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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Last game my early pressure on you muttle the game early and resulted in me never coming after you. People who survive early pressure sometimes skate at end game. So decided to change up the way Im doing things. Didn;t think a game this big would be served well with a ton of APE/VS Crusher post and scum hiding out behind them. What? Your the only person who can learn from mistakes and change up his game? LOL

Yeah, but he's making a mess of things already. MIght be good to remove him, you know scum wont.

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You and the vivid imigination...anyone dare mentions you're name...and oh noez. lol. And this like the 3rd time that you've accused me of being scummy for making a "unsubstantiated case"...lmfao. LIke there is a single case in the game that can be substantiated right now. lmfao.

Bring it on you ******* pussy. I love watching you look like an idiot. Lynch me you faggot, watch my flip town and we can all point and laugh at your dumb myopic a$$.

I'm down with lynching Dan X, you or wbat at this point.

Dan for dropping an early vote on wbat, watching the train move at light speed and ducking out. Not the townie Dan I know. You because you are spinning like I've never seen...well actually, its kind of similar to what you were doing at the end of the last game. Wbat for info, I've got no read...but think we stand to gain some info from his train.

When I decide its time for you to die, I will come at you. Until then, continue contradicting yourself and sounding like a complete tit with you girlish bravado.

For example... you are saying now for the 2nd or 3rd time that I'm playing like I did when I was scum, you've gone as far as saying "ping"... but you haven't voted me. However, Wombat... you say you have no read on him, and his name is the first out of your mouth in every post. Scum hunter JIF gets a "ping" and he votes that person... trusts his instincts. Scum JIF pushes the flavor of the moment and tries to diffuse whoever is putting heat on him, which is what you've been doing... your saying I'm scummy to the point of getting people to not listen to me, but don't have the conviction to vote me. Even after saying I've "pinged" you. Not a town JIF, imo.

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Yeah, but he's making a mess of things already. MIght be good to remove him, you know scum wont.

What mess am I making exactly? I'm pretty chill right now... and I'm actually scumhunting, unlike you... who is playing the apathy and "for the lulz" card while pushing a train on Wombat (who FOS'ed you) and smearing me (who also FOS'ed you). You've actually brought nothing to the game so far, other than a defense of Lily, pushes against those that FOS you, and a bad act about not caring who gets lynched (except if its Lily).

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When I decide its time for you to die, I will come at you. Until then, continue contradicting yourself and sounding like a complete tit with you girlish bravado.

For example... you are saying now for the 2nd or 3rd time that I'm playing like I did when I was scum, you've gone as far as saying "ping"... but you haven't voted me. However, Wombat... you say you have no read on him, and his name is the first out of your mouth in every post. Scum hunter JIF gets a "ping" and he votes that person... trusts his instincts. Scum JIF pushes the flavor of the moment and tries to diffuse whoever is putting heat on him, which is what you've been doing... your saying I'm scummy to the point of getting people to not listen to me, but don't have the conviction to vote me. Even after saying I've "pinged" you. Not a town JIF, imo.

Hey a$$hole, remember last game when you geared up to case me for "contradicting myself, chaning my opinion and doing a 180" - yeah, you do. ******* moron. This is such a big stretch and you F'ing know it. And everyone reading it knows it too, thats why nobody is listening to your dumb a$$ and you'll continue with your scum MVP ways, that is unless, you are scum...which the more you talk, the more it seems to be the case.

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What mess am I making exactly? I'm pretty chill right now... and I'm actually scumhunting, unlike you... who is playing the apathy and "for the lulz" card while pushing a train on Wombat (who FOS'ed you) and smearing me (who also FOS'ed you). You've actually brought nothing to the game so far, other than a defense of Lily, pushes against those that FOS you, and a bad act about not caring who gets lynched (except if its Lily).

No, you're not scum hunting and you are far from chill. You have 500 posts in this game filled with your normal poop slinging bull sh*t that made you the scum MVP you are. gfy

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FYI, still working on the replacement. only problem is pretty much everyone who's out of the game at this point has some sort of additional info on the setup, which is obviously an issue. Nolder would have been the best bet, but I had PMed him the dead thread and he admitted he had already looked at it, so no dice there.

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Bleedin, I think the best bet is to wait until a townie dies. Also, did you try Leelou or did you send her the dead thread also?

As to the game, I prefer 80, but see no reason to keep WWWWombat alive unless he reveals something important.

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Bleedin, I think the best bet is to wait until a townie dies. Also, did you try Leelou or did you send her the dead thread also?

As to the game, I prefer 80, but see no reason to keep WWWWombat alive unless he reveals something important.

That's probably what's going to happen, but figured I'd try some other options in the meantime. Leelou saw the dead thread as well.

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FYI, still working on the replacement. only problem is pretty much everyone who's out of the game at this point has some sort of additional info on the setup, which is obviously an issue. Nolder would have been the best bet, but I had PMed him the dead thread and he admitted he had already looked at it, so no dice there.

How about sending a PM to theguyingreenandwhite? He seemed interested. Why not throw him right into the fire?

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No, you're not scum hunting and you are far from chill. You have 500 posts in this game filled with your normal poop slinging bull sh*t that made you the scum MVP you are. gfy

Butthurt, you are. Stop acting like I kicked you in the pussy...

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How about sending a PM to theguyingreenandwhite? He seemed interested. Why not throw him right into the fire?

I haven't seen the dead thread but that's actually a good idea... it would be a little much to ask someone to read through all those pages of garbage to try and catch up.

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Bleedin, I think the best bet is to wait until a townie dies. Also, did you try Leelou or did you send her the dead thread also?

As to the game, I prefer 80, but see no reason to keep WWWWombat alive unless he reveals something important.

Day 1 you preferred WWWWombat...today you prefer 80...something change or just a hunch?

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As you walk along the hallway, you turn out into a huge open area. You look around you and see nothing but big open areas with a loooong way to drop all around you, and tiny little walkways in between. It seems as though they may lead to one of the power terminals for the main reactor. This seems like as good of place as anyway to stop for today, and see if there's anything here that can help you on your path to destroying the Death Star. You all start to settle down, when you notice something weird. Song looks a little different now, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Didn't Song used to be a girl? Weird. Well either way, from here on out he's asked you to call him Theguyingreenandwhite. I guess that works.

Day two continues...

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As you walk along the hallway, you turn out into a huge open area. You look around you and see nothing but big open areas with a loooong way to drop all around you, and tiny little walkways in between. It seems as though they may lead to one of the power terminals for the main reactor. This seems like as good of place as anyway to stop for today, and see if there's anything here that can help you on your path to destroying the Death Star. You all start to settle down, when you notice something weird. Song looks a little different now, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Didn't Song used to be a girl? Weird. Well either way, from here on out he's asked you to call him Theguyingreenandwhite. I guess that works.

Day two continues...

Welcome brother. So awesome .

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Everyone please welcome our newest member to the mafia family. I gave him a quick breakdown of what's going on, but didn't want to get into too much detail of this particular game. If everyone could just catch him up and help him out as needed, it would be most appreciated. Thanks.

thanks BG sounds like this could be fun

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