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Reservoir Dogs Mafia

Bleedin Green

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slats and Pac won't hammer Crusher, Verb decided not to play and now I'm bored.


I said I'd be willing to hammer Crusher to move the game along, but wanted to hear from Verbal first. He's high on SMC and JiF's list. He's been low on my list, but this extended absence isn't helping. I think he needs to chime in before we lynch today.

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I said I'd be willing to hammer Crusher to move the game along, but wanted to hear from Verbal first. He's high on SMC and JiF's list. He's been low on my list, but this extended absence isn't helping. I think he needs to chime in before we lynch today.

Ok, but my vote stays on Verb until he starts piping in. Amazingly enough he was acting the most scummy gets called on it and disappears. The Monster's gotten zero heat this game too.

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I said I'd be willing to hammer Crusher to move the game along, but wanted to hear from Verbal first. He's high on SMC and JiF's list. He's been low on my list, but this extended absence isn't helping. I think he needs to chime in before we lynch today.

I really don;t understand why you are willing to lynch me. Other than CTM everyone voting me is did it because they disagree with me or OMGUS against me. I still think the signaling from Sharrow should carry the most weight. OBVIOUSLY he was trying to contact his teammates. I say SMC and Hess are the best bets for scum. Not really seeing the case on Verbal but I will look better in a minute. Though.... more I look at JiF's play Im starting to feel better about him. Just tuff when someone comes at you that hard shen your town, they just seem like their on the other team.


I want to go back and look more at theVerb thing and again at Hess and SMC before I re-vote.

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I really don;t understand why you are willing to lynch me. Other than CTM everyone voting me is did it because they disagree with me or OMGUS against me. I still think the signaling from Sharrow should carry the most weight. OBVIOUSLY he was trying to contact his teammates. I say SMC and Hess are the best bets for scum. Not really seeing the case on Verbal but I will look better in a minute. Though.... more I look at JiF's play Im starting to feel better about him. Just tuff when someone comes at you that hard shen your town, they just seem like their on the other team.


I want to go back and look more at theVerb thing and again at Hess and SMC before I re-vote.

You dont see the case on Verbal because he is your scummate

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I really don;t understand why you are willing to lynch me. Other than CTM everyone voting me is did it because they disagree with me or OMGUS against me. I still think the signaling from Sharrow should carry the most weight. OBVIOUSLY he was trying to contact his teammates. I say SMC and Hess are the best bets for scum. Not really seeing the case on Verbal but I will look better in a minute. Though.... more I look at JiF's play Im starting to feel better about him. Just tuff when someone comes at you that hard shen your town, they just seem like their on the other team.


I want to go back and look more at theVerb thing and again at Hess and SMC before I re-vote.

We all know who carries the most weight here tubs. You should die today. You or Verbal Soze.

[EDIT] or the Monster of course...

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I don't like Heavysets unvote of JiFruit citing he "feels better about his play". I'd be willing to vote there now.

I think Slats should shoot one of SMC or Verb to try and shed some light on that mess.. I still think we should lynch JiF but would hammer Crush now if it came to it.

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I don't like Heavysets unvote of JiFruit citing he "feels better about his play". I'd be willing to vote there now.

I think Slats should shoot one of SMC or Verb to try and shed some light on that mess.. I still think we should lynch JiF but would hammer Crush now if it came to it.

Still not paying attention.

He doesnt have any shots.

And your Fantasy Football League is the stupidest set up I've ever been a part. H8u CopDoc.

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Still not paying attention.

He doesnt have any shots.

And your Fantasy Football League is the stupidest set up I've ever been a part. H8u CopDoc.

no, I wasn't paying attention since early Friday... I'll go back and read.

My fantasy football setup was not the reason you drafted so incredibly poorly.

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what a mess...

I'm not sure why Slats was busting my balls about my PM when he himself supposedly had issues understanding his role. That kinda reeks to me.

So many vote worthy people now:

Jif - has to be scum or is playing the worst game I've ever seen him play.. which after watching him play in transformers is saying something.

Crush - felt ok about him but I hate when people vote someone then unvote a page later because they suddenly "feel good about someones play"

Verb - if nothing else to clear up the SMC/Verb mess and determine if Sharrow was trying to signal

Hess - for all the reasons pointed out before plus the fact that he kind of twisted how the whole Sharrow leaving a vote on me till I was at L1 scenario.

I feel pretty good about SMC but no so much with CTMeathead and now Slats... That said I'm not prepared to lynch Slats because scum will take care of him soon enough.. He could really have a shot every other day and be lying to us. Really see no reason why he'd come clean about not having a shot instead of just saying he wasn't going to use it today. That's bothersome.

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SMC, Verb or Crushlove. Those are the 3 lynches we gain the most info from.

At this point lynching just about anyone will provide some clues. I think SMC is legit.. the frustration/whining exhibited is usually a town indicator for him. Plus I believe him when he said he'd fish for a MK which scum obv wouldn't do.

TBH although I want you dead, Verb and Hess are probably the 2 best lynches at the moment...

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At this point lynching just about anyone will provide some clues. I think SMC is legit.. the frustration/whining exhibited is usually a town indicator for him. Plus I believe him when he said he'd fish for a MK which scum obv wouldn't do.

TBH although I want you dead, Verb and Hess are probably the 2 best lynches at the moment...

Agreed. I'm feeling townie on SMC, but he does provide good info. Verb would be next choice.

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I'm not sure why Slats was busting my balls about my PM when he himself supposedly had issues understanding his role. That kinda reeks to me.

I don't recall busting your balls about your PM (something you said you clarified before your reveal), although there seems to be some inconsistency about it. You protect against arrests, but can also protect against NK attempts? My shot could only be taken during the day. I doubt there are NK attempts in this game.

