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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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You stated CTM "fibbed" what lie did you detect?

Stop already. CTM said Lilly was a popular day 1 lynch Sharrow posted a list that said Lilly was never lynched day 1. Thats it. So sad that you guys skim and dont read the thread it was talked about at least twice. Skimming scum skims?

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I support this, unless he has something personal going on. His disappearing act just pisses me off... you'd think after blowing the last game he'd have something to prove.

Unvote, Vote Smash

I'll be back on shortly before the deadline tomorrow.

My dissapearing act ?? I had a back and forth with APE and CTM my life is not freaking Mafia scum you have a problem with that GFY. Funny you should be talking about disappearing acts when you have 10 more posts than me/ Also there are about 8 players who have contributed nothing

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Crusher has been saying CTM lied about Lily being a common 1st day lynch when she hasn't been lynched on day 1.

I think he's stretching it a little bit calling it a lie. I don't doubt that CTM thought she had been lynched before, because I thought the same thing last game before I researched it. That doesn't change how I feel about CTM this game though. His defense of Lily has very little to do with why I'm voting for him now.

Agree100% I was stretching a bit calling it a lie. Just breaking CTM's balls. That's the reason I haven't voted him is because I cna;t tell if it was a drunk lazy burnout thing that he said because Lilly is definately LYNCHABLE every day 1 or an attempt to stop her train. Even as a confirmed people wants to lynch her.

So for me it seems we have

CTM's - The Lilly thing is odd, his reveal is also very convenient.

Leelou- low post count and seemingly weak game material. (DM'er FTW)

Song- swooping vote to put CTM at L1

Those are the vote leaders

Like to add Jetscode for not reading the thread. Lilly for her nudging and then vote with no added material. Monkey because he aint dead yet.

I see Sharrows point on CTM and the more I stew (mmmmmm stew) on it the less and less I like his reveal. Problem is if he is a townie bomb then we have a two player swing possibly three depending on how the night may go.

Leelou used the DM allowable lower content thing pretty good as scum at what I believe was her first game. No doubt something to watch.

Songs swooping L1 vote. Another lite poster from DM that has been an awesome addition to our games but the swooping vote reaks.

Jetscode is like a deaf uncle. "What was that?" "Waht did he say?" Non-reading scumster or lazy?

Have to run the boys to school will have time before deadline to vote.

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Agree100% I was stretching a bit calling it a lie. Just breaking CTM's balls. That's the reason I haven't voted him is because I cna;t tell if it was a drunk lazy burnout thing that he said because Lilly is definately LYNCHABLE every day 1 or an attempt to stop her train. Even as a confirmed people wants to lynch her.

So for me it seems we have

CTM's - The Lilly thing is odd, his reveal is also very convenient.

Leelou- low post count and seemingly weak game material. (DM'er FTW)

Song- swooping vote to put CTM at L1

Those are the vote leaders

Like to add Jetscode for not reading the thread. Lilly for her nudging and then vote with no added material. Monkey because he aint dead yet.

I see Sharrows point on CTM and the more I stew (mmmmmm stew) on it the less and less I like his reveal. Problem is if he is a townie bomb then we have a two player swing possibly three depending on how the night may go.

Leelou used the DM allowable lower content thing pretty good as scum at what I believe was her first game. No doubt something to watch.

Songs swooping L1 vote. Another lite poster from DM that has been an awesome addition to our games but the swooping vote reaks.

Jetscode is like a deaf uncle. "What was that?" "Waht did he say?" Non-reading scumster or lazy?

Have to run the boys to school will have time before deadline to vote.

Call me whatever you want. The fact that you called it a "lie" led me to wonder if there was something more...CTM came across to me as stupid not deceitful.

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I've never been one to post a lot in mafia games. I'm trying to work on it. Also, not used to spamming in games.

CTM's reveal does seem a bit off. As a bomb, I would have done my best to get nked (ask Lily) instead of revealing it out on the thread. It's a good reveal to make and hide behind as scum.

I am keeping my vote on Song because I did not like her vote on CTM. Although I can sympathize with not liking the self vote.

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Call me whatever you want. The fact that you called it a "lie" led me to wonder if there was something more...CTM came across to me as stupid not deceitful.

You are uncle JC, my deaf yet loveable yet somewhat distant yet creepy 3rd favorite uncle. Deal with it. Stupid vs sinister is why I have not voted CTM. But his reveal is very convenient.

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My dissapearing act ?? I had a back and forth with APE and CTM my life is not freaking Mafia scum you have a problem with that GFY. Funny you should be talking about disappearing acts when you have 10 more posts than me/ Also there are about 8 players who have contributed nothing


Post count doesn't mater.

Brett at least made a case on someone and has moved his vote around a bit, giving us some behavior to look at later in the game when things develop some.

You've done NOTHING.

The hissy fits from you and AVM this game because you got prodded to make some sort of contributions are laughable. I'd kill both of you right this moment if I could.

