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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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No no I it's just muscle tightness I'm pretty sure. It's happened twice before. Goes away in about a week. I'm fine now. It's not rocking as much as I just get lazy sometimes, I think I'm 20 again as it's not a lot of weight and I dig in a little too far and I as I come up I'll lift with my back instead of my legs. Then bam, mother nature reminds me I'm old and things are falling apart. I tend not to listen as I still never stretch as I know I should.

I prefer just riding on Crusher's back though.

I'm guilty of the same. I pretty much do a few leg swings and I'm squatting. Gonna do Smolov in a month or two. It's going to be INSANE.


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Baby Crusher better end up in the NFL. That's planet theory material. If he doesn't, we'll all blame it on Crusher.

Truth is he's one misfit vagina or injury away from never playing again. Im just thankful for every time I get to see him compete. His work eithic has been crazy lately. I built him a power room in my garage and he has been in their every night.

My other son Sal is waiting on the snow. He supposed to be skiing super G and slalom for Snowshoe ski resort this year.

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Why don't you vomit and slurp it back up. You'll get the same sensation.

you'd love that wouldn't you? want me to video tape it for you daddy?

oh wait no that santino guy is my dad nevermind

you can't be my daddy

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Finally, a kill. Dexter had successfully sedated his victim, and now he laid on the table, wrapped in plastic.

"I've done my due diligence. You're a killer, brother."

"I just want you to know, Dexter, that I didn't kill Debra. But I'm glad she's dead. She's the only thing that stood between you and I being a team."

"I could never kill like you did. You killed innocents."

"None of us are innocents, Dexter."

With that, Dexter plunged a knife into his victim.


Smash, aka Brian Moser, Dexter's brother, aka the Ice Truck Killer (SK, kills at night), is dead.

But that wasn't the only death of the evening.

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Yes, on killing Smash, no on reviving JiF already. Oh well, we got 2 confirmed townies in Song and JiF now.

We should be back to a scenario where we have the cop, and 2 deputies. We lost the tracker. We are down 1 scum, and we are down 1 sk... if the scenes are any indication, there'll be multiple sk, and that could mean a smaller scum team than normal. Or town is stacked on roles.

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1. Vic

2. StraightCash homo (Brett)

3. Lily

4. Jetscode

5. Pac

6. JiF (town, 2nd deputy, 1-time BPV) -- killed D1, revived N2, killed again D2

7. SMC

8. AVM (town, tracker) -- killed N1

9. Leelou

10. Crusher

11. CTM (scum, watcher) -- lynched D1

12. Optimus Primate

13. Sharrow

14. Nolder

15. Hess

16. Smash (SK, night killer) -- killed N1

17. Song

18. Verbal

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