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Hunger Games Mafia GAME THREAD


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As day broke, the tributes found more than one dead body on the ground. Finally.

"Why do I have to wear this silly unisex uniform" Migs says to him/her/self. Maybe if the Gamemakers were more sure this issue could have been avoided. Regardless, it no longer matters.

Migs has been killed.

"This game freakin sucks" SMC says to himself. "One vs 17 is totally unbalanced. And I'm hungry." He is too busy complaining he doesn't even notice the arrow flying at him.

SMC has been killed.

Meanwhile, another tribute recovers from a savage beating that night. If it wasn't for that handy first-aid kit, the tribute would have never survived.

D3 has begun.. There are a certain number of players alive. 12? I need to check.

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1. BG

2. Pac

3. Leelou

4. Tina

5. OP -- Killed Night 1

6. JC

7. AVM

8. Migs -- Killed Night 2

9. Vic -- Killed Day 2

10. JF80

11. Womchowd

12. Jif

13. Sharrow

14. SMC -- Killed Night 2

15. Nolder -- Lynched Day 1

16. Christine

17. Smash -- Lynched Day 2

18. Crusher

12 Alive it looks like to me

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Hah, I was just writing it up... should be in your inbox.

Ape's advice on branding:

"Buy things that are Apple. Apple has pretty colors and makes things that are shiny. Also, other apple-loving hipster girls with the hairy armpits will compliment your identical Apple products. If you Apple device is over 3 months old, the best branding decision you can make is buying the newer, also identical, version that was just released. If you have to wait in line for less than 24 hours to pick it up, it may not be worth it however. If this is the case, please take to twitter and hashtag #AppleBoner."

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Ape's advice on branding:

"Buy things that are Apple. Apple has pretty colors and makes things that are shiny. Also, other apple-loving hipster girls with the hairy armpits will compliment your identical Apple products. If you Apple device is over 3 months old, the best branding decision you can make is buying the newer, also identical, version that was just released. If you have to wait in line for less than 24 hours to pick it up, it may not be worth it however. If this is the case, please take to twitter and hashtag #AppleBoner."

Way too much effort for something that didn't pay off as funny.

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