I also can't fit a healer type role into the source material. The only protector in the movie was Keitel unwittingly protecting a cop.

Add it up, and if we fail to lynch scum today, I'll be very interested in lynching you tomorrow.

So many vote worthy people now:

Jif - has to be scum or is playing the worst game I've ever seen him play.. which after watching him play in transformers is saying something.

Crush - felt ok about him but I hate when people vote someone then unvote a page later because they suddenly "feel good about someones play"

Verb - if nothing else to clear up the SMC/Verb mess and determine if Sharrow was trying to signal

Hess - for all the reasons pointed out before plus the fact that he kind of twisted how the whole Sharrow leaving a vote on me till I was at L1 scenario.

There is no sign of signaling from Sharrow to Verbal. Sharrow cased Verbal without voting him - exactly the way scum operates. If Hess was signaling at anyone it was Hess, SMC, and/or you (Pac).

I won't vote Verbal today. I think Sharrow essentially cleared him.

I feel pretty good about SMC but no so much with CTMeathead and now Slats... That said I'm not prepared to lynch Slats because scum will take care of him soon enough.. He could really have a shot every other day and be lying to us. Really see no reason why he'd come clean about not having a shot instead of just saying he wasn't going to use it today. That's bothersome.

I don't feel good about SMC for a few reasons. One is the possible signaling, two is the strong disagreement on Verbal, three would be that I always seem to find SMC scummy.

I could be lying about my role. Absolutely. If scum wants to take care of me, I'm sure I'll be much smarter in the dead thread.

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I don't recall busting your balls about your PM (something you said you clarified before your reveal), although there seems to be some inconsistency about it. You protect against arrests, but can also protect against NK attempts? My shot could only be taken during the day. I doubt there are NK attempts in this game.

I also can't fit a healer type role into the source material. The only protector in the movie was Keitel unwittingly protecting a cop.

Add it up, and if we fail to lynch scum today, I'll be very interested in lynching you tomorrow.

I suggest you're letting your self proclaimed mafia-elite status cloud your judgement.

I can't be telling the truth even though it makes sense balance wise and has not been counter claimed? So what you're saying is that as scum, I either:

- made a highly questionable decision to claim Doc on Day 2 even though we had just killed our symp


- knew that there wouldn't be a Doc in the game and could claim uncontested

While there was a brief discussion earlier about a wounded scum team taking drastic measures, I can't think of anyone who would make either of the above moves on Day 2 and risk leaving them with 1 member left.

It doesn't add up.. I know it, you know it.

The fact that you'd be "very interested" in lynching me tomorrow while earlier asking for my protection tonight is laughable...

If/when I die and wind up being exactly what I said I was, you might be in serious trouble...

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I suggest you're letting your self proclaimed mafia-elite status cloud your judgement.

I can't be telling the truth even though it makes sense balance wise and has not been counter claimed? So what you're saying is that as scum, I either:

- made a highly questionable decision to claim Doc on Day 2 even though we had just killed our symp


- knew that there wouldn't be a Doc in the game and could claim uncontested

While there was a brief discussion earlier about a wounded scum team taking drastic measures, I can't think of anyone who would make either of the above moves on Day 2 and risk leaving them with 1 member left.

It doesn't add up.. I know it, you know it.

The fact that you'd be "very interested" in lynching me tomorrow while earlier asking for my protection tonight is laughable...

If/when I die and wind up being exactly what I said I was, you might be in serious trouble...

The bold is possible. How many players hadn't claimed by the time you did? Maybe Verbal? I'm not sure that you weren't last.

You even said something about hoping that someone (like me) would claim doc first. That much I remember. Interesting that you thought scum might've claimed doc, but now you say that as scum you'd never claim doc.

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and for the last time being "arrested" is game flavor for being killed... why is that such a difficult concept for you to understand?

Do you think BG created an entirely new form of mafia specifically for the purpose of adding a player who could avoid arrest but isn't a doc?

logic slats.. it's usually your forte but in this game appears to be your nemesis.

or you're scum and you guys had a day kill.

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I think Slats is off the moon that Sharrow cleared Verbal. Scum dont case someone and not vote on DAY 1. Its completely useless because scum dont care who is lynched D1 so long as its not one of the scum team.

Slats has been dead wrong before as town and this is another. Verbal is my prime suspect, so Ill switch.

Unvote: Crusher

Vote: Verbal

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I think Slats is off the moon that Sharrow cleared Verbal. Scum dont case someone and not vote on DAY 1. Its completely useless because scum dont care who is lynched D1 so long as its not one of the scum team.

Slats has been dead wrong before as town and this is another. Verbal is my prime suspect, so Ill switch.

Unvote: Crusher

Vote: Verbal

Your words hurt, making me hope you really are scum this game.

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Your words hurt, making me hope you really are scum this game.

I wish you were scum too because that could explain how dead wrong you are on Verbal and me and youre doing ypur best to protect your scummate in Verbal

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I wish you were scum too because that could explain how dead wrong you are on Verbal and me and youre doing ypur best to protect your scummate in Verbal


I won't be voting Verbal. I feel strongly about it. I certainly could be wrong, but that's where I am today. In the meantime...

vote: SMC

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Vote Count:

JiF (3) - Verbal, Pac, Crusher

Crusher (3) - CTM, JiF, SMC

SMC (1) - slats

Verbal (1) - Hess

With 8 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch.


I won't be voting Verbal. I feel strongly about it. I certainly could be wrong, but that's where I am today. In the meantime...

vote: SMC

LOL, Slats, youre already voting for me.

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