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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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what about AVM,hess,smash and 80 any thoughts

80 put out he wasn't scum. Made me feel better as no lie detector has died. I'm hoping we still have one. AVM has been scatterbrains but he doesnt fake well. He seemed sincerely happy after scum deaths. I would strongly bank on smash beig town as what turned from a joke into a great town play. I really hope Smash is with me and knows what I'm talking about as unconventional as it was. I think it totally mind****ed scum and possibly won us the game.
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I think a tell was she's roleless. Something I've done as scum w out a lie detector dead. Leave out the townie part.

I am a roleless townie.

Stephen (the boyfriend) has to have an mri done and see a urologist(?) They gave him super strong pain pills for now though which will pretty well knock him out. :\ They think it might be a hernia in his testicle area. He was doubled over in pain and near tears it was so bad. :( Thanks for the well wishes bro and Hess.

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I am a roleless townie.

Stephen (the boyfriend) has to have an mri done and see a urologist(?) They gave him super strong pain pills for now though which will pretty well knock him out. :\ They think it might be a hernia in his testicle area. He was doubled over in pain and near tears it was so bad. :( Thanks for the well wishes bro and Hess.

Sorry to hear that, hope everything works out ok!!

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Also a roleless townie would not have played the middle so much. She would have taken more of a stand as she really wouldnt care.. Love u Nae.

I agree with this. I'd think a roleless townie would be more interested in pushing people or might have some idea of who's scum.

The last time she cast a vote was over a week ago ... joining my train when momentum began to swing that way.

I'm for the Dan votes. She's been hit and miss active and is deadly as scum like that cause people tend to forget about her and then BAM.

Vote DAN

She unvoted when it lost steam a few days later, and pretty much all week it's just been quick not-really-taking-a-side posts here and there.

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