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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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See I agree and think its suspect too, you spent all of last game calling him a faggot on day 1 and he finds it odd your aggressive this game? A lot of shady posts this game from a lot of people

Calling me a faggot was a joke, casing you and ape on d1 is agressivr.

If anything, this post is shady

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Calling me a faggot was a joke, casing you and ape on d1 is agressivr.

If anything, this post is shady

I dunno dude, he seems more toned down this game then last. Remember the whole trap thing, and ape bashing.. I was seriously thinking he had real life issues last game...

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I dunno dude, he seems more toned down this game then last. Remember the whole trap thing, and ape bashing.. I was seriously thinking he had real life issues last game...

There are two types of aggressive being discussed here.

Crusher being a ******* jerk to me and Brett is aggressive, from a personality standpoint. This is completely inconsequential.

Crusher nudging your train without voting it, and then making it look like the train on you is all my fault is aggressive, from a game play standpoint. Which I think is what Brett is getting at.

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There are two types of aggressive being discussed here.

Crusher being a ******* jerk to me and Brett is aggressive, from a personality standpoint. This is completely inconsequential.

Crusher nudging your train without voting it, and then making it look like the train on you is all my fault is aggressive, from a game play standpoint. Which I think is what Brett is getting at.

This. Can't believe ctm didn't understand that.

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There are two types of aggressive being discussed here.

Crusher being a ******* jerk to me and Brett is aggressive, from a personality standpoint. This is completely inconsequential.

Crusher nudging your train without voting it, and then making it look like the train on you is all my fault is aggressive, from a game play standpoint. Which I think is what Brett is getting at.

Passively nudging a train is aggressive now? I'd say aggressive is leading a train, like he was trying to do last game with his trap and insisting that so and so was scum that he caught in his trap..

Maybe i need a nap, I honestly think you guys are way off here.

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Passively nudging a train is aggressive now? I'd say aggressive is leading a train, like he was trying to do last game with his trap and insisting that so and so was scum that he caught in his trap..

Maybe i need a nap, I honestly think you guys are way off here.

I don't think he's been as passive as you are making it seem. One subtle nudge is passive... he's been very vocal about calling you scummy, but not enough to vote you, but giving plenty of reasons for others to. That is a form of leading a train, without being on it.

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I don't think he's been as passive as you are making it seem. One subtle nudge is passive... he's been very vocal about calling you scummy, but not enough to vote you, but giving plenty of reasons for others to. That is a form of leading a train, without being on it.

but last games trap stuff wasn't aggressive?

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Hi Everyone- I'll be playing the continuation of the game. I won't be going anywhere.

I really don't like what Crusher is doing here. I still think Ape is scum.

Since CTM's train is so high up in count it would be more scummy to push that option rather than vote yourself. It's easy to bury your vote early on, not so much later ont he train.

Vote Crusher.

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I think we are cratering on the vocal players, once again. Is it too much to ask that the people with the unwritten rules about who they will and won't lynch on a D1 reconsider... there are a lot of people under the radar... and the way this is shaping up, I'm guessing people will just jump on my train when the deadline gets closer. Which is fine, but not fair... I'm ******* contributing. I hate that these people with 4-5 posts get a free pass for saying nothing, when players like me who contribute get heat just for being active and responsive. Its the same every game... people willing to respond to other people end up with heat becasue anything can be spun, while scum slides through.

Of the inactive and low activity players, my biggest concerns are Nolder, AVM and Lily. If we are going to let CTM live with this bomb reveal, I am inclined to go back to Nolder who I feel got caught in my trap. (Flame me all you want for the trap bit. I care not.)

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but last games trap stuff wasn't aggressive?

I've seen him do stuff like that before. I don't know if its an indicator of alignment or agenda tbh.

Hi Everyone- I'll be playing the continuation of the game. I won't be going anywhere.

I really don't like what Crusher is doing here. I still think Ape is scum.

Since CTM's train is so high up in count it would be more scummy to push that option rather than vote yourself. It's easy to bury your vote early on, not so much later ont he train.

Vote Crusher.

I don't get this, you agree with the points I'm making on Crusher... but think I'm scum. Hahaha... what a doozy.

Anyway, glad your still playing and condolences once again on the loss.

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I've seen him do stuff like that before. I don't know if its an indicator of alignment or agenda tbh.

I don't get this, you agree with the points I'm making on Crusher... but think I'm scum. Hahaha... what a doozy.

Anyway, glad your still playing and condolences once again on the loss.

I don't neccesarily agree that this is a clear cut "Scum vs town" sort of set-up. Considering the material and the mod, I could see using multiple serial killers in separate settings, not neccesarily working as a team.

Thanks. I appreciate that. Also thank you to everyone else.

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I don't neccesarily agree that this is a clear cut "Scum vs town" sort of set-up. Considering the material and the mod, I could see using multiple serial killers in separate settings, not neccesarily working as a team.

Thanks. I appreciate that. Also thank you to everyone else.

So by calling me scum, I assume you mean you think I'm one of the many SKs in your theory?

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (6) - Hess, Sharrow, JC, SMC, AVM, Song

Ape (3) - Nolder, Lily, Pac

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

Nolder (1) - Ape

Not Voting (4) - Verbal, Smash, Leelou, Brett

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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I think you're not town aligned.

