Who's with me?

How about the fact that I suggested Slats shoot me tonight to vet both he and I... which would vet us provided scum kills someone else tonight -- which they would be stupid not to do...

but to your last point if both SMC and JiF die today that would be lovely.. that's 2 of my top 3.

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Um....why would scum be searching for a symp? They typically don't even know there is one....it is the symp that knows the mafia - not the other way around.

Yeah, fogot about it that way. I was thinking about the way I had it set up for Matrix.

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