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I've never been one to post a lot in mafia games. I'm trying to work on it. Also, not used to spamming in games.

CTM's reveal does seem a bit off. As a bomb, I would have done my best to get nked (ask Lily) instead of revealing it out on the thread. It's a good reveal to make and hide behind as scum.

I am keeping my vote on Song because I did not like her vote on CTM. Although I can sympathize with not liking the self vote.

You Dm folks just play different and we love having you here.Little less pressure to post constant stupid nonsense is a little perk you guys enjoy. Plus it's nice to have some ladies in the game.

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Again I ask... what's with this Guy and the vote counts, is this normal foe him or a PR?

I can't tell if he's been doing it with every post, I do know its possible he could be doing it to piss me off cause I told him to stop... I also know that the last game I modded, I gave JF80 a role where he was required as a PR to post vote counts, because my lazy a$$ didn't want to do it.

However, I think one of the stipulations when I did it was that he would be punished for posting wrong counts... which Nolderp has done plenty.

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Crush I did not like the way Song came in and put CTM at L-1 at all and I was going to vote her earlier I think I will do that now as Im sure everyone but the APE will realize I Voted him as a Joke.



No, I got it. You are the only one here with no sense of humor, everyone knows that...

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Call me whatever you want. The fact that you called it a "lie" led me to wonder if there was something more...CTM came across to me as stupid not deceitful.

Where were you when Crusher had to defend himself for this the first time? It wasn't exactly a small portion of the thread, it was a pretty big discussion...

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hey guys really sorry I haven't been around

I've been at my friends house and honestly I wasn't prepared for a game that moves this fast

had I been I assure you I could have kept up but at this point I feel I may be too behind to continue

I plan on PMing the mod about it

anyway sorry again

here have a votecount

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

That's dumb. Just skim and play along. Thanks for the vote counts!!!

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Agree100% I was stretching a bit calling it a lie. Just breaking CTM's balls. That's the reason I haven't voted him is because I cna;t tell if it was a drunk lazy burnout thing that he said because Lilly is definately LYNCHABLE every day 1 or an attempt to stop her train. Even as a confirmed people wants to lynch her.

So for me it seems we have

CTM's - The Lilly thing is odd, his reveal is also very convenient.

Leelou- low post count and seemingly weak game material. (DM'er FTW)

Song- swooping vote to put CTM at L1

Those are the vote leaders

Like to add Jetscode for not reading the thread. Lilly for her nudging and then vote with no added material. Monkey because he aint dead yet.

I see Sharrows point on CTM and the more I stew (mmmmmm stew) on it the less and less I like his reveal. Problem is if he is a townie bomb then we have a two player swing possibly three depending on how the night may go.

Leelou used the DM allowable lower content thing pretty good as scum at what I believe was her first game. No doubt something to watch.

Songs swooping L1 vote. Another lite poster from DM that has been an awesome addition to our games but the swooping vote reaks.

Jetscode is like a deaf uncle. "What was that?" "Waht did he say?" Non-reading scumster or lazy?

Have to run the boys to school will have time before deadline to vote.

Not like you keeping it to only 4 players. You shorten the pool when scum. What? You do.

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I've never been one to post a lot in mafia games. I'm trying to work on it. Also, not used to spamming in games.

CTM's reveal does seem a bit off. As a bomb, I would have done my best to get nked (ask Lily) instead of revealing it out on the thread. It's a good reveal to make and hide behind as scum.

I am keeping my vote on Song because I did not like her vote on CTM. Although I can sympathize with not liking the self vote.


This is why I've kept exploring what to do with CTM. He may be a bomb, but he's not coming across as town.

I've tried, and maybe failed, to point out that when he self-voted and planned to ninja bomb one of his voters, it was pretty anti-town plan, that would have likely taken out a townie and could have been a power role.

Which is ironic because the plan I've discussed to run him back up and have Pac hammer would have been the same scenario that CTM was planning, with the added safety of having Pac hammer, who is likely roleless since he volunteered. Yet CTM adamantly protested the plan, despite 12 hours earlier baiting the town with his hysterics into a pretty anti-town ninja hammer blowup scenario. Now, discussing lynching him is something he is spinning as scummy...

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I can't tell if he's been doing it with every post, I do know its possible he could be doing it to piss me off cause I told him to stop... I also know that the last game I modded, I gave JF80 a role where he was required as a PR to post vote counts, because my lazy a$$ didn't want to do it.

However, I think one of the stipulations when I did it was that he would be punished for posting wrong counts... which Nolderp has done plenty.


well I just double checked and it doesn't say I can't tell you guys...so yeah you're dead on

I have a PR that makes me post vote counts

it's kind of annoying and partially why I wasn't talking as much as I normally would

it was hard to keep coming up with excuses to post one

and then I just kind of gave up and hopped people would just think I was being a dick to you

buuut I guess I could've just said so from the beginning

my bad

also my role PM doesn't say they have to be correct...

