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SOA Mafia Game Thread


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I cannot believe it! It is preposterous!!!!

What's the rush? Why not let the trains flow for more information later on. OMG PREPOSTEROUS!!!! But wait this was your campaign last game early... but now you can't see it!? Oh ok. And ftr I've only mentioned multiple times I'd sorta like to see who votes DPR first tomorrow to see what happens and that CTM could still just as easy be scum along with DPR. And there still is a dimwit chance DPR is possibly telling the truth. I'd vote for either but how I do it when and where will be my decision.

So naw, I didn't do it for attention.\

Oh yeah fact that 3 players I feel least comfortable with are You, SMC & Vic all voting DPR isn't instilling confidence in getting behind his speedlynch just yet...

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What's the rush? Why not let the trains flow for more information later on. OMG PREPOSTEROUS!!!! But wait this was your campaign last game early... but now you can't see it!? Oh ok. And ftr I've only mentioned multiple times I'd sorta like to see who votes DPR first tomorrow to see what happens and that CTM could still just as easy be scum along with DPR. And there still is a dimwit chance DPR is possibly telling the truth. I'd vote for either but how I do it when and where will be my decision.

So naw, I didn't do it for attention.\

Oh yeah fact that 3 players I feel least comfortable with are You, SMC & Vic all voting DPR isn't instilling confidence in getting behind his speedlynch just yet...



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I'm Romeo Parada - town - I get to investigate whoever votes for me first each day. Day 1 was Pac, which I figured was a smart move on his part. D2 is CTM - he's scum.

Vote CTM

There is a huuuuuuge hole in this reveal. He says that he investigates the first person who votes him and day 1 was Pac "which I figured was a smart move on his part". So he's verifying the CONFIRMED townie but Pac was smart for making that vote on DPR so that DPR could verify him as the confirmed townie? WTF? On top of that, how the hell would Pac know DPR had this role to make this "smart move"? And oh yeah, I just went back to double check and would you look at this, THIS is our first vote of the game:

Game's on, right?

Vote: DPR

Vote Count:

DPR (1): Verbal

With 16 alive it takes 9 votes to lynch

Lynch all liars.

Vote: DPR

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There is a huuuuuuge hole in this reveal. He says that he investigates the first person who votes him and day 1 was Pac "which I figured was a smart move on his part". So he's verifying the CONFIRMED townie but Pac was smart for making that vote on DPR so that DPR could verify him as the confirmed townie? WTF? On top of that, how the hell would Pac know DPR had this role to make this "smart move"? And oh yeah, I just went back to double check and would you look at this, THIS is our first vote of the game:

Lynch all liars.

Vote: DPR

Oh yeah I think it's clear DPR will die and die soon.. the only question is who goes first? This smells like a gambit from a wounded and reeling scum team. Those 2 egomaniacs are just delusional enough to think they could pull something like that off.

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Just finished catching up and saw you guys called him out on the nonsensical Pac thing. It's pretty clear it was sloppy play. Pac voted him early, but it was before any of the votes were being counted. Clearly DPR just jumped back to see the first vote on him in order to pull this BS move and forgot to account for the fact that brett repeatedly stated no votes were counting until everyone had checked in. There's no reason to believe that even if this ridiculous role existed, brett wouldn't follow that same protocol with the role as he did with the actual votes.

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Oh yeah I think it's clear DPR will die and die soon.. the only question is who goes first? This smells like a gambit from a wounded and reeling scum team. Those 2 egomaniacs are just delusional enough to think they could pull something like that off.

Certainly a big possibility, and if anyone was going to do it, it would be these two. Just not sure if they would be so quick to be selling each other out this early on in the process after at least one of them helped play a part in the day one lynch of another scum. Who the hell knows, and I certainly wouldn't lock in CTM as 100% town after this (assuming DPR flips scum), but I see no reason not to start by taking down the guy who's been caught blatantly lying.