Boy are you wrong. What makes you think so? Is it because you are finally paying attention to a D1 from a townie's point of view, and seeing how shady it looks when I scum hunt? Haha... I always look like a scumdog with the way I approach D1 hunting.

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I caught the flu what my wife and kids had. Fever and throwing up all last night this morning. It's the worst feeling ever. Thought I could read up but like two pages in it's actually making me nauseous. Just a heads up, prob not around for a while.


Feel better.

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Actually, this is going to seem skittish, but I don't care...


Vote AVM

Its obvious Nolder is dodging heat... so I'm moving on to someone else I've got a gut read on. His flirtations with Vic seemed trite to start the game off, and he's gone dark other than to vote CTM when called out by him for inactivity.

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Boy are you wrong. What makes you think so? Is it because you are finally paying attention to a D1 from a townie's point of view, and seeing how shady it looks when I scum hunt? Haha... I always look like a scumdog with the way I approach D1 hunting.

YOu're not my concern right now. I think this conversation is pointless, it's playing right into your post about vocal players. I agree on that and that we tend to kill vocal players and also normally "threatening" players who are quiet. It's always the same people who seem to coast halfway through the game and it's long been my belief to lynch inactives. For now Crusher's move seems like something I'd do as scum. Massage the opinion that "Oh gee this guy is kinda scummy" meanwhile throw my vote elsewhere.

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (6) - Hess, Sharrow, JC, SMC, AVM, Song

Ape (3) - Nolder, Lily, Pac

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Not Voting (4) - Verbal, Smash, Leelou, Brett

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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YOu're not my concern right now. I think this conversation is pointless, it's playing right into your post about vocal players. I agree on that and that we tend to kill vocal players and also normally "threatening" players who are quiet. It's always the same people who seem to coast halfway through the game and it's long been my belief to lynch inactives. For now Crusher's move seems like something I'd do as scum. Massage the opinion that "Oh gee this guy is kinda scummy" meanwhile throw my vote elsewhere.

Agree with you, especially on the points about Crusher.

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I dunno dude, he seems more toned down this game then last. Remember the whole trap thing, and ape bashing.. I was seriously thinking he had real life issues last game...

wow you do care. Now fetch me a bacon biscuit before I stab you with my grapefruit spoon I never use. So its sharp.

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Hey guys, don't know how much I'll be around today.

6 hours of work followed by 4 hours of class, Wednesdays are my worst day. I'll try to sneak on.

for now

Unvote Ape

I could go back, but I want to be present if a lynch on him is going to happen w/ my name on it.

CTM's self-vote + claim adds up strangely in my eye, using the them to help justify eachother. "I self-voted because I am a bomb" aka he was breadcrumbing his reveal.

I also didn't like Song's ninja post of putting him at L1. Crusher is having an agressive D1 which is different. And I want to see Nolder come back and piss off the ape more.

Agree with this...

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Sad :(

Interesting response.

I find myself not liking this post more and more. Normally a coroner report is given specifically to the coroner, so they can decide whether to share or not. It's an interesting thought, but I find it interesting that one is fishing so soon.

But I think the question is why Pac thinks its Smash? There is no way he could know that, so him jumping right out and saying that is suspicious.

But Pac is actually voting for someone who he thinks would do that. WIFOM at it's finest, and completely ridiculous, even if joking.

Song's only other substantial post of the game, imo.

Says a lot, says nothing... but casts a bit of FOS on me... and throws dirt on Pac's case on Smash.

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Vic welcome back...your ideas on the multiple SKs makes sense...IIRC that's the role 80 likes the best...

Ape...I could move back to Nolder fwiw...don't really care if he's new here or that CTM doesn't like running up the FNG...

Next to that I want to

Vote Song

Didn't like the casual vote to put CTM at L-1...if it smells like scum...it prolly is...

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Actually, this is going to seem skittish, but I don't care...


Vote AVM

Its obvious Nolder is dodging heat... so I'm moving on to someone else I've got a gut read on. His flirtations with Vic seemed trite to start the game off, and he's gone dark other than to vote CTM when called out by him for inactivity.

YOu're not my concern right now. I think this conversation is pointless, it's playing right into your post about vocal players. I agree on that and that we tend to kill vocal players and also normally "threatening" players who are quiet. It's always the same people who seem to coast halfway through the game and it's long been my belief to lynch inactives. For now Crusher's move seems like something I'd do as scum. Massage the opinion that "Oh gee this guy is kinda scummy" meanwhile throw my vote elsewhere.

Not even close. Im doing it in the open with multiple post to try and figure things out. You throw a single post out and let it stew. You should know Im town because the ape agrees with you.

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Vic welcome back...your ideas on the multiple SKs makes sense...IIRC that's the role 80 likes the best...

Ape...I could move back to Nolder fwiw...don't really care if he's new here or that CTM doesn't like running up the FNG...

Next to that I want to

Vote Song

Didn't like the casual vote to put CTM at L-1...if it smells like scum...it prolly is...

Yeah, assuming CTM is town for now... AVM and Song's drive-by votes were the stinkiest.

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (5) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, AVM, Song

Ape (3) - Nolder, Lily, Pac

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Song (1) - JC

Not Voting (4) - Verbal, Smash, Leelou, Brett

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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