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

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That's dumb. Just skim and play along. Thanks for the vote counts!!!

Well I intend to from this point on if the mod lets me!

I sent them a PM about it though

until I get a reply I'll just try to play like nothing happened

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

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also I should unvote now since I have no idea whats going on anymore

Unvote: Optimus

edit: **** me forgot the VC

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

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well I just double checked and it doesn't say I can't tell you guys...so yeah you're dead on

I have a PR that makes me post vote counts

it's kind of annoying and partially why I wasn't talking as much as I normally would

it was hard to keep coming up with excuses to post one

and then I just kind of gave up and hopped people would just think I was being a dick to you

buuut I guess I could've just said so from the beginning

my bad

also my role PM doesn't say they have to be correct...

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

Does the PM say you have to post vote counts with EVERY post?

Also, at this point... you've got to have some sort of take on the game other than trying to sell that bogus reasoning you gave for voting me. Break down the game thus far...

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This is why I've kept exploring what to do with CTM. He may be a bomb, but he's not coming across as town.

I've tried, and maybe failed, to point out that when he self-voted and planned to ninja bomb one of his voters, it was pretty anti-town plan, that would have likely taken out a townie and could have been a power role.

Which is ironic because the plan I've discussed to run him back up and have Pac hammer would have been the same scenario that CTM was planning, with the added safety of having Pac hammer, who is likely roleless since he volunteered. Yet CTM adamantly protested the plan, despite 12 hours earlier baiting the town with his hysterics into a pretty anti-town ninja hammer blowup scenario. Now, discussing lynching him is something he is spinning as scummy...

WHich part of being pissed off an not caring if I took out a townie on that night don't you understand?

And discussing lynching me isn't something I said was scummy, what I said was scummy is you trying to arrange it so I and someone other then YOU die. My exact words to you were if you find me scummy, just lynch me and we'll see who dies with me.

You're full of sh*t and spinning my words over an alcohol fueled temper tantrum, it's pretty lame... and scummy

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well I just double checked and it doesn't say I can't tell you guys...so yeah you're dead on

I have a PR that makes me post vote counts

it's kind of annoying and partially why I wasn't talking as much as I normally would

it was hard to keep coming up with excuses to post one

and then I just kind of gave up and hopped people would just think I was being a dick to you

buuut I guess I could've just said so from the beginning

my bad

also my role PM doesn't say they have to be correct...

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

That's dumb too. If you have a PR that says post votes counts. Just write "vote count" or put it in your sig. Problem solved.

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I've never been one to post a lot in mafia games. I'm trying to work on it. Also, not used to spamming in games.

CTM's reveal does seem a bit off. As a bomb, I would have done my best to get nked (ask Lily) instead of revealing it out on the thread. It's a good reveal to make and hide behind as scum.

I am keeping my vote on Song because I did not like her vote on CTM. Although I can sympathize with not liking the self vote.

I had to reveal in thread I was at L2.... Also, I've not confirmed or denied my ability works for a Nk... we've seen it both ways here plenty of times

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WHich part of being pissed off an not caring if I took out a townie on that night don't you understand?

And discussing lynching me isn't something I said was scummy, what I said was scummy is you trying to arrange it so I and someone other then YOU die. My exact words to you were if you find me scummy, just lynch me and we'll see who dies with me.

You're full of sh*t and spinning my words over an alcohol fueled temper tantrum, it's pretty lame... and scummy

I understand it fully. I don't believe you.

What part of that do you not understand. The CTM I know doesn't stomp his feet and ruin a game because he's pissed off, and that was what your claiming you were doing. I don't buy it.

If I'm scummy for calling your reveal convenient, and your "tantrum" insincere and anti-town, then so be it. I don't see it that way A ALL. I think I'm calling it exactly as it is.

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Does the PM say you have to post vote counts with EVERY post?

Also, at this point... you've got to have some sort of take on the game other than trying to sell that bogus reasoning you gave for voting me. Break down the game thus far...

ummm not outright no but there's an implication that if I don't post them often enough I might get modkilled so...better safe than sorry?

also you do realize I fell behind around page 15 or so right?

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

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Just calling you out on being a hypocrite.

I think we're making a mistake if we don't flush this turd today. I think his reveal is bogus unless he's a scum bomb.

Haha.. you're the hypocrite. I'm voting you for the BS add on case you did with Lily.. And I continue to vote you for how defensive you've been over 1 vote.

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Haha.. you're the hypocrite. I'm voting you for the BS add on case you did with Lily.. And I continue to vote you for how defensive you've been over 1 vote.

I think your vote is on Leelou. WTF are you talking about..

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ummm not outright no but there's an implication that if I don't post them often enough I might get modkilled so...better safe than sorry?

also you do realize I fell behind around page 15 or so right?

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

Catch up.

PM the mod and establish ground rules for the post counts.

Play the game, or tell us you are roleless and we'll just lynch you and get the **** out fo this D1 sh*t show.

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