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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Sorry to hear ape, hope everything turns out alll right medically..

that being said, i plan to vote you with a swiftness tomorrow


That being said, GFY... how is that any different that what you've done the rest of this game? I'd think of anyone you, the person that studies my every move, would know that is how I always catch up... but whatever, bring that sh*t to me meng.

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Wasn't the "no harshly insulting females" rule first broken by Ladyfriend when she trampled Pac's pride and dignity into dust in her only game here?

such a gross misrepresentation of the truth.

it was broken when you propositioned her with your gay Ric Flair alter ego.

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That being said, GFY... how is that any different that what you've done the rest of this game? I'd think of anyone you, the person that studies my every move, would know that is how I always catch up... but whatever, bring that sh*t to me meng.

actually I barely read your post, unfortunately my handle CTM tends to stick out when skimming... since you mention me in 50% of your posts I'm forced to pay attention

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Nope, pretty much spot on. You started out all tough acting, she ripped you to shreds and your tail went between your legs pretty quickly

more lies.. like you'd even know anyway.. you spent that game in a peyote daze.

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... and with that, you just bottomed out with me.

oh come on.. my mother and a brother had their gall bladders out.. I kid because I know it's relatively harmless.

you want to hear about when I almost died while playing mafia in 09'? a couple people here know that story.

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oh come on.. my mother and a brother had their gall bladders out.. I kid because I know it's relatively harmless.

you want to hear about when I almost died while playing mafia in 09'? a couple people here know that story.

I want to hear the story about your days with CTM in that singing group.

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oh come on.. my mother and a brother had their gall bladders out.. I kid because I know it's relatively harmless.

you want to hear about when I almost died while playing mafia in 09'? a couple people here know that story.

I do, my lawn looked like sh*t while for almost a week

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oh come on.. my mother and a brother had their gall bladders out.. I kid because I know it's relatively harmless.

you want to hear about when I almost died while playing mafia in 09'? a couple people here know that story.

Yeah, I know - I was just commenting that your joke about my bad joke was also a pretty bad joke... and around and around and around...

What do you mean you almost died playing mafia? Literally WHILE playing like Hess driving 95 mph on teh sidewalks of Vegas in a rented Kia and feverishly pounding the worn off buttons of his blackberry?

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I actually couldn't understand what she said, it came out sorta like, "Wwwoww mmmmmhmmmmhmmmy mmmememememm mmmmamamammammmmmmm" *choke* *choke* "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" *slurp* "mmmmahmmmahamamaahmmmm" *gulp* "ahhHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!."


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