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There is a huuuuuuge hole in this reveal. He says that he investigates the first person who votes him and day 1 was Pac "which I figured was a smart move on his part". So he's verifying the CONFIRMED townie but Pac was smart for making that vote on DPR so that DPR could verify him as the confirmed townie? WTF? On top of that, how the hell would Pac know DPR had this role to make this "smart move"? And oh yeah, I just went back to double check and would you look at this, THIS is our first vote of the game:

Lynch all liars.

Vote: DPR

Yup. Verbal... hmmm... Verbal.

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It was Star Wars, and aside from getting Sharrow in my first game with him, it was like the first time I'd ever helped nail scum. Then I played like 157 games without doing it again. Hahaahaa...

Yep, it was Star Wars indeed, when it was you who was the confirmed townie. First two down were Doggin and DPR who were SK and scum respectively. Credit where it's due, you and the rookie cop brett were on absolute fire that game.

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Allright guys, just in case I don't get on early enough... It's time to role reveal. I'm Tara the letter keeper.. I can 100% validate my claim by telling you who I gave a letter to last night,. this person knows they got a letter but not from who. Only I know..

According to Brett this is the most important town role, and scum is searching for me and the people who seen my letters (please note the opening post, which II bumped below)

I was debating lying with a fake claim, but figured I couldn't risk it since I'm a known liar as town..


Now, the person I gave the letter to should keep quiet till after I say there name, but it should be noted, that the people who have seen the letters are also valuable to town


(Player Unknown, Letter owner)

has come across some letters written by John before his death. They confirm a lot of what Jax fears- that people closest to this club plotted to kill John. She isn’t sure what exactly to do with them, so she has decided to gradually let other members of SAMCRO read the letters for themselves.

If the murderers are going to cover up John’s death, then anybody who has seen these letters is a threat. Hopefully Tara can expose the killers before they get to her and the people she has confided in first.

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Yep, it was Star Wars indeed, when it was you who was the confirmed townie. First two down were Doggin and DPR who were SK and scum respectively. Credit where it's due, you and the rookie cop brett were on absolute fire that game.

Still probably my favorite game I've played.

Edit: Actually Lost was my favorite, then Star Wars

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sorry all, couldn't decide how I should play this once DPR put me in the crosshairs... If i lied and they called me on it, apparently it would've been bad for town.. Good news is that I think those who didn't poke holes in DPR's reveal should be looked at closely..

namely, jf80, hess, wwwwormbat

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Easy. Kill DPR, and have the cop view CTM.

Rather than CTM directing the cop, as that dirty pig fart tried to cobble together a setup on me... I'll direct the cop. :)

Actually anyone with a non killing / non roleblocking night action should target me tonight. On the outside changes there's a scum watcher, can better hide the doc..

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How CTM gets the best roles time and again, blows my mind. ******* random.org

I'd rather be roleless ha.. 2 games out of 3 I had scum fake claim as cop with a quilty on me out of nowhere....

and i went a long time without getting good roles, in fact, only been doctor 1 time, and cop 3 times and vig 1 time

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Speaking of slow play, why not just come out and say you're the cop instead of giving up the (supposed) secret of your investigation? Something doesn't add up.


I would add this guy to the list of people trying to influence votes on CTM, not DPR.

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Great find, BG. That should pretty much confirm DPR as scum. It also makes sense why he went after CTM because scum probably found him last night. Definately doc protect him.

that crossed my mind as well, when deciding against fake claiming doctor..

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i guess i can say that "my letters were destroyed" last night.. which basically means I lose a night going to retrieve copies. But the fact that they were destroyed makes me wonder more if DPR or someone is scum did find me

huge fos for hess now, who switched to me after wwombat and pac provided some momentum in that direction.. pac mainly, but of course, he's town :(

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Didn't even bother to check the votes; assumed DPR would have had that part of his reveal down. GJ BG. I was a little puzzled as to why DPR would reveal the mechanics of his role, but I ended up thinking it might have made sense if he didn't want the cop to cc him. Also, I was getting a scum vibe from Chan. But the thing BG caught is big and tbh I didn't much care which of these guys we lynched anyway.


Vote: DPR

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